Pétur Einarsson


The Grandad
Sound Designer
Gudjón has led a safe life. Suddenly faced with retirement and growing older, he is forced to take a good, hard look at his marriage. A dramatic but often lighthearted story about life at a crossroads and the meaning of it all.
После трагической гибели сына в семье Карла и его жены Дроплауг наступают нелёгкие времена. Мать запирается в себе, отец притворяется, будто ничего не произошло, а дочь Гера, окружённая плакатами рок-кумиров ушедшего брата, тёмными вечерами льёт слёзы. Однажды в его комнате сестра находит одинокую гитару, перебирает струны, и жизнь делает новый аккорд — Гера становится металлисткой…
Polite People
A desperate city slicker engineer cheats his way into a small farming community, pretending to know how to save them by re-financing their slaughterhouse not knowing that he's walking into a local world war of small-town politics and general misbehaving.
Ravens, Buttercups and Myrrh
After Lára, 13, loses both her father and brother in an accident, she discovers that her father used to be a member of a theatre group at a local theatre. In order to keep his memory alive, she joins the company. The company consists of eccentric and playful elders who introduce Lára to the magic of theatre and the importance of play. While Lára struggles to piece together the fractured life she now shares with her mother, she decides to help the company in their attempt to save the theatre with a big hit play. But evil and corrupt forces want it gone forever.
The Messanger
Páll thinks he is just like everyone else, that is until he begins to have vivid visions about life after death. At first he has a open mind about them, but discovers through them an evil plot. The visions show him a spree of killing of important people within society. A panic ensues, and Páll gets tangled in a plot with powerful people and a cult that could destroy society.
Sleep in Heavenly Peace
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The Nail
Robert is an important man with big responsibilities. One day he has an accident that blurs the border between the man and the beast within. Robert acts out and suffers the consequences.
Sound Re-Recording Assistant
A young boy wakes up to almost a dreamlike reality. He cannot find his parents. Then suddenly everything seems very wrong.
The Box of Chocolates
Ragnar, straight out of hospital, orders a taxi-driver around Reykjavik in order to find a three layered chocolate box. He wants to repay a nurse for her good service at the hospital. After each unsuccessful stop at various grocery stores, his daughter, Hrönn, gets increasingly agitated in the back seat of the cab. Tension between father and daughter build to a peak, and it becomes crucial for Hrönn to confront her father for the first time in her life.
Some people have to live their lives on a constant look out for snakes. Some even have to wear boots all the time. But people in Iceland have the privilege of just wearing whatever shoes they want – without any worries.
Úti í mýri
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Одиннадцать мужчин вне игры
Главный герой, исландская футбольная звезда, Оттар, решает признаться всем, в том числе и родителям, что он — гей! Ему хочется славы, хочется оказаться на первых страницах журналов. Но это сразу приводит к проблемам. Исландия — небольшая страна, и гомофобов в ней предостаточно. Его семья в ужасе, сразу начинает искать «лекарства» для сына, сын подвергается остракизму. Но к счастью, все же в стране не одна футбольная команда, и Оттар даже решает создать свою собственную футбольную команду, состоящую из геев и доброжелательно относящихся к геям футболистов…
Wine of the House
A short film about how everything that can go wrong goes so bad that going wrong takes on a new meaning.
Ной - белая ворона
17-летний Ной живет на краю света, в маленькой исландской деревушке на берегу холодного фиорда, отгороженной от мира мрачными горами. Ной мечтает бежать из этой ледяной тюрьмы вместе с Айрис, городской девушкой, работающей на местной автозаправке…
Full House
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Ljós heimsins
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Танцующая в темноте
Dialogue Editor
Знаете ли Вы, что такое камера обскура? Это пропасть, обрывающая мир солнечного света и теней и ввергающая в царство мрачной, черной пустоты. Отчаяние, страх, недоумение и… надежда, ведь надежда, как известно, всегда умирает последней. Или вовсе не умирает… И музыка, звучащая отовсюду.
