Dwayne Johnson

Dwayne Johnson

Рождение : 1972-05-02, Hayward, California, USA


Дуэйн Джонсон - американский рестлер и киноактёр, известный также под псевдонимом Скала (англ. The Rock) родился 2 мая 1972 года, Хейвард, США. С 1996 года по 2004 год выступал в World Wrestling Federation/Entertainment (WWF/E). С 2011 года вновь работает в WWE, нерегулярно выступая в основном на бренде Raw. Является восьмикратным чемпионом WWF/E, двукратным чемпионом WCW, двукратным интерконтинентальным чемпионом WWF и пятикратным командным чемпионом WWF. Также является шестым чемпионом Тройной короны и победителем Королевской битвы 2000 года. В 2000 году Джонсон написал автобиографическую книгу «The Rock Says», которая дебютировала на первом месте в списке бестселлеров New York Times. С 2001 года он начал сниматься в кино, а в 2002 году исполнил главную роль в фильме «Царь скорпионов». Его гонорар в 5,5 миллионов долларов был занесён в Книгу рекордов Гиннесса как наивысший гонорар за первую главную роль. Кроме того, Джонсон снялся в таких фильмах, как «Мумия возвращается», «Широко шагая», «Сокровище Амазонки», «Doom», «Зубная фея», «Копы в глубоком запасе», «G.I. Joe: Бросок кобры 2», «Геракл», а также в киносерии «Форсаж». Родился 2 мая 1972 года в городе Хейвард (штат Калифорния) в семье известного рестлера Соулмена Рокки Джонсона и промоутера Аты Майвиа. Семья матери имеет полинезийское происхождение и происходит с островов Самоа, отец происходит из чёрных новошотландцев. Дед по материнской линии Хай Чиф Питер Майвия также был рестлером, а бабушка Лиа Майвиа руководила рестлерским промоушеном Polynesian Pacific Pro Wrestling с 1982 по 1988 год. В детстве некоторое время жил в Окленде, Новая Зеландия с семьёй матери. В Окленде посещал начальную школу Ричмонд Роад. Позже переехал в Гонолулу, Гавайи, где проучился до 11 класса в старшей школе имени президента Уильяма Мак-Кинли. Перед 11 классом родители переехали в Бетлехем, Пенсильвания, где он посещал старшую школу Бетлехем Фридом. Здесь он стал играть в американский футбол за школьную команду, а также был членом школьной команды по лёгкой атлетике и борьбе. По окончании школы многие университеты предлагали ему поступить к ним, и Джонсон выбрал Университет Майами, который предложил ему стипендию, включающую полное содержание. Джонсон производил хорошее впечатление на тренеров и товарищей по команде и считался одним из многообещающих игроков. Однако, в то же время в «Майами Харикейнс» пришёл Уоррен Сэпп — будущая звезда НФЛ, который играл на той же позиции, что и Дуэйн. За 4 года в «Харикейнс», Джонсон вышел на поле в 39 играх, из которых всего в одной в стартовом составе. В 1991 году он вместе с футбольной командой стал победителем национального чемпионата NCAA. Джонсон окончил обучение в университете в 1995 году, получив степень бакалавра по криминологии и психологии. По окончании университета он подписал трёхлетний контракт с командой «Калгари Стампидерс» из Канадской футбольной лиги, но, отыграв всего сезон, получил травму спины и вынужден был окончить карьеру профессионального футболиста. Дуэйн Джонсон является хорошим другом актёра и бывшего губернатора Калифорнии Арнольда Шварценеггера. Считается, что Джонсон узнал о гибели Усамы Бен Ладена раньше, чем большинство американцев. Его намекающее на это событие сообщение в Twitter было опубликовано задолго до официального заявления и вызвало резонанс в СМИ


Dwayne Johnson
Dwayne Johnson
Dwayne Johnson
Dwayne Johnson
Dwayne Johnson
Dwayne Johnson
Dwayne Johnson
Dwayne Johnson
Dwayne Johnson
Dwayne Johnson


WWE WrestleMania 40 (Night 2)
The Rock
It Takes Place at the Lincoln Financial Field
WWE WrestleMania XL Kickoff Press Event
The Rock
Dwayne “The Rock” Johnson, Roman Reigns, Cody Rhodes and more WWE Superstars kick off The Road to WrestleMania XL in Las Vegas.
Once Upon a Studio
Maui (voice)
Created for Disney's 100th anniversary, the short sees Mickey Mouse corralling a gallery of legendary Disney characters for a group photo.
Форсаж 10
Luke Hobbs (uncredited)
Дом Торетто и его семья становятся мишенью для мстительного сына наркобарона Эрнана Рейеса.
Hitman Hart: Wrestling with Shadows (25th Anniversary Special Edition)
25th anniversary special edition! It’s 1997, and the World Wrestling Federation is facing fierce competition from Ted Turner’s World Championship Wrestling. When the legendary Bret “The Hitman” Hart is offered a lucrative opportunity to jump ship to the WCW, WWF mastermind Vince McMahon appeals to his sense of loyalty and lures him back with a 20-year contract. But when McMahon abruptly reneges on the deal, Hart reconnects with the competition, paving the way for one of the most notorious events in the history of professional wrestling: the Montreal Screwjob. Widely hailed as the greatest wrestling documentary of all time, Hitman Hart: Wrestling with Shadows is an engrossing look at the life and career of Bret Hart and the Hart dynasty. Granted unprecedented access to the secret world of wrestling, director Paul Jay presents a real-world narrative far more dramatic than any story created for the ring.
Чёрный Адам
Спустя почти 5 000 лет после того, как он был наделен всемогущими силами египетских богов и так же быстро заключен в тюрьму, Черный Адам освобождается из своей земной гробницы и готов обрушить свою уникальную форму правосудия на современный мир.
Чёрный Адам
Black Adam / Teth Adam
Спустя почти 5 000 лет после того, как он был наделен всемогущими силами египетских богов и так же быстро заключен в тюрьму, Черный Адам освобождается из своей земной гробницы и готов обрушить свою уникальную форму правосудия на современный мир.
Black Adam: Saviour or Destroyer?
Ahead of the release of upcoming fantasy film ‘Black Adam’, sit down with Dwayne Johnson as he discusses his starring role as the eponymous superhero.
Starrcast V: The Roast of Ric Flair
He is a 16-time world heavyweight champion. He is universally recognized as one of the greatest professional wrestlers ever to set foot in the squared circle. He is a larger-than-life personality who was ahead of his time, and yet continues to have a major influence in today’s pop culture. He has been the main event in countless arenas around the world, and on Friday, July 29th, just two days ahead of his final match ever, live from World Famous Nashville Fairgrounds, “The Nature Boy” Ric Flair will once again be the headlining act, but this time he will take center stage at STARRCAST V for “The Roast of Ric Flair.”
Пес Крипто — лучший друг Супермена, обладающий такими же внеземными способностями, как и его хозяин. Вместе они отважно борются с преступностью в Метрополисе. Но когда Супермена и других членов Лиги справедливости похищают неизвестные злодеи, Крипто приходится подготовить новых помощников, а именно разношерстную компанию животных из приюта, которые неожиданно обрели суперсилу. Сможет ли пушистая Лига суперпитомцев спасти Супермена, а заодно и весь мир?
Krypto the Superdog (voice)
Пес Крипто — лучший друг Супермена, обладающий такими же внеземными способностями, как и его хозяин. Вместе они отважно борются с преступностью в Метрополисе. Но когда Супермена и других членов Лиги справедливости похищают неизвестные злодеи, Крипто приходится подготовить новых помощников, а именно разношерстную компанию животных из приюта, которые неожиданно обрели суперсилу. Сможет ли пушистая Лига суперпитомцев спасти Супермена, а заодно и весь мир?
The Rock and the Guac
Tired of the verbal abuse of fans, Nikocado decides to go to the world of Minecraft and take revenge on The Rock, what follows will shock you, Waltuh.
The Rock and the Guac
Tired of the verbal abuse of fans, Nikocado decides to go to the world of Minecraft and take revenge on The Rock, what follows will shock you, Waltuh.
The Rock and the Guac
Action Director
Tired of the verbal abuse of fans, Nikocado decides to go to the world of Minecraft and take revenge on The Rock, what follows will shock you, Waltuh.
The Rock and the Guac
Tired of the verbal abuse of fans, Nikocado decides to go to the world of Minecraft and take revenge on The Rock, what follows will shock you, Waltuh.
The Rock and the Guac
The Rock (himself) / Black Adam
Tired of the verbal abuse of fans, Nikocado decides to go to the world of Minecraft and take revenge on The Rock, what follows will shock you, Waltuh.
Summer Game Fest 2022
A fan-first celebration of the future of video games, featuring world premiere new game announcements and first looks at the latest games from the world's biggest video game developers.
Красное уведомление
Действие фильма начинает своё развитие в тот момент, когда подходит к своему завершению выпущенное Интерполом «Красное уведомление». Оно предполагает высший ордер, требующий активизировать охоту и поимку самых разыскиваемых в мире людей. В центре истории оказывается опытный сотрудник ФБР по имени Джон Хартли. За свою карьеру он провёл немало задержаний. И в этот раз ему кажется, что всё пройдёт гладко. Но Хартли ошибается.
Красное уведомление
John Hartley
Действие фильма начинает своё развитие в тот момент, когда подходит к своему завершению выпущенное Интерполом «Красное уведомление». Оно предполагает высший ордер, требующий активизировать охоту и поимку самых разыскиваемых в мире людей. В центре истории оказывается опытный сотрудник ФБР по имени Джон Хартли. За свою карьеру он провёл немало задержаний. И в этот раз ему кажется, что всё пройдёт гладко. Но Хартли ошибается.
Never Forget: WWE Returns After 9/11
The Rock
In the aftermath of Sept. 11, 2001, as terror and tragedy dominated the media landscape, WWE provided a beacon of hope with a live edition of SmackDown. This documentary explores the preparation of the historic event that brought unity to a country when it was needed most.
Из самых недр
Переплетенные в тугие узлы ветви деревьев; приходящая в движение карта звездного неба; огненная магма, извергаемая вулканом Килауэа на Гавайях; агрессивный электронный шум, перетекающий в спотыкающийся бит.
Главный герой
Bank Robber #2 (voice)
У сотрудника крупного банка всё идёт по накатанной, пока однажды он не выясняет, что окружающий его мир — это часть огромной видеоигры, а сам он в ней — всего лишь второстепенный персонаж. Хватит ли у него духу переписать свой код, обратить на себя внимание прекрасной девушки и, наконец, спасти мир? Одним словом, получится ли из него главный герой?
Круиз по джунглям
Хитростью и немалой сноровкой раздобыв бесценную карту верховьев Амазонки, бойкая археолог Лили Хоутон отправляется в экспедицию, чтобы найти волшебное дерево, цветок которого — согласно легенде — обладает невероятными целебными свойствами. Прихватив с собой младшего брата, который не в восторге от перспективы поездки в дикие джунгли, девушка нанимает проводника — капитана круизного пароходика по имени Фрэнк. Вся компания пускается в приключение, где их подстерегают не только смертельно опасные представители амазонской флоры и фауны, но и ловушки, подстроенные участниками конкурирующей экспедиции.
Круиз по джунглям
Frank Wolff
Хитростью и немалой сноровкой раздобыв бесценную карту верховьев Амазонки, бойкая археолог Лили Хоутон отправляется в экспедицию, чтобы найти волшебное дерево, цветок которого — согласно легенде — обладает невероятными целебными свойствами. Прихватив с собой младшего брата, который не в восторге от перспективы поездки в дикие джунгли, девушка нанимает проводника — капитана круизного пароходика по имени Фрэнк. Вся компания пускается в приключение, где их подстерегают не только смертельно опасные представители амазонской флоры и фауны, но и ловушки, подстроенные участниками конкурирующей экспедиции.
Biography: “Stone Cold” Steve Austin
The Rock
Traces the story of the man who became WWE's biggest star in the 90s. "Stone Cold" Steve Austin's authentic, fiery personality epitomized WWE's "Attitude Era" and transformed him into a pop culture icon. After nearly being paralyzed by a neck injury, Austin made one of the greatest comebacks in WWE history. He was inducted into the WWE Hall of Fame in 2009.
Meeting Stone Cold
Dwayne "The Rock" Johnson
WWE Superstars and Legends will recall their first impressions of 'Stone Cold' Steve Austin. The Undertaker, Ric Flair, Booker T and many others will recount a slew of unforgettable moments and memories they shared with Austin throughout the last 30 years.
My Way: The Life and Legacy of Pat Patterson
The Rock
Pat Patterson and those who knew him best look back at his unlikely path to the top of sports-entertainment. From growing up a poor kid in Montreal, to finding fame in San Francisco and New York City and working side-by-side with Vince McMahon, Pat became the celebrated creative force behind some of the greatest moments and matches in WWE history.
30 Rock: A One-Time Special
A new, original remotely-produced event that will also double as an upfront special for the NBCUniversal properties.
The Rock's Most Electrifying Matches
The Rock
Know your role and watch The Rock layeth the smackdown on his greatest rivals. Featuring classic collisions with "Stone Cold" Steve Austin, Triple H, Undertaker, John Cena, Kurt Angle and Hulk Hogan.
