In small-town British Columbia, Canada, awkward teen Mike Drinkwater has trouble fitting in and is bullied by his antagonist and rival: wealthy school jock, Luke Ryan. While Mike's offbeat father, Hank, spends more time defrauding the government than being a role model; Hank is dealing with his own longstanding condemnation by Luke's father Wesley Ryan, which seems to fuel Luke's hostility towards Mike. Enter Wallace, a young girl from the United States who is adjusting to life in a new place while recovering from her own personal tragedy. Wallace's strength of character helps transform her life and the lives of the people around her.
Четверо друзей наслаждаются отдыхом на свежем воздухе. Но неприятный инцидент заставляет компанию броситься на перегонки со временем в сторону цивилизации. Все для того, чтобы спасти самое главное в жизни любого парня.
таршеклассник Алекс Трулав — отличник, президент класса и со всех сторон идеальный ученик. Он встречается с очаровательной Клэр, и впереди у него светлое будущее. Но всё меняется, когда он знакомится с харизматичным Эллиотом, который заставляет Алекса задуматься о собственной сексуальной ориентации.
Orthak is a troubled young orc whose only enjoyment is playing "HumanTown", a fantasy board game about modern human life. By some miracle, he manages to teleport to his dream and witness firsthand - the struggle, beauty and horror of real-life "HumanTown". A city with relatable "human" problems such as: crime, mad scientists and spontaneous head explosions.
Orthak is a troubled young orc whose only enjoyment is playing "HumanTown", a fantasy board game about modern human life. By some miracle, he manages to teleport to his dream and witness firsthand - the struggle, beauty and horror of real-life "HumanTown". A city with relatable "human" problems such as: crime, mad scientists and spontaneous head explosions.