101 Рейкьявик
Pabbi Magga
Двадцатипятилетний безработный Хлинур живет вместе с матерью. Один раз в неделю в уик-энд он ночует у подружки, а в понедельник возвращается домой. Однажды мать приводит домой свою подругу Лолу (преподавательницу танцев), а сама уезжает на несколько дней…
Set in present-day Reykjavík, Fiasco draws a narrative circle of interconnecting stories in which three members of the Bardal household deal with the secret loves in their lives. Karl, an old age pensioner, is busy chasing after an amnesic old screen legend. Julia, Karl's granddaughter, is torn between a mediocre bank manager and a wild sailor, and tells them both she is pregnant. But is she really? Steingerdur, Julia's mother, has a wild crush on a preacher who has a serious drinking problem, and ends up with a dead stripper in his Jacuzzi. The characters cross each other as the film progresses, until the three interwoven strands of the story finally come together in an explosive and hilarious crescendo full of surprises.
Out of the ash and into the fire
A streetsweeper finds a unconscious woman while cleaning the streets and decides to help her out by bringing her to his home, but little does he know that the woman is lives a life of crime.
In the middle ages a small Greenlandic boy comes drifting with an Iceberg to a remote and superstitious settlement in Iceland and is believed to be an evil spirit by his looks. He saves a young boy from an avalanche and they become friends. The young Icelandic boy has to fight for his friends existence against the ignorant villagers, who want him imprisoned or even killed
The Beatle
Gunnar owns a car sale where he works everyday, and even lives there along with his two sons, and his ex-girlfriend.
Ангелы вселенной
Пол влюбился в девушку, но ее родители запрещают им встречаться. У Пола — шизофрения, он попадает в психиатрическую лечебницу. Будучи наделен талантами художника и поэта. Он отождествляет себя с героями Шекспира и Ван Гогом. Друзья Пола по клинике — Оли, у которого телепатический контакт с «Битлз» и эрудит Виктор, которому временами кажется, что он — Гитлер. Пытаясь скрасить ужас холодной исландской жизни, троица время от времени сбегает из больницы и наведывается то в гости к президенту, то в самый фешенебельный ресторан Рейкьявика.
Old Spice
Sound Editor
There is an old barbershop in the center of town. This is where Einar has cut hair for half a century or so. He has seen good times and bad times but independent from contemporary tendencies, he has always maintained his own style, but in recent years he has had to deal with the inevitable, his customers grow older, and one by one they slowly disappear. One day they simply don’t show up for their scheduled haircut. But what happens when one of his customers keeps coming after he is dead.
Leap Year
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Fyrsti íslenski blúsarinn
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Pretty Angels
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SSL-25 (Special Squad Laugarnesvegur 25)
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Nóttin, já nóttin
12 hours in the life of a young man who has just received bad news which change everything.
Broken Glass
Maria is somewhat of a rebel and problem child. Her mother died and her father remarried some awful lady, and Maria isn't happy at all. She takes a drug overdose and winds up in a home for other girls with problems, but the two women who run the place turn out to be not quite the ladies they seemed. Maria knows she can't stay there very long, and starts planning her escape.
Полет ворона
Slaver with heavy knife
Юный ирландец вступает на берег Исландии, чтобы по прошествии двадцати лет жестоко отомстить двум братьям, предводителям могущественных кланов викингов, убивших его отца и похитивших его сестру. Скалистые берега становятся свидетелями коварного заговора, приведшего к столкновению воинов двух общин, беспощадному истреблению их семей и восстановлению попранной справедливости.
The Fishing Trip
On a sunny summer day a Range Rover stumbles across the lava and moss down to lake Þingvallavatn. A husband and wife step out of the vehicle along with their children, fishing partner and his daughter. While the men fish and the wife enjoys the sun the children notice a man that seems to have something to hide.
God bless this house
A couple are going through a divorce, but once one of their children gets injured they start taking care of it, and maybe each other also.
Story of a Murder
Herra B
Middle aged bourgeoisie couple lives a loveless life along with their beautiful eighteen year old daughter. The man has a passionate desire for the girl who in fact is not his real daughter but the fruit of an affair of the woman early in the marriage. This leads to tragic events.