Джуманджи: Новый уровень
Пытаясь спасти Спенсера, снова попавшего в игру, туда же отправляются и остальные. К их удивлению, правила Джуманджи изменились, и более того - на этот раз в игру затянуло дедулю Спенсера и его престарелого друга Майло. Чтобы выполнить задания и вернуться домой, друзьям предстоит отправиться в путешествие по ранее неизведанным и таинственным уголкам Джуманджи – от засушливой пустыни до заснеженных гор.
Джуманджи: Новый уровень
Dr. Smolder Bravestone
Пытаясь спасти Спенсера, снова попавшего в игру, туда же отправляются и остальные. К их удивлению, правила Джуманджи изменились, и более того - на этот раз в игру затянуло дедулю Спенсера и его престарелого друга Майло. Чтобы выполнить задания и вернуться домой, друзьям предстоит отправиться в путешествие по ранее неизведанным и таинственным уголкам Джуманджи – от засушливой пустыни до заснеженных гор.
Форсаж: Хоббс и Шоу
Люк Хоббс – американский элитный спецагент, он любит удобную спортивную одежду, большие пикапы и здоровое питание. Декард Шоу – британский пижон, бывший сотрудник разведки, предпочитает дорогие костюмы, спортивные авто и пабы. Эти двое терпеть друг друга не могут. Но если кто-то угрожает их семьям, они готовы пойти на всё. Даже на работу в команде
Форсаж: Хоббс и Шоу
Luke Hobbs
Люк Хоббс – американский элитный спецагент, он любит удобную спортивную одежду, большие пикапы и здоровое питание. Декард Шоу – британский пижон, бывший сотрудник разведки, предпочитает дорогие костюмы, спортивные авто и пабы. Эти двое терпеть друг друга не могут. Но если кто-то угрожает их семьям, они готовы пойти на всё. Даже на работу в команде
Trish & Lita – Best Friends, Better Rivals
The Rock
An interview with Trish Stratus, an interview with Lita, 23 matches of their most memorable matches between the year 2000 and their in-ring returns to WWE in 2018, a couple of non-wrestling segments on top, Trish’s Hall of Fame induction speech, and Lita’s Hall of Fame induction speech too!
Executive Producer
В каждом из нас живет супергерой, нужна лишь толика магии, чтобы он проявил себя. Билли Бэтсон должен прокричать всего лишь одно слово - ШАЗАМ - чтобы из сообразительного четырнадцатилетнего мальчишки превратиться во взрослого супергероя Шазама.
Борьба с моей семьей
В центре сюжета семья Бевис: бывший рестлер Патрик, его жена Джулия и их дети Зак и Сарайя. Они устраивают живые выступления на маленьких площадках, разъезжая по стране. Зак и Сарайя мечтают стать известными и попасть в международную ассоциацию рестлинга.
Борьба с моей семьей
Dwayne 'The Rock' Johnson
В центре сюжета семья Бевис: бывший рестлер Патрик, его жена Джулия и их дети Зак и Сарайя. Они устраивают живые выступления на маленьких площадках, разъезжая по стране. Зак и Сарайя мечтают стать известными и попасть в международную ассоциацию рестлинга.
Mickey’s 90th Spectacular
A star-studded lineup of music, film and television stars will join the celebration of Mickey Mouse on Mickey's 90th Spectacular. The two-hour television event honoring 90 years of the internationally beloved character will feature appearances by actress, activist and mom Kristen Bell (Disney's Frozen), actress and Hollywood Records/Republic Records recording artist Sofia Carson (Disney's Descendants, Freeform's upcoming Pretty Little Liars: The Perfectionists), two-time Emmy® Award-winning actor Tony Hale (Veep, Arrested Development), and actress Sarah Hyland (ABC's Modern Family), as well as special musical performances by Josh Groban, NCT 127, Leslie Odom Jr., Meghan Trainor and Zac Brown Band. Mr. Iger will make a special appearance during the evening's festivities.
Executive Producer
A veteran stuntman sets out to complete the jump that bested his idol Evel Knievel: clearing the Snake River Canyon in a rocket-powered craft.
WWE: 30 Years of SummerSlam
For over three decades, the WWE Universe gets fired up by the hottest event of the summer, SummerSlam! Now relive those incredible moments with WWE’s 30 Years of SummerSlam. Who could forget the Ladder Match featuring The Rock and Triple H or the insane Boiler Room Match between Undertaker and Mankind? From Ultimate Warrior’s first championship victory to the personal rivalry of Charlotte Flair and Sasha Banks, this set highlights the event’s greatest milestones. Welcome to The Biggest Party of the Summer! Welcome to 30 Years of SummerSlam!
Will Sawyer
Самый высокий и технологичный небоскрёб в мире становится центром огненной катастрофы. Только бывший агент ФБР, а теперь эксперт по безопасности Уилл Сойер может спасти вертикальный город под небесами. Когда нельзя доверять никому, а жизнь семьи в опасности, каждая секунда на счету.
Самый высокий и технологичный небоскрёб в мире становится центром огненной катастрофы. Только бывший агент ФБР, а теперь эксперт по безопасности Уилл Сойер может спасти вертикальный город под небесами. Когда нельзя доверять никому, а жизнь семьи в опасности, каждая секунда на счету.
Executive Producer
Приматолог Дэвис Окойи предпочитает держаться подальше от людей и дружит с Джорджем, удивительно умным альфа-самцом — гориллой, которого он воспитывал с самого рождения. Но вышедший из-под контроля генетический эксперимент превращает послушную обезьяну в яростного монстра. Более того, вскоре обнаруживается, что существуют и другие модифицированные хищники. Пока свежесозданные чудовища превращают в руины Северную Америку, стирая с лица Земли все, что попадается у них на пути, Окойи вместе с опальным генным инженером пытается изобрести антидот, прорываясь по бесконечному полю боя не только, чтобы предотвратить глобальную катастрофу, но и спасти бесстрашное существо, которое когда-то было его другом.
Davis Okoye
Приматолог Дэвис Окойи предпочитает держаться подальше от людей и дружит с Джорджем, удивительно умным альфа-самцом — гориллой, которого он воспитывал с самого рождения. Но вышедший из-под контроля генетический эксперимент превращает послушную обезьяну в яростного монстра. Более того, вскоре обнаруживается, что существуют и другие модифицированные хищники. Пока свежесозданные чудовища превращают в руины Северную Америку, стирая с лица Земли все, что попадается у них на пути, Окойи вместе с опальным генным инженером пытается изобрести антидот, прорываясь по бесконечному полю боя не только, чтобы предотвратить глобальную катастрофу, но и спасти бесстрашное существо, которое когда-то было его другом.
Джуманджи: Зов Джунглей
Executive Producer
На этот раз в полном опасностей и приключений мире Джуманджи оказываются четверо подростков. Их ждет схватка с носорогами, черными мамбами, а на каждом шагу будет подстерегать бесконечная череда ловушек и головоломок. Чтобы пройти игру и остаться в живых, им придется перевоплотиться в персонажей игры: робкий и застенчивый Спенсер превращается в отважного и сильного исследователя, здоровяк Фридж – в заучку-коротышку, модница и красавица Беттани – в профессора, а неуклюжая и нескладная Марта становится бесстрашной и ловкой амазонкой. Друзьям придется привыкнуть к совершенно новым и таким непривычным для себя ролям и найти дорогу домой.
Джуманджи: Зов Джунглей
Dr. Smolder Bravestone
На этот раз в полном опасностей и приключений мире Джуманджи оказываются четверо подростков. Их ждет схватка с носорогами, черными мамбами, а на каждом шагу будет подстерегать бесконечная череда ловушек и головоломок. Чтобы пройти игру и остаться в живых, им придется перевоплотиться в персонажей игры: робкий и застенчивый Спенсер превращается в отважного и сильного исследователя, здоровяк Фридж – в заучку-коротышку, модница и красавица Беттани – в профессора, а неуклюжая и нескладная Марта становится бесстрашной и ловкой амазонкой. Друзьям придется привыкнуть к совершенно новым и таким непривычным для себя ролям и найти дорогу домой.
WWE: 30 Years of Survivor Series
On Thanksgiving Day, 30 years ago, WWE’s second pay-per-view event was born with a new twist, teams of five were pitted against each other and strived to survive. Over the course of the next three decades, Survivor Series evolved into one of the greatest spectacles on the WWE calendar, where championship matches, iconic face offs, and unforgettable moments take place. Join WWE Home Video as we count down the 30 greatest moments from 30 remarkable years of Survivor Series.
1997: Dawn of the Attitude
The Rock (archive footage)
The year was 1997. Bill Clinton was president of the United States, pop groups like The Backstreet Boys and the Spice Girls were dominating the music charts, and WWE was experiencing an era of great transformation. It was the birth of attitude and WWE was pushing the limits of entertainment like never before. For the first time ever, Shawn Michaels, Mick Foley, Ron Simmons, The Godfather, and Kane, sit together with host Renee Young and share their behind-the-scenes experiences during those unforgettable years in WWE history. Witness the rise of Stone Cold Steve Austin, the birth of D-Generation X, the summer of The Hart Foundation, and how The Attitude Era was created with one pivotal year in WWE history. Welcome to 1997: Dawn of the Attitude.
Kurt Angle: The Essential Collection
The Rock (archive footage)
It's true! It's true! Kurt Angle has had some of the most epic matchups in WWE history. Now for the first time ever, you can watch them all with Kurt Angle: The Essential Collection. Relive all of his rivalries with Stone Cold Steve Austin, The Rock, John Cena, Edge, Shawn Michaels, Triple H and more in this complete collection.
The Words That Built America
Reader - Declaration of Independence
In recognition of the 4th of July, several celebrities and politicians of differing ideologies join to read the historic documents which laid the foundation for the United States of America.
Спасатели Малибу
Executive Producer
Группа пляжных спасателей работает на побережье Тихого океана. Они всегда находятся на своём посту и охраняют отдыхающих от несчастных случаев на воде. Главный герой, опытный спасатель Митч Бьюкеннон, и его молодой коллега Мэтт Броди случайно узнают, что их пляж находится под угрозой исчезновения. Большая нефтяная компания собирается разрушить побережье, преследуя личные интересы руководства, крепко завязанные на финансах.
Спасатели Малибу
Mitch Buchanan
Группа пляжных спасателей работает на побережье Тихого океана. Они всегда находятся на своём посту и охраняют отдыхающих от несчастных случаев на воде. Главный герой, опытный спасатель Митч Бьюкеннон, и его молодой коллега Мэтт Броди случайно узнают, что их пляж находится под угрозой исчезновения. Большая нефтяная компания собирается разрушить побережье, преследуя личные интересы руководства, крепко завязанные на финансах.
WWE: Best of the 2000's
The Rock
The 2000s was an exciting time for WWE. The Attitude Era was reaching its conclusion, new Superstars were beginning to make their presence known, and for the first time in history, both Raw and SmackDown had their own unique rosters. Now you can relive this period of sports entertainment with WWE's Best of the 2000s. Featuring Superstars such as John Cena, Triple H, Batista, Chris Jericho, Edge, Stone Cold Steve Austin, The Rock, Booker T, Shawn Michaels, Undertaker and more!
Форсаж 8
Luke Hobbs
Пристегните ремни — гонка продолжается. Гавана, Берлин, Нью-Йорк, для самой крутой команды в мире нет ничего невозможного, пока они вместе. Но когда на их пути окажется одна из самых красивых женщин на планете и по совместительству королева киберпреступности, дороги друзей разойдутся…
Rock and a Hard Place
A look at the Miami-Dade County Corrections and Rehabilitation Boot Camp Program, which allows young inmates undergo a strict six-week course in order to learn from their past mistakes and make a better future for themselves.
WWE: WrestleMania Monday
The Rock
The history of the most exciting Monday Night Raw of each year, the night after WrestleMania. Featuring the greatest matches, and memorable moments over the past 20 plus years.
Voice of the Islands
A behind-the-scenes look at the creation of Walt Disney Animation Studios' MOANA, as aided by the Oceanic Story Trust.
Gone Fishing
Maui (voice)
Gone Fishing is an animated short featuring the characters of Disney's 2016 animated film Moana. On Motunui, Maui tries to catch a fish with his magical fishhook, only to be comically foiled by the ocean.
WWE: The True Story of The Royal Rumble
The Rock
For nearly 30 years, both WWE Superstars and WWE Universe members alike begin their road to WrestleMania at Royal Rumble, an over-the-top-rope, free-for-all battle where the winner is given a one-way ticket to the showcase of the immortals. For the first time ever, WWE brings you behind-the-scenes to get the unique story of the monumental January event from those who created it and the Superstars who have competed in the Royal Rumble match. Get all the history, get all the stories, and learn The True Story of the Royal Rumble.
Millennials: The Musical
The Rock & Lin-Manuel Miranda present "Millennials: The Musical," a loving satire of musical theater and millennial culture. It tells the surprisingly uplifting story of a privileged Brooklynite, Crystal, whose world comes crumbling down when she loses her phone.
Millennials: The Musical
The Rock & Lin-Manuel Miranda present "Millennials: The Musical," a loving satire of musical theater and millennial culture. It tells the surprisingly uplifting story of a privileged Brooklynite, Crystal, whose world comes crumbling down when she loses her phone.
Escape from Calypso Island
Duke Fontana
Dwayne "The Rock" Johnson and Seven Bucks Productions bring you "Escape From Calypso Island", a 360-degree virtual reality adventure!
Escape from Calypso Island
Executive Producer
Dwayne "The Rock" Johnson and Seven Bucks Productions bring you "Escape From Calypso Island", a 360-degree virtual reality adventure!
