Marina Stepanska


Wir, Europa
Art Direction
Animated short film about the book by the French author Laurent Gaudé "Nous, l'Europe. Banquet des Peuples" (Wir Europa. Fest der Völker) what was awarded the European Book Prize in 2019. In a long poem and a language in free verse, between poem and narrative, Gaudé reviews the development of the European idea since the mid-19th century - and defends it with virtuosity. The press described the work as "an ode to the past 150 years of European history".
Wir, Europa
Animated short film about the book by the French author Laurent Gaudé "Nous, l'Europe. Banquet des Peuples" (Wir Europa. Fest der Völker) what was awarded the European Book Prize in 2019. In a long poem and a language in free verse, between poem and narrative, Gaudé reviews the development of the European idea since the mid-19th century - and defends it with virtuosity. The press described the work as "an ode to the past 150 years of European history".
A visual comedy about overcoming cliches in cinema and in life. A desaturated girl tries to get her color back, until she meets someone who changes her perception of herself and the world around her.
A visual comedy about overcoming cliches in cinema and in life. A desaturated girl tries to get her color back, until she meets someone who changes her perception of herself and the world around her.
Киев, зима 2013-2014 годов, зима, которая изменила все. 27-летний музыкант Антон возвращается из учебы в Швейцарии в родную страну. Он подавал большие надежды, считался подлинным гением. Но это давление губительно повлияло на парня, он его просто не выдержал и пристрастился к алкоголю. Целых 5 месяцев Антон избавлялся от алкогольной зависимости в одном из психоневрологических больниц Киевщины. Теперь он должен учиться жить заново, как и вся страна. В Киеве он встречает вроде бы обычную девушку Катю, живущую на мрачной Троещине. Девушка готовится поехать в Берлин со своим парнем, но встреча с Антоном меняет ее планы. Когда весь мир рушится вокруг, можно построить свой собственный лучший мир.
Киев, зима 2013-2014 годов, зима, которая изменила все. 27-летний музыкант Антон возвращается из учебы в Швейцарии в родную страну. Он подавал большие надежды, считался подлинным гением. Но это давление губительно повлияло на парня, он его просто не выдержал и пристрастился к алкоголю. Целых 5 месяцев Антон избавлялся от алкогольной зависимости в одном из психоневрологических больниц Киевщины. Теперь он должен учиться жить заново, как и вся страна. В Киеве он встречает вроде бы обычную девушку Катю, живущую на мрачной Троещине. Девушка готовится поехать в Берлин со своим парнем, но встреча с Антоном меняет ее планы. Когда весь мир рушится вокруг, можно построить свой собственный лучший мир.
Camera Operator
Lustration - a story of the struggle of Yehor Soboliev, the 'chief lustrator of the country', to pass the Ukrainian bill on government lustration, and the importance of creating the Lustration Committee.
Camera Operator
From its first days, the Euromaidan was guarded by Self-Defense - the volunteers who maintained order and security by working in shifts. Now most of them serve in the National Guard of Ukraine, and the rest have created self-defense squads in cities and villages all over Ukraine and maintain public order. The Odesa Self-Defense revealed a scheme for smuggling fuel via the sea port to the occupied territories of the Donbas.
Man's Work
The 37-year-old man is working for a Corporation, which is engaged in illegal occupation of rural land. Leaving for another "object", he discovers a huge unfinished cathedral at the infinite field. He needs to decide what to do with the cathedral, as well as to subdue a farmer who rightfully owns the land.
Man's Work
The 37-year-old man is working for a Corporation, which is engaged in illegal occupation of rural land. Leaving for another "object", he discovers a huge unfinished cathedral at the infinite field. He needs to decide what to do with the cathedral, as well as to subdue a farmer who rightfully owns the land.
Man's Work
The 37-year-old man is working for a Corporation, which is engaged in illegal occupation of rural land. Leaving for another "object", he discovers a huge unfinished cathedral at the infinite field. He needs to decide what to do with the cathedral, as well as to subdue a farmer who rightfully owns the land.
A man and a woman meet during a calm autumn day in the middle of Crimean field. By the end of their journey we realize that their meeting was destined.
Docufiction story of young people from nowhere, a story about anatomy of a break-up and finding yourself.
Docufiction story of young people from nowhere, a story about anatomy of a break-up and finding yourself.
Camera Operator
Docufiction story of young people from nowhere, a story about anatomy of a break-up and finding yourself.
Docufiction story of young people from nowhere, a story about anatomy of a break-up and finding yourself.
Docufiction story of young people from nowhere, a story about anatomy of a break-up and finding yourself.