Cliff King


Розовая пантера
Camera Operator
Гигантский бриллиант «Розовая пантера», подаренный индийским шейхом своей дочери Дале, станет той наживкой, на которую должен клюнуть грабитель.Расставляя свои хитроумные сети, полицейский и не подозревает, что сам в них попадет, ведь у его жены есть любовник, как раз тот самый «Фантом», которого инспектор безуспешно старается поймать.
Soldier in the Rain
First Assistant Camera
Maxwell Slaughter is a kind, heavyset guy who has reached the rank of master sergeant in the army. Admired by handsome young Sgt. Eustis Clay, Slaughter forms a close bond with his peer. Clay hopes to convince Slaughter to join him in a business venture outside of the service, but, in the meantime, he introduces the older officer to the beautiful young Bobby Jo Pepperdine, inadvertently creating trouble for both men.
Twilight of Honor
First Assistant Camera
A young lawyer defends a drifter accused of murder that he has already confessed to. He asks a retired, legendary lawyer for help.
The Private Lives of Adam and Eve
Assistant Camera
A modern couple dream that they are Adam and Eve.