Maui (voice)
Действие происходит 2000 лет назад, в островах Тихого океана. Дочка вождя, 14-летняя мечтательница Моана Ваялики, чтобы найти свою семью, отправляется в путешествие по океану в поисках сказочного острова с её героем полубогом-трикстером Мауи, и вместе им предстоит переплыть океан, встречая по пути огромных морских существ.
The History of The WWE Hardcore Championship
A look back at the 4 years of the most extreme WWE title of them all. Classic matches involving champions like Mick Foley, Hardcore Holly, and Rob Van Dam including classic moments with Crash Holly - it's all here, and it's all Hardcore!
Полтора шпиона
Bob Stone
От лайка в соцсети до спасения мира — один шаг. Сегодня ты френдишь бывшего одноклассника, а завтра — он тащит тебя под пули. Кто ж знал, что заядлый любитель пончиков превратится в похожего на скалу супершпиона.
Straight Outta Dudleyville: The Legacy of the Dudley Boyz
The Rock (archive footage)
For the first time ever, WWE Home Video chronicles the career of arguably the greatest tag team in sports-entertainment history, The Dudley Boyz. Hear never before heard stories from Bubba Ray and D-Von as they go through their formation in ECW, their rise to stardom in WWE, and their return after a ten-year hiatus. Get to know the Superstars behind the taped up glasses and see how The Dudleyz turned the tables on tag team wrestling.
WWE WrestleMania 32
The Rock
WrestleMania 32 was thirty-second annual WrestleMania professional wrestling pay-per-view (PPV) event produced by WWE. It took place on April 3, 2016, at AT&T Stadium in Arlington, Texas. This was the third WrestleMania to be held in the state of Texas after 2001 and 2009, and the first to take place in the Dallas-Fort Worth Metroplex area.
Owen Hart of Gold
Rocky Maivia
The youngest of 12 from the famous Hart Wrestling Family, and one of the most likeable personalities in sports entertainment, Owen Hart was a champion who won the hearts of fans around the world. For the first time ever, hear from his brothers, sisters, friends, and colleagues as they fondly look back on the life and career of one of sports entertainment's greatest WWE Superstars.
Джем и голограммы
Dwayne Johnson
Она могла бы остаться обычной девчонкой из небольшого городка. Но один клип в интернете сделал ее звездой. Джем ждут знаменитые сцены, миллионный контракт и самый крутой парень в Голливуде. Дело за малым, разгадать послание отца. Каждую ночь она отправляется на поиски таинственных голограмм.
WWE Collection Volume 2: Know Your Role
A collection of the best WWE matches all premiering on the acclaimed WWE Network.
WWE: Monday Night War Vol. 1: Shots Fired
The Rock
Two companies. One goal - to be the only name in sports-entertainment. This 20-episode WWE Network series delivers the in-depth stories of both Vince McMahon's WWE and Ted Turner's WCW, as they battle head to head in a primetime power struggle that forever changed the face of sports entertainment. Part four follows the path of Stone Cold Steve Austin from relative no-name in WCW to era-defining megastar in WWE. WCW unveils a potent new weapon, Goldberg. Plus, WCW cruiserweights take to the skies.
Разлом Сан-Андреас
Ray Gaines
Рэй — пилот спасательного вертолёта, который всю свою жизнь помогал другим людям. За всё время работы он насмотрелся на множество жутких вещей и не раз оказывался в очень сложных ситуациях. Несмотря на все преграды он спешил на помощь, даже не предполагая, что самое страшное ждёт его впереди. На Калифорнию обрушивается мощное землетрясение, в результате которого гибнут сотни людей и образовывается огромная трещина в земле. Во всеобщем хаосе Рэю предстоит отыскать свою дочь, но сделать это будет очень непросто. В надежде, что его ребёнок всё ещё жив, он отправляется в смертельно опасное путешествие через весь штат…
Форсаж 7
Luke Hobbs
Они покорили Токио и Рио, Лос-Анджелес и Лондон. Но мир больше не играет по их правилам. Зной арабских пустынь, неприлично высокие небоскребы, миллионы долларов на колесах и очень, очень знаменитый злодей. Скорость не знает границ.
WWE WrestleMania 31
The Rock (Appearance)
WrestleMania 31 was the thirty-first annual WrestleMania professional wrestling pay-per-view (PPV) event produced by WWE. It took place on March 29, 2015, at Levi's Stadium in Santa Clara, California.
The Road is Jericho: Epic Stories and Rare Matches from Y2J
The Rock
Some of the greatest matches and moments in the great career of Y2J, with commentary before each match from Chris Jericho. Welcome Jerichoholics to the Road is Jericho.
WWE Royal Rumble 2015
The Rock (Appearance)
As is tradition at this yearly event, the card will be highlighted by the 30-man Royal Rumble match, where this year's winner will receive a WWE World Heavyweight Championship match at WrestleMania 31.
WWE: Attitude Era: Vol. 2
The Rock
What does everybody want? Head to the nearest man cave, give your boss a Stone Cold salute and spend the next six hours watching The Attitude Era Vol.2, the hottest set to be released since Sable’s handprint bikini. If you are old enough to order a Steve-Weiser, “Hello ladies” was your pick up line in college and you loved WWE before “Federation” became the new “F” word, then here is what you need to do. Take this all new collection, shine it up real nice, flip it sideways and stick it straight up… your DVD player!!
WWE: John Cena's Greatest Rivalries
A journey through the greatest rivalries of John Cena's remarkable career. From Eddie Guerrero to Edge, Randy Orton, Shawn Michaels, Triple H and the Rock.
Более тысячи лет назад измученная душа скиталась по Земле, полубог, получеловек - Геракл - могучий сын царя богов Зевса, совершив все 12 подвигов, потерял семью и теперь находит утешение только в кровавых битвах. За эти годы он собирает вокруг себя шестерых таких же потерянных воинов, единственным смыслом жизни для которых стали сражения и присутствие смертельной опасности. Эти мужчины и женщина никогда не задают вопрос, где, почему или с кем они идут сражаться; только, сколько им заплатят. Зная это, фракийский царь Котис нанимает этих воинов, чтобы они обучили его солдат и сделали из них самую сильную и великую армию всех времен.
The Sheik
When Khosrow Vaziri became the World Wrestling Federations Iron Sheik and camel-clutched his way to fame in the 1980s, he achieved the American Dream by personifying a foreign villain. Losing his world championship belt to Hulk Hogan became a defining moment in professional wrestling. These days, the Sheiks smackdowns are on Twitter, where hes gained a new following. Once an Olympic hopeful, bodyguard to Irans Shah and pop culture icon, we witness Vaziri struggling with addiction and despair as a family man. But with the help of Torontos Magen brothers, the Sheik begins a road to redemption and renewed status as a public figure. Showcasing his powerful past and at times painful present, this is an insightful look at one of wrestlings biggest stars, but also a powerful story of personal sacrifice that, in the Sheiks own words, will make you humble.
WWE: The Best of Raw - After the Show
The Rock
Your backstage pass for when the cameras stop rolling! Monday Night Raw has delivered pulse-pounding excitement to TV viewers for over 20 years. But what happens when the telecast ends? For the first time ever, see what happens after the screen fades to black! Watch WWE's most colorful personalities cut loose for the live audience! From Stone Cold Steve Austin beer bashes, hilarious improv, red-hot matches and heartwarming tributes, it's all here!
WWE WrestleMania XXX
The Rock (Appearance)
WrestleMania XXX was the 30th annual WrestleMania professional wrestling PPV event produced by WWE to be held, on April 6, 2014, at the Mercedes-Benz Superdome in New Orleans, Louisiana. The event was the first WrestleMania to be held in the state of Louisiana. This was also the first WWE pay-per-view to broadcast live on the WWE Network service.
Brock Lesnar: Best of the Beast
UFC Fight Pass, the UFC’s digital network, recently added “Brock Lesnar: Best of the Beast” to its Fight Collection library. The curated collection features 20 different Lesnar-related videos, including his UFC bouts with Shane Carwin, Randy Couture, Heath Herring, Frank Mir, Alistair Overeem and Cain Velasquez, as well as the various “Countdown” series that focused on the former UFC heavyweight champion and current WWE superstar. Additionally, professional wrestling legends “Stone Cold” Steve Austin, Dwayne “The Rock” Johnson and Jim Ross are featured in new interviews centered on Lesnar and what made him a superstar and the worlds of cagefighting and sporting entertainment.
WWE: 150 Best Pay-Per-View Matches, Vol 1
The Rock
Volume 1 of the 150 best PPV matches in WWE history.
WWE: 150 Best Pay-Per-View Matches, Vol 2
The Rock
Volume 2 of the 150 best PPV matches in WWE history.
WWE: Best Pay-Per-View Matches of 2013
the rock
Knowing the eyes of the world are upon them, the goal of every WWE Superstar is to appear on a pay-per-view event, and once there, they desire to steal the show by putting on the best match of the night. Now, the WWE Universe can enjoy the best PPV matches of 2013 in one home video collection. Whether they are battling for championship gold, personal pride, to settle a grudge or more, the stars of Raw and SmackDown present more than a dozen of the greatest PPV bouts of the year.
The History of WWE: 50 Years of Sports Entertainment
The Rock
The History of WWE celebrates 50 years of sports entertainment by chronicling the evolution of WWE from small, regional promotion into a worldwide phenomenon. With new interviews from several key personalities past and present, get the inside story behind each era of WWE as well as all your favourite moments and Superstars.
WWE: Triple H: Thy Kingdom Come
The Rock
Triple H continues to build upon his enduring legacy. From 13-time World Champion to COO, Triple H has played multiple roles spanning decades. Packed with over 3 hours of documentary footage, all-new interviews and matches, this compilation profiles Triple H's entire career as well as his current executive role with the WWE.
Эмпайр Стэйт
Detective James Ransome
В этом триллере, основанном на реальных событиях, речь пойдет о произошедшем в 1982 году в Нью-Йорке ограблении инкассаторских бронеавтомобилей, которое на тот момент считалось крупнейшим в США.
WWE: Best of WWE at Madison Square Garden
Rocky Maivia
The greatest moments from WWE's long and storied history with Madison Square Garden.
WWE: The Best Of In Your House
The Rock
In the mid-90’s, no pay-per-view series produced more epic matches, historic moments or championship showdowns than WWE In Your House. Debuting in 1995, In Your House PPV’s were the preeminent setting for the top Superstars in WWE to settle their scores in the months between the “big 4” events. In 28 total events over five years, In Your House and its unmistakable insignia solidified a permanent place in WWE through the iconic Superstars it hosted and the litany of innovations that stemmed from it. True WWE fans will reminisce about the first ever Hell in a Cell, Inferno and Buried Alive Matches, the debuts of Kane and Big Show, and the genesis of several yearly stables such as WWE Backlash, Judgment Day, Unforgiven and No Way Out – all originating at In Your House. This 3-disc, eight hour collection features championship level matches from all the top WWE stars of the 90’s, such as Undertaker, Shawn Michaels, Bret Hart, Triple H, The Rock, Kane, Diesel and many more!
Форсаж 6
После того как Доминик и Брайн побывали в Рио, где они ограбили и свергли империю вора в законе, их команда получила 100 миллионов, и наши герои оказались разбросаны по всему миру. Но их привычка вечно жить в бегах не даёт им покоя. Между тем, Хоббс отслеживал организацию смертельно опасных наёмников-водителей по двенадцати странам. Единственный способ остановить эту криминальную группу — это превзойти их на улицах, поэтому Хоббс просит Дома собрать его элитную команду в Лондоне. За это он обещает полное помилование для Доминика и его друзей, чтобы они смогли наконец вернуться домой к своей семье.
For All Mankind - The Life and Career of Mick Foley
Rocky Maivia / The Rock
WWE superstar Mick Foley (aka Mankind, aka Dude Love, aka Cactus Jack) looks back at his spectacular career as one of the best-loved and biggest risk-taking wrestlers of his generation...
Кровью и потом: Анаболики
Paul Doyle
Однажды тренеру по фитнесу надоело ходить в трениках. Он решил круто изменить свою судьбу и разбогатеть. Нашел двух других незадачливых качков и предложил им план похищения своего клиента-миллионера. Но если в организме мышц больше, чем мозгов, то даже самый лучший план, подсмотренный в экшен-боевике, может не сработать…
WWE WrestleMania 29
At the Show of Shows, John Cena has a chance to rewrite history when he challenges The Rock for the WWE Championship. A brash, remorseless CM Punk seeks the ultimate claim to immortality by attempting to do what no one has done before him - defeat the Undertaker at WrestleMania, ending his double decade-long Streak. Brock Lesnar and Triple H collide in a No Holds Barred showdown where The Game’s illustrious career is on the line. This is the place where legends are made. This is WrestleMania.
WWE WrestleMania 29
The Rock
At the Show of Shows, John Cena has a chance to rewrite history when he challenges The Rock for the WWE Championship. A brash, remorseless CM Punk seeks the ultimate claim to immortality by attempting to do what no one has done before him - defeat the Undertaker at WrestleMania, ending his double decade-long Streak. Brock Lesnar and Triple H collide in a No Holds Barred showdown where The Game’s illustrious career is on the line. This is the place where legends are made. This is WrestleMania.
G.I. Joe: Бросок кобры 2
Marvin Hinton / Roadblock
Во второй части отряд «G.I. Joe» вновь объявит вызов группировке «Кобра» и вступит в противостояние с правительством…
Bret Hart: The Dungeon Collection
A collection of the greatest matches from one of WWE's all time greatest superstars, with commentary from Bret along the way.
