Un invité (uncredited)
Summoned by his mother to plead, a very young lawyer has a trio of pathetic criminals acquitted. The daughter of one of them reveals to the lawyer that the three accomplices hoped to find food and board in prison. For the beautiful eyes of the young girl, Master of La Bastide attaches the three rogues to his service. Disasters, confusion, clumsiness follow one another until the planned wedding.
Pierre risks being taken advantage of by an agency that sets up financial scams, he escapes thanks to Marcelle, the secretary of the director of the agency, who is a childhood friend. She does her best to keep the young man away from the scams of his boss. However, the director, in love with Marcelle and jealous of Pierre, succeeds in trapping and ruining him. Marcelle will then denounce him to the police, but before being arrested he will kill her.
Bastien and Furet are a journalist and a photographer working together as a team on the newspaper 'L'Echo du Jour'. Just as they are about to go off on a weekend break with Micky, their boss's secretary, they are sent to a crime scene to report the murder of a Russian named 'le Moujik'.
The novelist Loïc Limousin knew the turbulent past of Marie-Martine and he extracted the material for a novel from which the young girl risks paying the price. After the drama that had thrown her in prison, she met a brave boy ready to make his life with her. Will the scandal separate them?
Леди Дюмон переезжает из своей квартиры на улице Дюрантин, 102, на улицу Пикпюс. Когда она открывает шкаф, который принесли грузчики, выпадает труп женщины. Расследование в тупике. Инспектор Амадье, некомпетентен, должен уступить место комиссару Мегрэ, который инкогнито отдыхал в кампании под псевдонимом М. Альберт. Мегрэ начинает с допроса жильцов улицы Дюрантин; нуждающийся романист Арно де Бедарье встретился с жертвой незадолго до совершения преступления. В здании напротив, старик также, похоже, был свидетелем убийства, но... он слепой, и его тоже убили. Тайна сгущается с появлением некоего Маскувина, который случайно обнаружил в кафе на Монмартре следующую надпись, повторенную в прессе: «Сегодня, в 6 часов утра, я убью гадалку. Подпись Пикпюс.» Преступление происходит на самом деле, до 18 ч 05.
Un membre de l'association
Stuck in Angoulême between her uncle, who composes classical music, and her aunt, who is a fan of contemporary music, young Irène finds life boring. Fortunately, there is swing music which illuminates her days. So when, one day, Raymond Serre and his swing orchestra come to Angoulême, she seizes the opportunity to slip the copy of a song she has written into the pocket of one of the musicians. The trouble is that while she is doing so, the train she has boarded pulls out.
un conseiller
Mireille, a Frenchwoman, marries a westernized Turkish diplomat and, thinking that she will live a dream life in an Arabian Nights setting, follows him back to his native country, only to discover that, in a staunchly traditional society, she will not be a free woman there any longer.
In the village of Sableuse, the local manor has been bought out by a nouveau riche, Emile Cousinet. When his wife Lisette, a former music hall actress, flees to Paris with young Pierre de Sableuse, Cousinet asks Father Pellegrin, the village vicar, to bring the lost sheep back home.
Un prisonnier
Первая мировая война. Самолет французских летчиков Морешаля и Больде сбит немецким асом фон Рауффенштайном, но оба пилота остались живы и попали в лагерь для военнопленных. Там же находятся несколько британских офицеров, с которыми новички объединяются в работе над тоннелем для побега. После победы французов на Западном фронте Морешаля, Болдье и остальных французских военнопленных переводят в другую тюрьму, где комендантом назначен их «старый знакомый» фон Рауффенштайн. Комендант тепло встречает французов, замечая, что из «его» тюрьмы побег невозможен…
A student at Lesueur
Narcisse is a doorman for a jeweler but dreams of becoming a private detective. The Criminas agency hires him and he comes to the aid of his former boss's nephew, accused of stealing jewelry. He first passes for the accomplice of the young man but soon discovers the culprit.
Aline's father encourages his daughter's extra-marital love affair with a rich Argentinian. Aline's husband meets a little dancer, Marie, who looks like his wife. Marie is the daughter of a former friend of Aline's father. The two young women perform a dance number, the Argentinian is ruined and the spouses are reconciled.
A banker threatened by gangsters is replaced by a tramp who is his perfect double. The gangsters arrest the fake banker and take him for a madman.
An exiled Prince living in Paris, begins a dalliance with an opera singer before returning to his wife.
A Mandarin hypnotises his partner's daughter to locate hidden bonds.
The daughter of a poor clergyman wins £500 and goes to find happiness on the Riviera.