Romain Poirier


Стейк от кутюр
Чарли — редактор модного журнала, она красива и успешна. В наследство ей достается семейный бизнес — мясная лавка в Париже. Девушка, привыкшая к модным показам и фотосессиям, не знает, что с ней делать и мечтает от нее поскорее избавиться. Пока не знакомится с Марсиалем — красавцем-мясником, работавшим у ее отца. Могут ли полные противоположности влюбиться?
Volcano: What Does a Lake Dream?
Sound Designer
Volcanoes erupt from the depths of the boiling earth to the surface of the celluloid film, to create a new abstract cinematographic language.
Париж — это мы
Sound Recordist
Анна не успевает на рейс в Барселону, где она должна была встретиться с Грегом. Осуществлявший этот рейс самолет разбивается. Избежав смерти, Анна уходит прочь от реальности, а Париж становится зеркалом ее волнительного состояния.
Silence of the Sirens
Sound Designer
Finding inspiration in Kafka’s short text The Silence of the Sirens, in which he reinterprets Homer’s deadly songstresses as silent apparitions, Diana Vidrascu has created the mesmerising portrait of Céline, a young actress from Martinique living in Paris and struggling to find her place in the world. As she returns to her roots in order to explore her identity, we take the trip with her in this intimate story of origins and destinations.
Sound Editor
Amine is fifteen, a high school kid like any other. He has a girlfriend, Lou, and lives an ordinary life. One day, he has a bicycle accident, another one. This time, a young woman offers him a helping hand. She says his injured knee needs looking after, it's not a pretty sight. She lives nearby, so she takes him to her place. She's very relaxed with him, natural, sure of herself, happy in a world where everything seems so easy. He feels close to her, and finds her attractive. But is he attracted to her, or to this world that is so foreign to him? When he leaves, he notices that her apartment can be seen from the street, so he makes a plan to spy on her every day.
Sound Recordist
Amine is fifteen, a high school kid like any other. He has a girlfriend, Lou, and lives an ordinary life. One day, he has a bicycle accident, another one. This time, a young woman offers him a helping hand. She says his injured knee needs looking after, it's not a pretty sight. She lives nearby, so she takes him to her place. She's very relaxed with him, natural, sure of herself, happy in a world where everything seems so easy. He feels close to her, and finds her attractive. But is he attracted to her, or to this world that is so foreign to him? When he leaves, he notices that her apartment can be seen from the street, so he makes a plan to spy on her every day.
A young African migrant’s first couple of hours on a European beach.