John Matthews
Ради спасения сына, которому грозит срок за продажу наркотиков, отец идет на сделку с полицией. Он должен внедриться в самое сердце наркомафии.
Ради спасения сына, которому грозит срок за продажу наркотиков, отец идет на сделку с полицией. Он должен внедриться в самое сердце наркомафии.
WWE Elimination Chamber 2013
The Rock
For the first time in over a decade The Rock is WWE Champion. But a fuming CM Punk is determined to make The Great One's reign a footnote in his enduring stretch of dominance. Plus, six former World Heavyweight Champions enter the grueling Elimination Chamber for a chance to regain championship glory at WrestleMania. The bold new alliance of John Cena, Ryback and Sheamus has emerged to inflict their own brand of justice on The Shield. And the vicious pursuit of vengeance reaches its limit when World Heavyweight Champion Alberto Del Rio takes on Big Show. It’s the most punishing stop on the Road to WrestleMania, Elimination Chamber 2013!
WWE: Greatest Stars Of The 90's
The Rock
The 1990s may have been the most turbulent decade in the history of sports entertainment. The biggest fight of the era was not in the squared circle, but rather between rival companies WWE and WCW, and survival was at stake. Like any good match, it saw its twists and turns, particularly when WCW brought WWE to its knees, winning the Monday-night ratings battle for more than 80 consecutive weeks. While WWE eventually prevailed, the real winners of the war were fans who got to see birth and rebirth of some of the biggest stars and factions in the history of sports entertainment. "The Greatest Stars Of The 90s" profiles 15 of them. Hosted by "SmackDown" announcer and former ECW champion Tazz, the 3-disc set is packed with matches, interviews, comedy, and more.
WWE: The Best of Raw & SmackDown 2012
The Rock
WWE Royal Rumble 2013
The Rock
Finally...The Rock has come back to the Royal Rumble! In his first title match in over 10 years, The Great One goes one-on-one with the longest reigning WWE Champion of the last quarter century, CM Punk. Plus Big Show looks to regain the World Heavyweight Championship from Alberto Del Rio in a ruthless Last Man Standing Match. And it's every man for himself when 30 Superstars collide for the opportunity to headline WrestleMania XXIX in the iconic Royal Rumble match. The Road to WrestleMania begins here, from the US Airways Center in Phoenix, Arizona....it's the 2013 WWE Royal Rumble!
WWE: Best Pay-Per-View Matches 2012
The Rock
Relive the matches that made history this year with the Best Pay-Per-View Matches of 2012. From the grueling viciousness of Hell in a Cell to the legendary grandeur of WrestleMania, all of the year's best matches are here.
The Top 100 Moments In Raw History
The Top 100 Moments In Raw History.
WWE: The Attitude Era
The Rock
Bust out your Austin 3:16 shirt, heat up a delicious slice of pie and count down to Y2J all over again with The Attitude Era. Go back to the days when antiheroes ditched “saying their prayers and taking their vitamins” for opening up a can of whoop ass and laying the SmackDown!
WWE Tagged Classics: Austin 3:16 Uncensored / Three Faces Of Foley / Chris Jericho: Break Down The Walls / Kurt Angle: Its True
The Rock
Collection of programmes that celebrate the career and greatest fights of some of WWE's most iconic figures. 'Austin 3:16 Uncensored' takes a look at the history of 'Stone Cold' Steve Austin, who was inducted into the WWE Hall of Fame in 2009. 'Three Faces of Foley' looks at the lengthy WWE career of Mick Foley, who also fought under the pseudonyms Mankind, Dude Love and Cactus Jack. 'Chris Jericho - Break Down the Walls' celebrates the performer's decade in WWE and 'Kurt Angle - It's True' pays tribute to Kurt Angle, an Olympic wrestling gold medallist as well as a star WWE performer.
WWE: The Rock vs John Cena: Once in a Lifetime
A viewing experience through the return of The Rock to the WWE, and his feud with John Cena for Wrestlemania.
WWE: The Rock vs John Cena: Once in a Lifetime
A viewing experience through the return of The Rock to the WWE, and his feud with John Cena for Wrestlemania.
WWE: 50 Greatest Finishing Moves in WWE History
The Rock
The 50 Greatest Finishing Moves in WWE History presents the most amazing, devastating, and bone crunching signature moves in this countdown-style production guaranteed to stir up controversy and banter among the WWE Universe. Which moves made the cut, and what is the greatest finishing move in the history of WWE? Find out here.
WWE: Falls Count Anywhere: The Greatest Street Fights and Other Out of Control Matches
At long last the WWE Falls Count Anywhere DVD and Blu-ray match listing has arrived! The full content comes to us courtesy of Shock Entertainment.
WWE WrestleMania XXVIII
The Rock and John Cena collide in the most anticipated WrestleMania face-off in history, an epic match that will forever define the legacies of these icons. The Deadman stakes his entire legacy on one battle with Triple H inside the nightmarish prison they immortalized, Hell In A Cell, with The Heartbreak Kid Shawn Michaels as special guest referee. WWE Champion CM Punk faces off against Chris Jericho in the explosive clash of revolutionaries that will determine which man truly is “The Best In The World.” Daniel Bryan defends his title against a riled-up and ruthless Sheamus, who will have to fight through The Submission Specialist’s tactics to claim his first World Heavyweight Championship. Team Teddy takes on Team Johnny to determine which man will win total control of Raw and SmackDown. This was the twenty-eighth annual WrestleMania. It took place on April 1, 2012 at Sun Life Stadium in Miami Gardens, Florida. It is the highest grossing PPV event in professional wrestling history.
WWE WrestleMania XXVIII
The Rock
The Rock and John Cena collide in the most anticipated WrestleMania face-off in history, an epic match that will forever define the legacies of these icons. The Deadman stakes his entire legacy on one battle with Triple H inside the nightmarish prison they immortalized, Hell In A Cell, with The Heartbreak Kid Shawn Michaels as special guest referee. WWE Champion CM Punk faces off against Chris Jericho in the explosive clash of revolutionaries that will determine which man truly is “The Best In The World.” Daniel Bryan defends his title against a riled-up and ruthless Sheamus, who will have to fight through The Submission Specialist’s tactics to claim his first World Heavyweight Championship. Team Teddy takes on Team Johnny to determine which man will win total control of Raw and SmackDown. This was the twenty-eighth annual WrestleMania. It took place on April 1, 2012 at Sun Life Stadium in Miami Gardens, Florida. It is the highest grossing PPV event in professional wrestling history.
The Rock: The Epic Journey of Dwayne Johnson
The Rock
He electrified a generation of sports entertainment fans with his brash style, superb athleticism, and uproarious interviews. He held the WWE Championship a record seven times, and was known for legendary battles with "Stone Cold" Steve Austin, Triple H, Mick Foley, Undertaker, and more. And at the peak of his popularity, he made a move to conquer a new industry, becoming an enormous movie star. Now, he s back in WWE, ready to main event the biggest WrestleMania in history, "The People's WrestleMania." In the exciting buildup to WrestleMania XVIII, fans can, for the first time ever on DVD, relive the exciting life and times of the Rock. Packed with brand new interviews as well as a selection of the Rock's biggest career-spanning bouts, moments, and promos, this DVD/Blu-Ray set will electrify every member of Team Bring It!
Путешествие 2: Таинственный остров
Hank Parsons
На этот раз Шон Андерсон получает закодированный сигнал с просьбой о помощи, причем с загадочного острова, из места, где никакого острова и быть не может. Там обитают странные формы жизни, скрываются горы золота, смертоносные вулканы и не одна ошеломляющая тайна. Отчиму Шона, не сумевшему остановить его, ничего не остается, как тоже присоединиться к поискам. Вместе с пилотом вертолета и его прекрасной и решительной дочерью им предстоит найти остров, спасти его одинокого обитателя и немедленно покинуть это место, прежде чем землетрясение скроет остров под водой и похоронит навеки его сокровища.
WWE: The Best of SmackDown - 10th Anniversary, 1999-2009
The Rock (archive footage)
Smackdown! Tenth Anniversary was put together with the Best of SmackDown 1999 – 2009 counts down the 100 greatest moments in the show’s history.
WWE: The Best of King of the Ring
The Rock
For more than 20 years, the King of the Ring has been a favorite tradition of the WWE Universe, a tournament to crown wrestling royalty. Past kings have included Randy Savage, Bret “Hit Man” Hart, Stone Cold Steve Austin, Triple H, Edge, and Brock Lesnar. But the King of the Ring’s popularity goes beyond the storied tournament, as for 10 years, King of the Ring was a wildly popular PPV event that produced a number of unforgettable moments including the Hell in a Cell match between Undertaker and Mankind, Stone Cold’s memorable battle with Mr. McMahon and Shane McMahon for control of the WWE, Austin’s debut of his revolutionary “Austin 3:16” catchphrase, the first-ever match between Hulk Hogan and Kurt Angle, as well as matches for the WWE Championship. Now all those moments and more are collected in The Best of the King of the Ring, a 3-DVD set packed with more than 8 hours of amazing matches, interviews, moments, and more.
Stone Cold Steve Austin: The Bottom Line on the Most Popular Superstar of All Time
The Rock
He's one of the most popular Superstars in the history of sports-entertainment, with a resume that includes six WWE Championship reigns, three Royal Rumble victories, a King of the Ring Championship, and an unprecedented run of raising hell throughout WWE. Stone Cold Steve Austin continues to be both popular and controversial.
WWE Survivor Series 2011
The Rock
After 7 years, The Rock finally returns to action to join forces with his WrestleMania opponent, John Cena, to create the most charismatic tag team of all time. Can these 2 bitter rivals work together to defeat the formidable, chaos causing coalition of the Miz and R-Truth? Also, the Straight Edge Superstar CM Punk finally gets his one-on-one rematch for the WWE Championship when he challenges Alberto Del Rio. And just one month removed from their titanic clash that destroyed the ring, Mark Henry and Big Show battle in a rematch for the World Heavyweight Championship. Madison Square Garden comes alive for the 25th anniversary of Survivor Series. Survivor Series (2011) was a PPV that took place on November 20, 2011 at Madison Square Garden in New York City. It was presented by THQ's WWE '12. It was the 25th annual Survivor Series event.
The Ladder Match 2: Crash & Burn
The Rock
This is the veritable definition of high risk, high reward in sports entertainment, a rich reward hangs high above the ring and a superstar must climb a ladder to win the match and retrieve the prize. But the falls from the ladders can be devastating and the punishment one can inflict when using the cold steel ladders as weapons can be brutal. The first Ladder Match DVD in 2007 was one of the biggest-selling DVDs in WWE History, and now the Ladder Match is back with an all-new collection of memorable bouts from WWE, WCW, ECW, and more in The Ladder Match 2: Crash & Burn.
WWE: The Big Show - A Giant's World
The Rock
This penetrating pro-wrestling bio offers a bird's-eye view of what it's like to be a giant -- which, in the case of Paul Wight (better known as the Big Show), makes you one of the most intimidating figures in the WWE. In addition to discussing his battles with wrestling superstars like Steve Austin, Ric Flair and the Undertaker, the Show also talks about his struggles with the genetic condition that caused his extraordinary growth.
Randy Orton: The Evolution of a Predator
The Rock (archive footage)
He’s one of the most popular superstars in the WWE, but he has never been the subject of a DVD release—until now. This 3-disc set takes an in-depth look at WWE’s Apex Predator from Elimination Chamber through the road to WrestleMania and Orton’s brutal bout with CM Punk. Along the way, fans learn about the Viper in and out of the ring as he reflects on his career to date. Family and opponents contribute never-before-seen interviews about Orton’s past, present, and future. In addition the set is packed with some of Orton’s most memorable matches and moments from his career.
WWE: OMG! The Top 50 Incidents in WWE History
(archive footage)
The WWE takes a look at the 50 most incredible and outrageous moments in its history.
WWE: Greatest Superstars of the 21st Century
The Rock
A feature length look at all of your favourite superstars who have impacted the WWE in the 21st Century.
WWE: The Rock: The Most Electrifying Man in Sports Entertainment - Vol. 3
The Rock
THE ROCK: THE MOST ELECTRIFYING MAN IN SPORTS ENTERTAINMENT - VOL. 3 chronicles the greatest matches in Rock's historic WWE career. Relive some of the most significant bouts in the Great One's career. Volume 3 highlights include Rock's legendary WrestleMania X8 match with Hulk Hogan, his final WrestleMania battle with Stone Cold Steve Austin, as well as a collection of 16 of his most memorable interviews and promos.
Форсаж 5
Luke Hobbs
Бывший полицейский Брайан О`Коннер вместе с бывалым лихачом Домиником Торетто совсем немного увлеклись жизнью вне закона. После того, как Брайан и Миа Торетто освободили Доминика, они не рискуют долго задерживаться на одном месте, так как являются желанной целью порядком недовольных копов.
WWE WrestleMania XXVII
The Rock (Host)
The Rock returns home to be The World’s Most Electrifying Host of WrestleMania XXVII from Atlanta, GA. The Great One will lay the SmackDown on all of the pomp and festivities that makes WrestleMania the world’s greatest, annual pop culture extravaganza. John Cena looks to dethrone the self-proclaimed “most must see WWE champion in history” the Miz. Undertaker’s legendary 18-0 WrestleMania winning streak has never been in greater peril when Triple H challenges the Phenom. Alberto Del Rio looks to fulfill his destiny and take Edge’s World Heavyweight Championship. A bitter and personal rivalry comes to a head when Randy Orton battles CM Punk.. All this and more when the Superstars of WWE invade the Georgia Dome for WrestleMania XXVII.
