Pat Billingsley


В основе сюжета — борьба полиции с королем преступного мира, знаменитым гангстером Аль Капоне, которого, как известно, удалось засадить за решетку лишь как лицо, уклоняющееся от уплаты налогов. В Чикаго 1931 года криминальная жизнь бьет ключом. Для того, чтобы остановить хладнокровного и неуязвимого Аль Капоне, правительством создана специальная команда «неприкасаемых». Герои Роберта Де Ниро и Шона Коннери вступают в смертельную схватку.
One More Saturday Night
Mr. McGrath
The problems faced by both teenagers and adults in a small Minnesota town who are trying to get dates for a Saturday night.
The Dollmaker
Cooper (as Patrick Billingsley)
During World War II, hard-luck farmer Colvis Nevels leaves his rural Kentucky home to take a factory job in bustling Detroit. Reluctantly accompanying Colvis is his long-suffering wife, Gertie, a talented woodcarver set in her traditional ways. When the perils of city life and Colvis' reckless squandering of money send the Nevels into precarious financial straits, Gertie starts a business making hand-carved dolls in order to provide for her family.
The Last Leaf
Dr. Winchester
An Easter Parable: As lingering pneumonia takes her will to live, a young girl decides that she will die when the last leaf drops from a dying vine outside her window. Her neighbor, an elderly artist frustrated by his inability to paint what is in his heart, follows the example of the Savior and makes the ultimate sacrifice to save her life. In doing so, he creates the masterpiece he has been struggling to paint.
Мой телохранитель
Biology Teacher
Клиффорд Пич вместе с отцом и бабушкой переезжает жить в Чикаго. Здесь для мальчика все необычно — дома, люди, атмосфера. Да и в школе новичку приходится несладко: взрослые ребята издеваются над ним и отнимают деньги. Но Клиффорд находит выход из ситуации: он нанимает здоровяка Линдермана, которого боится вся школа, своим телохранителем…
Flesh & Blood
Older Official
A young street-tough-turned-boxer struggles to reach the top while finding his romance with an attractive TV reporter is complicated by an incestuous relationship with his mother.
Dr. Morris
The real-life account of an illiterate, deaf-and-mute, black youth who was accused of murdering a prostitute, and the relationship that developed between him and his court-appointed attorney, who also was deaf, and the events leading up to his precedent-setting trial.