Production Design
17-летний Ной живет на краю света, в маленькой исландской деревушке на берегу холодного фиорда, отгороженной от мира мрачными горами. Ной мечтает бежать из этой ледяной тюрьмы вместе с Айрис, городской девушкой, работающей на местной автозаправке…
Production Design
In the middle ages a small Greenlandic boy comes drifting with an Iceberg to a remote and superstitious settlement in Iceland and is believed to be an evil spirit by his looks. He saves a young boy from an avalanche and they become friends. The young Icelandic boy has to fight for his friends existence against the ignorant villagers, who want him imprisoned or even killed
In the middle ages a small Greenlandic boy comes drifting with an Iceberg to a remote and superstitious settlement in Iceland and is believed to be an evil spirit by his looks. He saves a young boy from an avalanche and they become friends. The young Icelandic boy has to fight for his friends existence against the ignorant villagers, who want him imprisoned or even killed
Production Design
Пол влюбился в девушку, но ее родители запрещают им встречаться. У Пола — шизофрения, он попадает в психиатрическую лечебницу. Будучи наделен талантами художника и поэта. Он отождествляет себя с героями Шекспира и Ван Гогом. Друзья Пола по клинике — Оли, у которого телепатический контакт с «Битлз» и эрудит Виктор, которому временами кажется, что он — Гитлер. Пытаясь скрасить ужас холодной исландской жизни, троица время от времени сбегает из больницы и наведывается то в гости к президенту, то в самый фешенебельный ресторан Рейкьявика.
Art Direction
Benjamin Dove is a story of a group of friends who form their own little round table of knights. The first thing they see in the morning is what they are to be called. Benjamin saw a dove first thing, hence, Benjamin Dove. However problems start to occur as some boys are outcast, some are kicked out, new gangs are created, rivalry and chaos ensue and finally it ends with a death. A death no one in the sleepy town expected.
Production Design
A modern businessman surrounded by all the trappings of success, picks up a beautiful woman who is hitchhiking along a lonely stretch of road in the south. Quiet, mysterious, the woman is an artist on the way to Meðalland to sketch. Always ready to take advantage of an opportunity, the young man adjusts his itinerary to help the beautiful artist, and with luck, he thinks, help himself add another notch to his sexual belt. But all is not what it seems in this world. The question arises as to whether all the expensive aids of modern affluent society can help him avoid what appear to be forces that transcend time - or is it all imagination, or hallucination, or both?