WWE - The True Story of WrestleMania
The Rock (archive footage)
It is the most anticipated yearly event in Sports Entertainment, an annual pop culture touch point. For more than 25 years, WrestleMania has hosted the biggest matches, the biggest stars, and the biggest celebrities. Now for the first time ever, the story of WrestleMania is told from its early beginnings through the week-long spectacular it has become, routinely drawing fans from all 50 states and around the world. This documentary feature includes new and insightful interviews from the superstars and creative forces behind the event.
WWE's Biggest Knuckleheads
An entertaining collection of some of the biggest buffoons and blunders in WWE History. Watch the goofy antics of Santino Marella, Hornswoggle, The Bushwhackers and many more knuckleheads.
WWE: Top 50 Superstars of All Time
The Rock
.A countdown of the greatest superstars in WWE History. From Hulk Hogan to Randy Savage to The Rock to John Cena enjoy an experience down memory lane for long-time fans, and a new experience for new fans of WWE.
Быстрее пули
Бывший преступник мстит за убийство родного брата во время ограбления десять лет назад, когда кто-то подставил нечистых на руку родственников.
Breaking the Code: Behind the Walls of Chris Jericho
The Rock
For nearly twenty years, Chris Jericho has stolen the spotlight, becoming one of the most recognized WWE Superstars in sports-entertainment history. From his early days in Germany, Mexico and Japan through ECW, WCW, and ultimately, WWE, Chris Jericho has demonstrated he is an exceptional talent in the ring and on the mic. He was the first-ever Undisputed Champion of WWE and has held six different titles in World Wrestling Entertainment, including the Intercontinental Championship record nine times. His talents go beyond the ring. As the Ayatollah of Rock n Rolla, he is the lead singer of the rock band Fozzy and his amusing personality and quick wit have made him in demand on stage, film and television. Nor, for the first time ever, Chris Jericho's storied career is celebrated in Breaking the Code: Behind the Walls of Chris Jericho. In addition to a comprehensive documentary, this 3-disc set is packed with 19 career-spanning matches!
Снова ты
Air Marshall (Uncredited)
Марни приезжает в родной город на свадьбу брата и в ужасе узнает о том, что он женится на ее заклятой сопернице Джоанне, враждовавшей с ней в школьные годы. Главная героиня пытается убедить брата отказаться от своих планов.
Копы в глубоком запасе
Christopher Danson
Нью-Йоркские детективы Аллен Гэмбл и Терри Хойтз ведут полицейскую бухгалтерию. Гэмблу такая работа в радость, Хойтзу — наказание. Когда напарникам представится шанс выйти из тени — прийти на помощь своим кумирам, детективам Дэнсону и Манцетти — станет ясно, что в бухгалтерию Гэмбла и Хойтза сослали не зря…
WWE: The Rock: The Most Electrifying Man in Sports Entertainment - Vol. 2
The Rock
THE ROCK: THE MOST ELECTRIFYING MAN IN SPORTS ENTERTAINMENT - VOL. 2 chronicles the greatest matches in Rock's historic WWE career. Relive some of the most significant bouts in the Great One's career. Volume 2 covers from mid-1999 through early 2002, including battles with Triple H, Undertaker, Kurt Angle, and Chris Jericho, as well as a pair of Steel Cage Matches.
Зачем мы женимся снова?
Daniel Franklin (Uncredited)
Во время ежегодного отпуска на Багамах собираются четыре семейные пары отдохнуть, а заодно и обсудить свои семейные взаимоотношения. Недельный отдых прерывается прибытием бывшего супруга одной из дам. Бывший муж Майк надеется разрушить новый брак своей благоверной и вернуть ее себе. Другие семьи начинают понимать, что их брак тоже не застрахован от измен и предательств. Постепенно нарастает напряжение и недоверие по отношению друг к другу, которое приводит к необычному повороту событий. Семейная жизнь каждой пары теперь висит на волоске, и по приезду домой, они должны выбрать: обвинить ли друг друга или поверить и простить.
Зубная фея
Derek Thompson / Tooth Fairy
Жестокого и свирепого хоккеиста Дерека Томпсона часто зовут «Зубной феей» — сами догадайтесь почему. За выбитые на ледовой арене зубы своим соперникам он денег не даёт, а придётся, ведь самые настоящие зубные феи давно точат на него зуб.
WWE: The History Of The World Heavyweight Championship
The Rock
It’s one of the most distinctive and storied championships in the world of sports entertainment and its titleholders are industry standard bearers. Now, for the first time ever, fans can own the definitive DVD set devoted entirely and exclusively to the World Heavyweight Championship.
Планета 51
Capt. Charles 'Chuck' Baker (voice)
Главный герой — американский астронавт капитан Чарльз «Чак» Бейкер — высаживается на планете 51, которая по началу кажется ему необитаемой. К своему удивлению он обнаруживает, что планету населяют маленькие зелёные человечки. Их сообщество очень напоминает счастливую одноэтажную Америку времён 1950-х годов. И боятся эти человечки только нападения со стороны инопланетных захватчиков... таких, как Чак!
WWE: Greatest Wrestling Stars of the '90s
The Rock
This retrospective program takes a look back on the most dramatic and memorable professional wrestling moments of the 1990s, with profiles on some of the greatest wrestling stars of the decade, and an account of the feud between WCW and the WWE.
Ведьмина гора
Jack Bruno
В жизни Джека Бруно, таксиста-неудачника из Лас-Вегаса, всё перевернулось с ног на голову в тот момент, когда к нему в такси, спасаясь от погони, запрыгнули Сэт и Сара. Вскоре он поймёт, что его пассажиры — дети с необычными паранормальными способностями, которых ему предстоит защитить от безжалостных преследователей.
WWE: The Best of Raw 15th Anniversary
The Rock
A collection of the greatest moments of the first 15 years of Monday Night Raw.
WWE: The History Of The Intercontinental Championship
Rocky Maivia/The Rock
It's a WWE Championship with a rich and storied history and the biggest names in sports entertainment have worn its gold on the road to immortality. The Intercontinental Championship traced its history back to the 1970's, and has been held by current and future Hall of Fame superstars, including The Rock, Stone Cold Steve Austin, Triple H, Shawn Michaels, The Ultimate Warrior, Bret "Hit Man" Hart, Mr. Perfect, Eddie Guerrero, Edge, "Macho Man" Randy Savage, Ricky "The Dragon" Steamboat, and so many more. Throughout the summer, fans will vote for their favorite Intercontinental Championship matches from each decade, with the top vote-getters being collected in this 3-DVD set.
WWE: Hell in a Cell - The Greatest Hell in a Cell Matches of All Time
The Rock
It s the most demonic structure in WWE, and careers have been permanently altered by its unforgiving steel. Some of the biggest superstars in WWE history, including Shawn Michaels, Mankind, Undertaker, Triple H, Batista, and more, have had signature moments in the Cell. Now, for the first time, fans can watch the greatest Hell in the Cell match in WWE history as they are all featured in their entirety in this collector's set.
Elvis: Viva Las Vegas
Напряги извилины
Agent 23
Ремейк комедийного сериала 60-х годов. Неуклюжие приёмы секретного агента Максвелла Смарта, взявшегося за обезвреживание группировки «Хаос», стремящейся к власти над миром, ставят операцию под угрозу. Во избежание провала командование прикрепляет к Смарту Агента 99...
WWE: The Rock: The Most Electrifying Man in Sports Entertainment Vol. 1
The Rock/Rocky Maivia
The Rock: The Most Electrifying Man in Sports Entertainment chronicles the greatest matches in Rock's historic WWE career. Relive some of the most significant bouts in the Great One's career from opponents like Triple H, Mankind, and Stone Cold Steve Austin.
Operation Filmmaker
Soon after the fall of Baghdad in 2003, a young and charismatic film student, Muthana Mohmed, stands in the rubble of the city's film school and explains to an American television audience that his dream of becoming a filmmaker has been destroyed - first by Saddam Hussein, then by American bombs. This brief, fortuitous appearance on MTV changes Muthana's life forever. Watching in the United States, actor/director Liev Schreiber stops channel surfing, utterly captivated. Feeling guilty about a war he opposed, Schreiber decides to extend to the unknown Iraqi the opportunity of a lifetime - to come to Prague to work on an American movie, Everything Is Illuminated. On set, frustrated expectations complicate the relationship between Muthana and his American benefactors in what becomes a cross-cultural endeavor gone awry. Filmmaker Nina Davenport becomes increasingly entangled in the young Iraqi's life as his visa is about to expire and the threat of returning to Baghdad looms...
WWE: The Legacy of Stone Cold Steve Austin
The Rock
He’s one of the most accomplished Superstars in the history of sports-entertainment, with a resume that includes six WWE Championship reigns, three Royal Rumble victories, a King of the Ring Championship, and an unprecedented run of raising hell throughout WWE. The Legacy of Stone Cold Steve Austin gives fans young and old the opportunity to relive the greatest matches and moments from the career of one of WWE’s most popular, and controversial, personalities.
Сказки юга
Boxer Santaros / Jericho Cane
В 2008 году, после Третьей мировой войны, Лос-Анджелес находится на пороге социальной, экономической и природной катастрофы. Звезда боевиков, параноидальный шизофреник Боксер Сантариос, страдает амнезией и периодически видит будущее. Его жизнь переплетается с жизнями Кристы Нау, звездой кино для взрослых, которая разрабатывает свое собственное телевизионное реалити-шоу…
План игры
Joe Kingman
Профессиональный игрок в американский футбол внезапно узнает о существовании своей дочери. Появившаяся откуда не возьмись дочурка помогает спортсмену переквалифицироваться из отвязного холостяка в образцово-показательного папашу.
WWE: The Ladder Match
The Rock
Follow the evolution of the ladder match and how it has come to be one of the most popular professional wrestling events today. From the earliest ladder matches through TLC and the 6-man Money in the Bank WrestleMania tradition, some of the craziest and most violent ladder matches are included.
Reno 911!: Miami
Rick Smith, S.W.A.T. (uncredited)
Отряд полицейских из местечка Рено должен спасти всех людей после того, как террористы атаковали полицейскую конференцию в Майами.
WWE: Hulk Hogan: The Ultimate Anthology
The Rock
The best and most memorable matches from Hulk Hogan's career.
Второй шанс
Sean Porter
Кажется, что те, кто уже серьезно оступился однажды и отбывает срок в исправительном учреждении, обречены, но может ли жизнь предоставить еще один шанс?! Особенно если есть человек, способный помочь. Помогут ли футбол и командный дух его воспитанникам вновь обрести чувство собственного достоинства и встать на путь исправления?!
WWE: The History Of The WWE Championship
The Rock
For more than forty years, the WWE Championship has been one of the most prestigious titles in sports entertainment, History of the WWE Championship presents some of the greatest matches in the title's history. Volume two contains battles from the 90's, with bouts featuring Shawn Michaels, Bret "Hit Man" Hart, Stone Cold Steve Austin, Hulk Hogan, the Ultimate Warrior, Mankind, and more.
Действие фильма разворачивается приблизительно в 2045 году. После того, как из далёкой научной лаборатории Олдуай был получен сигнал о помощи, на место ― планету Марс ― прибывает отряд космического спецназа и обнаруживает разгромленную станцию. Вскоре выясняется, что на людей здесь охотятся полчища ужасных существ-мутантов…
WWE: Tombstone - The History of the Undertaker
The Rock
Since his eerie debut at the 1990 Survivor Series, the Undertaker has gone on to take the WWE championship four times and become one of the most popular--and feared--superstars in the history of the squared circle. This three-disc set traces the in-ring evolution of the wrestler known as the Phenom, the American Badass and the Deadman through 21 of his greatest bouts, with bonus footage, rare interviews and more. 10 hrs
Будь круче!
Elliot Wilhelm
Чили Палмер возвращается. Гангстер, переквалифицировавшийся в кинопродюсера, решил не полагаться на неустойчивые доходы в киноиндустрии и занялся музыкальным бизнесом. Он ссорится с русской мафией и рэпперами-гангстерами и берет под свое крыло талантливую, но вздорную молодую певицу Линду Мун.
WWE: Wrestlemania Recall
The Rock
The stories, the moments and the memories of the phenomenon known as WrestleMania; highlights of the top 10 WrestleMania matches choosen by WWE Superstars.
WWE: The Best of the Intercontinental Championship
Few matches deliver power, prestige, and pure adrenaline like the battles for the Intercontinental Championship. The title is as highly sought after now as it was when Pat Patterson, the first title-holder, earned the title in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil in 1979. In this collection, five classic IC matches from 1992 - 1993 burst to life, featuring incredible action from Shawn Michaels, Bret Hart, Mr. Perfect, and more. Matches include: Shawn Michaels vs. Crush - Sheffield England 4/11/1993, Bret Hart vs. Skinner - Prime Time Wrestling 8/24/1992, Shawn Michaels vs. Marty Jannetty - Raw 7/19/1993, Shawn Michaels vs. Mr. Perfect - SummerSlam 8/30/1993, and Shawn Michaels vs. "Hacksaw" Jim Duggan - Raw 5/3/1993.
