Toyah Frantzen


Родовое проклятие
Бен и Шарлотта собираются уехать из Англии, когда девушка узнаёт, что беременна. Неожиданно мать Бена оказывается категорически против их отъезда. Вскоре Бен погибает в результате странного несчастного случая, а убитую горем Шарлотту привозят в огромный фамильный особняк его семьи. Странная одержимость матери Бена ее еще не родившимся ребенком, пугающие видения, а главное, невозможность покинуть этот дом — все это сводит Шарлотту с ума, заставляя подозревать страшное.
A Dark Path
On their way home from a party in eastern Europe, sisters Abi and Lily get lost. With no signal and an unreliable GPS, they try to navigate their way out using road signs. Along a narrow road, through a deep forest, their front tire suddenly blows out. With no spare or cell service, they are completely cut off. Soon they discover that this is no ordinary forest and there is a reason no cars come up here, for the locals know of what lives deep in the woods and if they’re woken, there is nowhere to run.
In Another Life
Our once beautiful homeland had become uninhabitable. Too dangerous to walk the streets, drive a car, visit friends. Many had already left Syria. Risking their lives on the open water. Giving all we had to the ruthless, opportunists who trade in the currency of human misery. We all spent what little money we had to reach anywhere, a safe place, a new life away from the bloodshed, the bombing, the murder. Europe was meant to offer us hope. Yet the borders closed one by one. We gave up everything, left all we had behind. Living on hand outs, with no shelter, no money and now no hope. I am here, trapped in Calais Jungle. I don’t know where my wife is. The police treat us like animals. They beat us and spray us with teargas everyday. We cannot move forward, we cannot go back. We have to get out of here. I look into the eyes on this camp and I can see it; The blank emptiness of desperation. In another life I was a teacher. Now I’m a refugee. My name is Adnan.
After a dangerous trip to Africa, investigative journalist, Alex Black, returns home to discover her friend has gone missing. Suspicious of coincidence and worried for her friend's safety, she sets out to find her, But what Alex discovers leads her deeper into the horrifying machinations of a Trans-humanist cult hell bent on destroying the world.