Neighbor 1
Нью-йоркское жаркое лето 1977 года. Несколько лет назад писательница Джун Ли выпустила популярный роман, а теперь у неё обострение — она живёт в захламлённой квартире бабушки и страдает от агорафобии. Покупки из магазина ей доставляет курьер, и как-то раз приезжает сестра помочь навести порядок. По радио твердят об орудующем в городе маньяке, а в домофон Джун постоянно кто-то звонит и молчит.
Greeter (Modern Memes)
The sadistic CEO of a 'multi-faceted' media company creates new schemes to profit.
CNN Cameraman (uncredited)
Фильм расскажет об американском тренере Джо Патерно, оказавшемся в 2011 году в центре сексуального скандала, связанного с педофилией, после чего он был увольнен с поста главного тренера Университета штата Пенсильвания.
After losing his father, a teenage boy decides to continue the family business and deliver pizza by bicycle during the zombie apocalypse.
Swim Dad
After the molestation of his son, a father struggles with his need to seek revenge and the fear that feeds his inability to do so.
Gun Dealer
After John’s absent father is struck by a stray bullet, Primo takes it upon himself to verse the young boy in the code of the streets—one founded on respect and upheld by fear. A member of the Bloods since the age of twelve—both in the film and in reality—the streets of Brooklyn are all Primo has ever known. While John questions whether or not to enter into this life, Primo must decide whether to leave it all behind as he vows to become a better husband and father. Set during those New York summer weeks where the stifling heat seems to encase everything, Five Star plunges into gang culture with searing intensity. Director Keith Miller observes the lives of these two men with a quiet yet pointed distance, carefully eschewing worn clichés through its unflinching focus. Distinctions between fiction and real life remain intentionally ambiguous, allowing the story of these two men to resonate beyond the streets, as they face the question of what it means to be a man.