Широко шагая
Chris Vaughn
Римейк одноименной картины 1973 г. Основан на реальных событиях. После увольнения из армии Крис Вон возвращается в родной городок, затерянный среди бесконечных прерий. Мечтая продолжить семейное дело, жениться и вести спокойную жизнь, Крис не подозревает, что здесь ему снова придется "воевать". Тихий городишко превратился в гнездо порока, где процветает насилие и наркоторговля, семейная лесопилка незаконно продана, а его возлюбленная работает стриптизершей в казино, открытие которого и явилось причиной всех этих ужасных перемен. Видя, что прежним мечтаниям не осуществиться до тех пор, пока зло не будет искоренено, Крис, используя свои армейские связи, добивается для себя должности шерифа. Имея некоторую власть и готовясь применять все навыки бывшего спецназовца, Крис берется за дело...
WWE WrestleMania XX
The Rock
WrestleMania XX was the twentieth annual WrestleMania . It took place on March 14, 2004 at Madison Square Garden in New York. The main match for the Raw brand was a Triple Threat match for the World Heavyweight Championship between champion Triple H, Shawn Michaels and Chris Benoit. The main match for the SmackDown! brand featured Eddie Guerrero versus Kurt Angle for the WWE Championship. The event featured the return of The Undertaker, who challenged Kane. Also on the card was a match between Goldberg and Brock Lesnar with Stone Cold Steve Austin as the special guest referee. WrestleMania XX was the third WrestleMania at Madison Square Garden but the fifth to take place in the New York metropolitan area (following WrestleMania I, WrestleMania 2, WrestleMania X and Wrestlemania 29). The event grossed US$2.4 million in ticket sales, making the Pay-Per-View the highest grossing event ever for WWE at Madison Square Garden. More than 20,000 people attended the event.
WWE: Mick Foley's Greatest Hits & Misses - A Life in Wrestling
The Rock
Call him Cactus Jack, Mankind or Dude Love; by any name, there's never been anyone in or out of the squared circle quite like Mick Foley. Now the one and only "hardcore legend" shares his biggest and most brutal matches from WWE, WCW, ECW and SMW--against such foes as the Undertaker, Sting, Sabu, and others--along with classic promos, salutes to Al Snow and Mr. Socko, and much more. Have a nice day!
Сокровище Амазонки
Если поступило предложение, от которого нельзя отказаться, — вот и не отказывайся! В качестве расплаты с долгом перед мафией интеллигентному громиле Беку предлагается отправиться в джунгли Амазонки и доставить домой затерявшегося где-то там афериста Трэвиса, блудного сына «крестного отца». Вот только прибыв на место, герой обнаруживает, что шансов доставить свой груз не по частям у него маловато. Непутевый Трэвис перешел дорожку местному авторитету Хэтчеру, начав охоту за легендарным золотым идолом индейцев, на который тот давно мечтал наложить лапу. Беку не остается иного выбора, как призвать на помощь свои незаурядное чувство юмора, стальные мускулы и вступить в сумасшедшую гонку за сокровищем, пока его «клиента» не скормили ягуарам!..
WWE: Brock Lesnar: Here Comes the Pain
Self - Host
The night after WrestleMania XXVIII, Brock Lesnar made a shocking return to the ring and leveled John Cena with an F-5, sending a message that after eight years, the pain is back! In 2002 and 2003, The Next Big Thing brought it to the biggest and baddest competition in WWE, becoming the youngest WWE Champion of all time and a household name virtually overnight. His awe-inspiring physique, amateur championship pedigree and affinity for punishing opponents made him an unstoppable force in the ring. Now, after years of dominating the MMA scene, Brock is back and looking to steamroll the biggest Superstars of today.
WWE Backlash 2003
The Rock
Backlash (2003) was the fifth annual Backlash PPV. It was presented by Castrol GTX, and took place on April 27, 2003 at the Worcester Centrum in Worcester, Massachusetts and starred talent from the promotion's Raw and SmackDown! brands. The main event and featured match of the Raw brand was the encounter of Goldberg and The Rock. The featured match on the undercard was a WWE Championship match from the SmackDown! brand, between John Cena and the reigning champion, Brock Lesnar. The other predominant match on the undercard was a six-man tag team match from the Raw brand, between the team of Triple H, Ric Flair, and Chris Jericho facing Shawn Michaels, Kevin Nash, and Booker T. The predominant undercard match from the SmackDown! brand was the encounter of The Big Show and Rey Mysterio.
WWE Wrestlemania XIX
The Rock
WrestleMania XIX was the nineteenth annual WrestleMania. It was presented by Snickers Cruncher and took place on March 30, 2003 at Safeco Field in Seattle, Washington. A record-breaking 54,097 fans from all around the world resulted in a gate attendance grossing US$2.76 million. The tagline for WrestleMania XIX was "Dare To Dream". The official theme song for the event was "Crack Addict" by Limp Bizkit. Limp Bizkit performed the theme song live, as well as "Rollin' (Air Raid Vehicle)" during The Undertaker's entrance. The main match on the SmackDown! brand was Kurt Angle versus Brock Lesnar for the WWE Championship. The main match on the Raw brand was the third Wrestlemania meeting between The Rock and Stone Cold Steve Austin. The predominant match on the Raw brand was for the World Heavyweight Championship between Triple H and Booker T. Other matches on the undercard included Shawn Michaels versus Chris Jericho and Hulk Hogan versus Vince McMahon in a Street Fight.
WWE: Raw 10th Anniversary
The Rock (archive footage)
WWE Raw revolutionized the world of sports entertainment. Celebrate 10 great years of Raw with awards given to such categories as: Match of the Year and Superstar of the Decade.
WWE No Way Out 2003
The Rock
No Way Out (2003) was the fourth annual (fifth overall) No Way Out PPV. It was presented by Starburst, took place on February 23, 2003 at the Bell Centre in Montreal, Quebec and starred the promotion's Raw and SmackDown! brands. The main event from the SmackDown! brand was a rematch from WrestleMania X8 between Hulk Hogan and The Rock. The main event from the Raw brand was a World Heavyweight Championship match between Triple H and Scott Steiner. The main match on the undercard from Raw, was the encounter of Steve Austin and Eric Bischoff, while the main match on the undercard from SmackDown! was a Six-man Tag Team match between the team of Team Angle (Kurt Angle, Charlie Haas, and Shelton Benjamin) and the team of Brock Lesnar, Edge, and Chris Benoit, where Edge was unable to participate in the match due to injury.
Iron and Beyond
This short documentary explores just how the film Pumping Iron revolutionized the fitness industry and created an international icon in Arnold Schwarzenegger. It also touches on what Hollywood's idea of an action star was and is.
WWE: The Videos Ramped Up Vol. 1
The Rock
Extended versions of the entrance music videos of these 10 WWE Superstars. Triple H Undertaker The Rock Mr. McMahon Kane Chris Jericho Edge Kurt Angle The Hurricane Billy & Chuck
WWE SummerSlam 2002
The Rock
SummerSlam (2002) was the fifteenth annual SummerSlam PPV. It was presented by Foot Locker and took place on August 25, 2002 at the Nassau Veterans Memorial Coliseum in Uniondale, New York. The main match on the SmackDown! brand was for the WWE Undisputed Championship between The Rock and Brock Lesnar. The main match on the Raw brand featured an Unsanctioned Street Fight between Shawn Michaels and Triple H. The main match from both brands was an interpromotional match for the WWE Intercontinental Championship between Rob Van Dam and Chris Benoit.The other matches on the undercard were The Undertaker versus Test and Kurt Angle versus Rey Mysterio.
Hollywood Hulk Hogan: Hulk Still Rules
The Rock
Before he was the idol of millions, before he was Hulk Hogan, Terry Bollea was a fan with a dream. But even he couldn't imagine where that dream would lead. No one in sports-entertainment has had quite the ride that Hollywood Hulk Hogan has. For the past 18 years, he has been the single most recognizable person in all of the industry. And for the majority of his 25-year career, he has been on the short list of the game's elite, headlining wherever he went and creating a cultural movement called Hulkamania in the process. This is his story.
WWE Global Warning
The Rock
Global Warning is a World Wrestling Entertainment Tour of Australia that took place on August 10, 2002 at Colonial Stadium in Melbourne, Australia. The main event was a Triple Threat match in which The Rock defended the World Heavyweight Championship against Triple H and Brock Lesnar. Other matches include a Bra and panties match between Torrie Wilson and Stacy Keibler, Edge vs Chris Jericho, Kurt Angle vs. Test, Rikishi vs Rico in a Kiss My Ass match, Jamie Noble vs Hurricane Helms for the Cruiserweight Championship, and Lance Storm 7 Christian defending the Tag team Championships against Billy Kidman and Rey Mysterio.
WWE Vengeance 2002
The Rock
Vengeance (2002) was a PPV which took place on July 21, 2002 at the Joe Louis Arena in Detroit, Michigan. The main event from SmackDown saw the WWE Undisputed Championship in a Triple Threat featuring The Rock, Kurt Angle and the defending champion The Undertaker. The main event from Raw was between the champion Rob Van Dam and challenger Brock Lesnar for the WWE Intercontinental Championship. The undercard featured The Un-Americans (Lance Storm and Christian) versus Hollywood Hulk Hogan and Edge for the WWE Tag Team Championship and John Cena's first ever WWE Pay-Per-View match against Chris Jericho.
WWE: Triple H - That Damn Good
The Rock
I am "The Game"... I am That Damn Good... and here`s the proof: six of the matches that prove who really is the best in the business. Vs Vince Mcmahon Vs Cactus Jack Vs Chris Jericho Vs The Rock Vs Kurt Angle Vs Stone Cold Steve Austin Triple Returns Vs Chris Jericho
WWE King of the Ring 2002
The Rock
King of the Ring (2002) was the tenth annual King of the Ring PPV. It was presented by Snickers and took place on June 23, 2002 at the Nationwide Arena in Columbus, Ohio. It was the final King of the Ring pay-per-view event. The main match from SmackDown was a singles match for the WWE Undisputed Championship whichThe Undertaker defended from Triple H. The main match from Raw was a singles match which Brock Lesnar competed aganst Rob Van Dam in the finals of the King of the Ring tournament. The predominant match on the undercard was Kurt Angle versus Hollywood Hulk Hogan, and the other matches on the undercard were Ric Flair versus Eddie Guerrero, a WWE Women's Championship match between champion Trish Stratus and challenger Molly Holly and a WWE Cruiserweight Championship match between champion The Hurricane and challenger Jamie Noble.
WWF: Stone Cold Steve Austin: What?
The Rock
Stone Cold helps Vince McMahon forget about all his troubles! Stone Cold and Triple H clash at "No Way Out." Stone Cold opens a can of whoop-@ss at "WrestleMania X-7," "Raw," and "Summerslam." Meanwhile, back at the ranch, Stone Cold sits down with J.R. to drink a beer, talk about The Rock, WrestleMania, guitar playing, Triple H, Vince McMahon, & the birth of "What?" DVD special features include two extra matches and the birth of "3:16" and five additional interviews.
Царь скорпионов
Mathayus / The Scorpion King
Еще задолго до того, как были возведены египетские пирамиды, с востока пришел дерзкий и безжалостный завоеватель с ордами кровожадных воинов. Древние земли не устояли перед натиском свирепого захватчика и покорились ему... И когда мир погрузился во мрак и бесправие, лишь один человек отважился бросить вызов злу. Он не был благородным героем: некогда он состоял в клане наемных убийц, и в жилах его текла кровь скорпионов. Но именно ему суждено было стать великим Царем - защитником слабых и отважным освободителем!
WWF: Funniest Moments
The Rock
For the first time EVER, all the best gags and antics of the World Wrestling Federation are in one spot. Witness the birth of Mr. Socko! Check out Shawn Michaels and D-X's most outrageous exploits. See Debra's pie and hilarious outtakes never-before-seen on TV! You will smell what the Crock is cookin'. From the '80s to today, we've got every laugh covered. Hell, with a chicken suit and midgets, what more could you want?
WWE Wrestlemania X8
The Rock
WrestleMania X8 was the eighteenth annual WrestleMania PPV and was presented by Sour Skittles. It took place on March 17, 2002 at the SkyDome in Toronto, Ontario. As the nWo continues their crusade against the WWF, wrestling's past meets wrestling's future when the People's Champion, the Rock, meets Hollywood Hulk Hogan. Meanwhile, Tripe H faces the greatest challenge of his career when he challenges Chris Jericho for the Undisputed Championship, with his vengeful ex-wife Stephanie McMahon in Jericho's corner.
WWE No Way Out 2002
The Rock
No Way Out (2002) was a professional wrestling PPV that took place on February 17, 2002 at the Bradley Center in Milwaukee, Wisconsin. The biggest angle for No Way Out was when Vince McMahon revealed that he would unleash the New World Order (nWo) upon the World Wrestling Federation in an attempt to "kill (his) creation". The Main Event saw Chris Jericho defend the Undisputed Championship against Stone Cold Steve Austin. Triple H faced Kurt Angle in a number one contender's match, The Rock competed against The Undertaker, Edge fought William Regal in a Brass Knuckles on a Pole match, and the Tag Team Championships were one the line between Tazz & Spike Dudley versus Booker T & Test.
WWE Royal Rumble 2002
The Rock
Royal Rumble (2002) was the fifteenth annual Royal Rumble PPV. It was presented by Square's Final Fantasy X. It took place on January 20, 2002 at the Philips Arena in Atlanta, Georgia. The main event was the Royal Rumble match. The other matches were Chris Jericho versus The Rock for the Undisputed WWF Championship, Ric Flair versus Vince McMahon in a Street Fight, Edge versus William Regal for the WWF Intercontinental Championship, the team of Spike Dudley and Tazz versus the Dudley Boyz for the WWF Tag Team Championship, and Trish Stratus versus Jazz for the WWF Women's Championship.
