Commissioner Cordero
A group of girls from a humble little town in the middle of the desert disappears systematically without the police or the authorities taking action on the matter. Families desperately seek help, but are faced with bureaucracy, discrimination and total abandonment.
Pascal has a dream of turning an abandoned house into a cultural center. Secretly, Manuel, his boyfriend, begins to use the house for other purposes. Tomás, a traveler who falls in love with Pascal, tells him about Manuel's manipulation, so they plan to leave together. Thomas unexpectedly disappears, causing Pascal to go into deep paranoia and blame everyone who lives in the house. In the end, Pascal manages to get out of the house that is about to collapse.
Когда-то Марину звали Даниэль, и она была мужчиной. Но как бы она ни менялась внешне, внутри она все равно женщина. И через десять дней она отправится со своим возлюбленным, Орландо Онетто, на водопады Игуасу. Жизнь вносит свои коррективы: Орландо просыпается с сильной головной болью, Марина успевает довезти его в больницу, но оказывается поздно. Орландо мертв, а Марину подозревают в его смерти. С этого момента для женщины начинается череда унижений.
Несколько страниц из биографии чилийского поэта, заслужившего своим творчеством всемирную славу, а своими взглядами — политическую травлю на родине. Ретивый полицейский начинает преследовать Неруду, когда тот на заре холодной войны критикует власть и воспевает коммунизм.
Journalist 2
When enemy members of the two main Chilean soccer teams, Azul and Paloma meet in a fight after a soccer game they fall in love at first sight. They run away through the night in the streets of Santiago, while two groups search for them, when they meet, happens the inevitable.
Фильм повествует о путешествии по странам Латинской Америки, совершенном в 1952 году Эрнесто Че Геварой и его другом Альберто Гранадосом. Он рассказывает о жизни простых латиноамериканцев и о том, как под воздействием увиденного у Че Гевары зарождаются основы его идеологии.
Baldomero Lillo
Lota, 1897. In the depths of the largest coal mine in the world, a great rebellion is brewing inside a man's heart.
In Santiago, Chile, the schoolteacher Luisa proposes a debate about sex with the parents of her students with the intention of giving classes about sex education to the youngsters.
When the Chilean officials lift the ban on harvesting the shellfish "el loco" (which purportedly is an aphrodisiac) in the seaside village of Puerto Gala greed and lust take hold. Greed is embodied by Carlos Maldonato, "El Canuto," who attempts to buy all of the shellfish for a Japanese company, and by a traveling band of prostitutes that accompany the influx of fishermen. El Canuto also wrangles to get into good stead with an old flame, Sonia, who is now the proprietor of "La Pincoya," a local restaurant. But "el loco" proves more effective, and more damaging, than anyone could have guessed.
After a long absence, Negro Torres returns to his hometown, in Cunco, to attend his mother's funeral. There, his old cronies propose him to set up a business to buy seafood and then sell them. After improvising the preparations and returning to the town with the seafood, they face a big surprise