WWE: The Rock - Just Bring It!
The Rock
The Rock, the most electrifying man in sports-entertainment, brings it to you! Just Bring It! epitomizes how The Rock feels about life. Whatever the challenge, he always says... Just Bring It! It's time to go one-on-one with the "Great One"! Includes highlights from his most significant matches of the past year (June 2000-August 2001). Follow The Rock on the road and get insight into the dedication and attitude that make him one of the best the World Wrestling Federation has ever seen. Then go behind the scenes of the filming of Universal Pictures' The Scorpion King starring The Rock. When it's all over, you'll understand why The Rock says... Just Bring It!
The Rock - Just Bring It!
The Rock
The Rock, the most electrifying man in sports-entertainment, brings it to you! Just Bring It! epitomizes how The Rock feels about life. Whatever the challenge, he always says... Just Bring It! It's time to go one-on-one with the "Great One"! Includes highlights from his most significant matches of the past year (June 2000-August 2001). Follow The Rock on the road and get insight into the dedication and attitude that make him one of the best the World Wrestling Federation has ever seen. Then go behind the scenes of the filming of Universal Pictures' The Scorpion King starring The Rock. When it's all over, you'll understand why The Rock says... Just Bring It!
WWE Vengeance 2001
The Rock
Vengeance (2001) was the first annual Vengeance PPV. It was presented by Lugz and took place on December 9, 2001 at the San Diego Sports Arena in San Diego, California. The main feature of the event was a three-match tournament to unify the WWF Championship and the unbranded former WCW Championship into what became known as the Undisputed Championship. Stone Cold Steve Austin competed against kurt Angle in the first match for the WWF Championship. Chris Jericho then competed against the Rock for the World Championship. The winners of those two matches then fought for the Undisputed Championship title. In the undercard, The Hardcore Championship was defended by Rob Van Dam against The Undertaker, Edge defended the Intercontinental Championship against William Regal, Big Show and Kane challenged The Dudley Boyz for the Tag team Championship belts, and Trish Stratus fought Jacqueline for the Women's Championship.
WWE Survivor Series 2001
The Rock
Survivor Series (2001) was the fifteenth annual Survivor Series PPV and was presented by Microsoft's Xbox. It took place on November 18, 2001 at the Greensboro Coliseum in Greensboro, North Carolina. This PPV marked the end of The Invasion angle. The main event was a 10 Man Elimination Tag Team Match featuring The Rock, Chris Jericho, Kane, The Big Show and The Undertaker vs. Steve Austin, Kurt Angle, Rob Van Dam, Booker T and Shane McMahon Several titles were put on the line in unification matches. The WWF Intercontinental/WCW U.S. Title had Edge vs. Test, the WWF/WCW Tag Team Titles were unified in a Steel Cage match with The Dudley Boyz vs. The Hardy Boyz, the WWF European Title was defended by Christian vs. Al Snow, and there was an "Immunity Battle Royal" to get protection from being fired by which-ever brand came out on top.
WWE Rebellion 2001
The Rock
Rebellion (2001) took place on November 3, 2001 at the Manchester Arena in Manchester, England. The main event was a WWF Championship match featuring Stone Cold Steve Austin and The Rock. The WCW Championship was also on the line between Chris Jericho and Kurt Angle. The WCW Tag Titles were defended by the Dudley Boyz in a Triangle match against the APA and The Hardy Boyz. The final title on the line was a Steel Cage match for the Intercontinental Title between former partners Edge and Christian.
Воля случая
Teen Alex Taylor and his older brother Jack live in L.A. where Jack is a personal fitness trainer. Jack had an affair with Mitzi Price, a very powerful business man's wife. Her husband, Laszlo Price, then blackmails Jack into going to New York City to get information from Rachel Montgomery, about who she is selling her company to. Jack brings Alex with him to make sure that he will be safe. Jack and Rachel fall in love while Alex falls in love Rachel's daughter Kelly. Eventually Jack tells Rachel why he was sent to New York, and the two work together to bring Laszlo Price down. Rachel needs to have two million dollars in order to not sell her company. Alex wins the money in a halftime contest at a basketball game. They provide information about Laszlo Price to the police, and he is arrested.
WWE No Mercy 2001
The Rock
No Mercy (2001) was the fourth No Mercy professional wrestling PPV. It was presented by Subway and took place on October 21, 2001 at the Savvis Center in St. Louis, Missouri. The main event was a Triple Threat No Disqualification match for the WWF Championship between Stone Cold Steve Austin, Kurt Angle and Rob Van Dam. The undercard featured The Rock versus Chris Jericho for the WCW Championship, The Undertaker versus Booker T, Dudley Boyz versus Big Show and Tajiri for the WWF Tag Team Championship, Christian versus Edge in a Ladder match for the WWF Intercontinental Championship, Torrie Wilson versus Stacy Keibler in a Lingerie match, Test versus Kane and Hardy Boyz versus Lance Storm and The Hurricane for the WCW Tag Team Championship.
WWE Unforgiven 2001
The Rock
Unforgiven 2001 was the fourth Unforgiven PPV. It was presented by Clearasil and took place on September 23, 2001 at the Mellon Arena in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania. The main event was a match for the WWF Championship with Alliance representative Stone Cold Steve Austin defending the title against WWF representative Kurt Angle. Two predominant matches were The Rock versus Booker T and Shane McMahon in a Handicap match for the WCW Championship, and Rob Van Dam versus Chris Jericho for the WWF Hardcore Championship. The undercard featured Tajiri versus Rhino for the WCW United States Championship, Brothers of Destruction versus KroniK for the WCW Tag Team Championship, Edge versus Christian for the WWF Intercontinental Championship, Perry Saturn versus Raven and Dudley Boyz versus Big Show and Spike Dudley, Lance Storm and The Hurricane and Hardy Boyz in a Fatal Four-Way Elimination match for the WWF Tag Team Championship.
WWE SummerSlam 2001
The Rock
SummerSlam (2001) was the fourteenth annual SummerSlam PPV and the third presented by Chef Boyardee. It took place on August 19, 2001 at the Compaq Center in San Jose, California. The main event was Booker T versus The Rock for the WCW Championship. Another main match on the card was Steve Austin versus Kurt Angle for the WWF Championship. Also on the undercard was a Steel cage match between WCW Tag Team Champions Undertaker and Kane and WWF Tag Team Champions Diamond Dallas Page and Kanyon.
WWF: Best of Raw - Vol. 1&2
The Rock
Now you can own some of the greatest moments from the hottest show on cable television! The best moments from 1997-1999 are all here! This 2-DVD set has 25 extra situations you can't see anywhere else. That's 3 extra hours of footage! Approx. 6 hours.
WWF: Mick Foley - Hard Knocks & Cheap Pops
The Rock
He helped popularize a form of wrestling called Hardcore, he raised the bar on extremes a man will go to put on a good show. He made us laugh and gasp at his exploits. Armed with his passion for the sport and his sense of humor, Mick Foley has become one of the most popular and influential men in the federation. Now, this best-selling author speaks candidly about his career, and the business he has left an indelible sock-print on.
Мумия возвращается
Mathayus / The Scorpion King
Прошло десять лет… Наш отважный герой, искатель приключений Рик О'Конелл, теперь богат, счастливо женат на прекрасной Эвелин и воспитывает своего восьмилетнего сына Алекса.Но злой рок не дает очаровательной семье О'Конеллов насладиться спокойной жизнью. Зловещий жрец Имхотеп снова восстал из мертвых! Теперь у Рика, Эвелин и малютки Алекса есть всего семь дней, чтобы спасти мир…
WWE WrestleMania X-Seven
The Rock
WrestleMania X-Seven was the seventeenth annual WrestleMania PPV and was presented by Snickers Cruncher. It took place on April 1, 2001 at the Reliant Astrodome in Houston, Texas. The event was the first WrestleMania held in the state of Texas. A record-breaking attendance for the Reliant Astrodome of 67,925 grossed US$3.5 million. The main event was a No Disqualification match between Steve Austin and The Rock for the WWF Championship. The main matches on the undercard featured Triple H versus The Undertaker, the second Tables, Ladders, and Chairs match for the WWF Tag Team Championship, and Vince McMahon versus Shane McMahon in a Street Fight. With WWE's acquisition of long-time competitor WCW and "Stone Cold" Steve Austin joining forces with storied rival Mr. McMahon.
WWE No Way Out 2001
The Rock
No Way Out (2001) was a PPV event that took place on February 25, 2001 at the Thomas & Mack Center in Las Vegas, Nevada. It was presented by Weider Nutrition. 2 Main events were scheduled. The first saw The Rock challenge Kurt Angle for the WWF Championship. The other main event was a Three Stages of Hell match featuring Stone Cold Steve Austin and Triple H. The featured bout on the undercard was a Fatal Four Way match between defending WWF Intercontinental Champion Chris Jericho, Chris Benoit, Eddie Guerrero and X-Pac.
WWE Royal Rumble 2001
The Rock
Royal Rumble (2001) was the fourteenth annual Royal Rumble PPV. It was presented by MCI's 1-800-COLLECT and took place on January 21, 2001 at the New Orleans Arena in New Orleans, Louisiana. The main event was the Royal Rumble match. Kane set a record for the most eliminations and the match saw Drew Carey enter the Royal Rumble. Featured matches on the undercard included a ladder match between Chris Jericho and Chris Benoit for the WWF Intercontinental Championship and a singles match between Kurt Angle and Triple H for the WWF Championship.
WWE Armageddon 2000
The Rock
Armageddon (2000) was a professional wrestling PPV that took place on December 10, 2000, at the Birmingham-Jefferson Civic Center in Birmingham, Alabama. It was the second annual Armageddon event, and the only WWE pay-per-view event ever to be held in the state of Alabama. The main event match of Armageddon 2000 was a six-man Hell In A Cell match for Kurt Angle's WWF Championship. The challengers were The Undertaker, The Rock, Triple H, Rikishi, and Stone Cold Steve Austin. Ivory defended the Women's championship in a Triple Threat match against Molly Holly and Trish Stratus.
WWE Rebellion 2000
The Rock
Rebellion (2000) took place on December 2, 2000 at the Sheffield Arena in Sheffield, England. The main event was a Fatal Four-Way match for the WWF Championship between Kurt Angle, Rikishi, Steve Austin and The Rock. Undertaker competed against Chris Benoit, Right to Censor defended the Tag Team Championship against the Hardy Boyz, Kane fought Chris Jericho, William Regal defended the European Championship against Crash Holly, Steve Blackman defended the Hardcore Championship against Perry Saturn, and Ivory defended the Women's Championship against Lita.
WWF: Chris Jericho - Break Down the Walls
See how Chris Jericho went from high-school hockey all-star to high-flying Federation Superstar. Revisit his gritty and entertaining wars with Chyna, Chris Benoit, and of course the war with Triple H culminating with the epic Last Man Standing match. Hear every gut-busting putdown and candid observation from the most charismatic showman in the history of the World Wrestling Federation. Get to know the man behind the image and see what he does away from the ring. Meet the controversial Moongoose McQueen, frontman of Fozzy, "Y2J's" favorite band. Jerichoholics will finally know the real deal!
WWE Survivor Series 2000
The Rock
Survivor Series (2000) was the fourteenth annual Survivor Series PPV. It was presented by 3DO's Warriors of Might and Magic and took place on November 19, 2000 at the Ice Palace in Tampa, Florida. The main event was a No NQ match between Stone Cold Steve Austin and Triple H which spilled to the backstage area. The undercard featured Dudley Boyz and Hardy Boyz versus Edge and Christian and Right to Censor in a four-on-four Survivor Series elimination match, Kurt Angle versus The Undertaker for the WWF Championship, Ivory versus Lita for the WWF Women's Championship, The Rock versus Rikishi, William Regal versus Hardcore Holly for the WWF European Championship, Kane versus Chris Jericho, The Radicalz versus D-Generation X in a four-on-four Survivor Series elimination match and Steve Blackman, Crash Holly and Molly Holly versus T & A and Trish Stratus in a Six Person Mixed Tag match.
WWE No Mercy 2000
The Rock
No Mercy (2000) was the third No Mercy PPV. It was presented by Presto and took place on October 22, 2000 at the Pepsi Arena in Albany, New York. The main event was a No NQ match for the WWF Championship where The Rock defended the title against Kurt Angle. The other main match was a No Holds Barred Match between the returning Stone Cold Steve Austin and Rikishi. The undercard featured Triple H versus Chris Benoit, Hardy Boyz versus Los Conquistadores for the WWF Tag Team Championship, William Regal versus Naked Mideon for the WWF European Championship, Right to Censor versus Chyna and Mr. Ass in a tag team match, Chris Jericho versus X-Pac in a Steel cage match, Acolytes Protection Agency and Lita versus T & A and Trish Stratus in a six-person mixed tag team match and a Dudley Boyz Invitational Tables match.
WWE Unforgiven 2000
The Rock
Unforgiven (2000) was the third Unforgiven PPV. The event was presented by RC Cola Edge and took place on September 24, 2000 at the First Union Center in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania. The main event was a Fatal Four-Way match for the WWF Championship. The Rock defended the title against Chris Benoit, The Undertaker and Kane. The undercard featured Triple H versus Kurt Angle in a No Disqualification match, Eddie Guerrero versus Rikishi for the WWF Intercontinental Championship, Edge and Christian versus Hardy Boyz in a Steel Cage match for the WWF Tag Team Championship, Chris Jericho versus X-Pac, a 10-Minute Hardcore Battle Royal for the WWF Hardcore Championship, Tazz versus Jerry Lawler in a Strap Match and Right to Censor versus Dudley Boyz and Acolytes Protection Agency in an eight-man tag team match.
WWE SummerSlam 2000
The Rock
SummerSlam (2000) was the thirteenth annual SummerSlam PPV. The event was presented by Chef Boyardee and took place on August 27, 2000 at the Raleigh Entertainment and Sports Arena in Raleigh, North Carolina. The main event was a Triple Threat match for the WWF Championship involving champion The Rock, Triple H, and Kurt Angle. One of the predominant matches on the undercard was Kane versus The Undertaker. Another featured match was the first Tables, Ladders, and Chairs match for the Tag Team Championship involving champions Edge and Christian, The Hardy Boyz (Matt and Jeff), and The Dudley Boyz (Bubba Ray and D-Von).
WWF Fully Loaded 2000
The Rock
The 2000 Fully Loaded was the third annual and final Fully Loaded professional wrestling pay-per-view (PPV) event produced by the World Wrestling Federation (WWF, now WWE). It took place on July 23, 2000, at the Reunion Arena in Dallas, Texas.
WWE King of the Ring 2000
The Rock
King of the Ring (2000) was the eighth annual King of the Ring PPV. The event was presented by Subway and took place on June 25, 2000 at the Fleet Center in Boston, Massachusetts. The main event was a six-man tag team match between McMahon-Helmsley Faction (Triple H, Vince and Shane McMahon) and the team of The Rock, Kane and The Undertaker. Triple H's WWF Championship was defended in the match. The undercard featured the 2000 King of the Ring tournament. The 2000 edition was the largest King of the Ring tournament, with 32 competitors taking part.
WWE Judgment Day 2000
The Rock
Judgment Day (2000) was the first annual Judgment Day PPV. It was presented by 3DO's Army Men: World War and took place on May 21, 2000 at the Freedom Hall in Louisville, Kentucky. The main event was an Iron Man match for the WWF Championship and featured Triple H facing The Rock with Shawn Michaels as the special guest referee. Featured matches on the undercard included a double tables match featuring D-Generation X (Road Dogg and X-Pac) defeating The Dudley Boyz (Bubba Ray and D-Von). The other featured match on the undercard was a Submission match for the WWF Intercontinental Championship between Chris Benoit and Chris Jericho, which Benoit won to retain the championship.
WWE Insurrextion 2000
The Rock
Insurrextion (2000) took place on May 6, 2000 at the Earls Court in London, England. The main event was a Triple Threat that saw The Rock, Triple H, and Shane McMahon compete for the WWF Championship, Eddie Guerrero defended the European Championship against Chris Jericho, Edge & Christian defended the Tag Team Championships from The Hardy Boyz. Crash Holly defended his WWF Hardcore title against The British Bulldog (In the Bulldog's final PPV appearance), and 6 more matches filled out the under card.
WWE Backlash 2000
The Rock
Backlash 2000 took place on April 30, 2000 at the MCI Center in Washington, D.C.. It was the second event under the Backlash chronology. The main event was a singles match for the WWF Championship with Shane McMahon as special guest referee, in which The Rock (aided by Stone Cold Steve Austin) faced Triple H. Featured matches on the undercard included Chris Benoit against Chris Jericho for the WWF Intercontinental Championship and a six-man Hardcore match for the WWF Hardcore Championship.
WWF: The Rock - The People's Champ
The Rock
The self-proclaimed People's Champion, a wrestling character who's struck gold by essentially being a good guy who just can't help but act like a heel, is celebrated in this DVD that packages some of the Rock's notable matches with an enormous helping of his legendary verbal abuse. The Rock's rise to prominence in the World Wrestling Foundation is shown by the inclusion of showdowns with the Undertaker and the Big Show. The Rock's oddly comical pairing with Mick Foley as "the Rock and Sock" connection is also given a fair amount of screen time.
WWE WrestleMania 2000
The Rock
WWF Champion Triple H vs. The Rock vs. Mick Foley vs. The Big Show, Two Falls Match: WWF Intercontinental & European Champion Kurt Angle vs. Chris Jericho vs. Chris Benoit, Ladder Match: WWF Tag Team Champions the Dudley Boyz vs. Edge & Christian vs. The Hardy Boyz, Hardcore Battle Royal: WWF Hardcore Champion Crash Holly vs. The Acolytes vs. The Mean Street Posse vs. The Headbangers vs. Kaientai vs. Tazz vs. Viscera vs. Hardcore Holly, X-Pac & The Road Dogg vs. Kane & Rikishi Phatu, Too Cool & Chyna vs. Eddie Guerrero, Dean Malenko & Perry Saturn, HEAD Cheese vs. T&A, D'Lo Brown & The Godfather vs. Bull Buchanan & The Big Boss Man, The Kat vs. Terri.
WWE No Way Out 2000
The Rock
No Way Out (2000) was a PPV which took place on February 27, 2000 at the Hartford Civic Center in Hartford, Connecticut. It was presented by PhoneFree.com. It was the first event produced under the No Way Out name, although it was preceded in 1998 by an event named No Way Out of Texas . The main event was a Hell in a Cell match, a match where the ring and ringside area was surrounded by a 20-foot-high roofed steel cell between WWF Champion Triple H and Cactus Jack. The featured bout on the undercard was a singles match for a championship match at WrestleMania 2000 in which The Big Show competed against The Rock. Chris Jericho defended the Intercontinental Championship against Kurt Angle and The New Age Outlaws defended the Tag Team Championships against The Dudley Boyz.
WWE Royal Rumble 2000
The Rock
Royal Rumble (2000) was the thirteenth annual Royal Rumble PPV. It was presented by MCI's 1-800-COLLECT. It took place on January 23, 2000 at Madison Square Garden in New York, New York. The main event was the Royal Rumble match, which grants the winner a title shot at Wrestlemania. Featured matches on the undercard included a street fight match between Triple H and Cactus Jack for the WWF Championship, a Triple Threat match for the WWF Intercontinental Championship, and The New Age Outlaws versus The Acolytes for the WWF Tag Team Championship. This Royal Rumble was the first WWF pay-per-view event to air on terrestrial television in the United Kingdom, as Channel 4 had acquired the rights to broadcast World Wrestling Federation programming that year.
WWE Armageddon 1999
The Rock
In the last PPV of 1999 Triple H battles owner Mr. McMahon in a No Holds Barred Match. The Rock 'N' Sock Connection challenge The New Age Outlaws for the WWE World Tag Team Championship. Big Show defends the WWE Championship against The Big Boss Man and Chris Jericho challenges Chyna for the WWE Intercontinental Championship and so much more!
WWE Survivor Series 1999
The Rock
Triple H and The Rock battle a mystery opponent in a Triple Threat Match for the WWF Championship. The New Age Outlaws defend the WWF World Tag Team Championship against Mankind & Al Snow. Plus, Kane takes on X-Pac, the in-ring debut of Olympic gold medalist Kurt Angle traditional Survivor Series Elimination matches, and much more!
Beyond the Mat
Himself / The Rock
Beyond the Mat is a 1999 professional wrestling documentary, directed by Barry W. Blaustein. The movie focuses on the lives of professional wrestlers outside of the ring, especially Mick Foley, Terry Funk, and Jake Roberts. The film heavily focuses on the World Wrestling Federation (WWF), often criticizing it and its chairman Vince McMahon. It also follows Extreme Championship Wrestling, it's rise in popularity, and many other independent wrestlers and organisations.
WWE No Mercy 1999
The Rock
WWE Champion Triple H battles Stone Cold Steve Austin in an Anything Goes Match with the WWE Championship on the line in the main event. X-Pac, Bradshaw, Kane, and Faarooq compete in a Four Corners Elimination Match. The Hardy Boyz face Edge & Christian. Mankind takes on Val Venis. The Rock collides with The British Bulldog and much much more!
WWE Rebellion 1999
The Rock
The Rock goes one-on-one with Triple H for the WWE Championship in a Steel Cage Match. Edge & Christian battle The Acolytes and The Hollys in a Triangle Match. Two monsters go to war when Kane takes on Big Show in a No Disqualification Match. Chris Jericho takes on The Road Dogg. A Fatal 4-Way Match for the WWE Women's Championship and much more!
WWE Unforgiven 1999
The Rock
Triple H, The Rock, Mankind, Kane, Big Show, and The British Bulldog compete in a Six-Pack Challenge for the vacant WWE Championship with Stone Cold Steve Austin serving as guest enforcer. The New Age Outlaws defend the WWE World Tag Team Titles against Edge & Christian. The Acolytes face The Dudley Boyz. Plus X-Pac takes on Chris Jericho and more!
WWE SummerSlam 1999
The Rock
WWE's annual Summer Spectacular features Triple H, Mankind, and Stone Cold Steve Austin colliding in a Triple Threat Match for the WWE Championship with Jesse "The Body" Ventura as special guest referee. The Undertaker & Big Show battle X-Pac & Kane. Plus, The Rock, Ken Shamrock, Chris Jericho and much more!
WWE Fully Loaded 1999
The Rock
The stakes are high at Fully Loaded when Stone Cold Steve Austin defends the WWE Championship against The Undertaker in a First Blood Match. The Rock and Triple H battle in a Fully Loaded Strap Match. The Road Dogg & X-Pac take on Mr. Ass & Chyna for the rights to the name D-Generation X and more!
WWE King of the Ring 1999
The Rock
Stone Cold Steve Austin takes on Vince & Shane McMahon in a Ladder Match for control of WWE. Eight superstars, including Kane, X-Pac, and Ken Shamrock, compete in the King of the Ring Tournament. The Undertaker defends the WWE Championship against The Rock. The Hardy Boyz take on The Brood in a No. 1 Contenders' match for the Tag Team Championship and more!
WWE Over the Edge
The Rock
Stone Cold Steve Austin defends the WWE Championship against The Undertaker with Shane & Vince McMahon serving as guest referees. The Rock takes on Triple H. The Union takes on The Corporate Ministry in an Eight-Man Tag Team Elimination Match. Kane & X-Pac defend the WWE World Tag Team Championship against D-Lo Brown & Mark Henry and more!
WWE Backlash: In Your House
The Rock
Shane McMahon serves as the special guest referee when Stone Cold Steve Austin and The Rock battle for the WWE Championship. The Godfather defends the WWE Intercontinental Championship against Goldust. Mankind and Big Show battle in a Boiler Room Brawl. Al Snow faces Hardcore Holly for the Hardcore Championship. Triple H faces X-Pac and more!
WWE WrestleMania XV
The Rock
Stone Cold Steve Austin faces The Rock with the WWE Championship on the line. Mankind faces Big Show. Kane clashes with Triple H. The Road Dogg, Ken Shamrock, Goldust, and Val Venis compete in a Fatal 4-Way Elimination Match for the WWE Intercontinental Championship and more!
WWE St. Valentine's Day Massacre: In Your House
The Rock
There’s no love lost between Superstars at WWE St. Valentine’s Day Massacre. The Rock challenges Mankind for the WWE Championship. Stone Cold Steve Austin battles Mr. McMahon in a Steel Cage Match. D-Lo Brown & Mark Henry challenge for the WWE World Tag Team Championship. Plus, Ken Shamrock faces Val Venis and more!
WWE Halftime Heat
The Rock
Relive one of the most memorable confrontations from The Attitude Era as The Rock defends his WWE Championship against Mankind in an Empty Arena Match during Halftime of Superbowl XXXIII!
WWE Royal Rumble 1999
The Rock
Thirty Superstars compete in the annual Royal Rumble Match with the winner advancing to WrestleMania XV for a chance at the WWE Championship. The Rock defends the WWE Championship in a brutal "I Quit" Match against Mankind. Ken Shamrock defends the WWE Intercontinental Championship and much more!
WWE Rock Bottom: In Your House
The Rock
The Rock defends his WWE Championship against Mankind. Stone Cold Steve Austin faces The Undertaker in a Buried Alive Match with the winner gaining a spot in the Royal Rumble. The Brood and The J.O.B. Squad go head-to-head in six-man tag team action. Plus, The New Age Outlaws defend the WWE World Tag Team Championship and more!
WWE Capital Carnage
The Rock
From London, England it's WWE Capital Carnage. Ken Shamrock defends the WWE Intercontinental Title against Steve Blackman. L.O.D. 2000 battle The Headbangers. The Rock defends the WWE Championship against X-Pac. Triple H takes on Jeff Jarrett. The New Age Outlaws defend WWE World Tag Team Championship against D-Lo Brown & Mark Henry and more!
WWF: Best of Raw - Vol. 1
It's a wild, out-of-control roller-coaster ride which has caused more controversy and has more people talking than a telephone.
WWF: The Rock - Know Your Role
The Rock
He "Laid the Smackdown!" He's been both the "People's" and the "Corporate" champ! He gave the world "Roody Poo!" Now, you can being home a piece of The Rock!, The Great One! Find out how The Rock has become the most electrifying name in sports-entertainment today. This isn't "Sing Along with the Champ!" So sit down, Shut Up and watch the damn tape... and Know Your Role ! This DVD is exclusively for the millions and millions of The Rock's Fans "if ya smell what The Rock is cookin!"
WWF: Undertaker The Phenom
The Rock
The Phenom of the WWE leads you on a journey to the Dark Side highlighting his most recent battles! The discovery of Kane's existence, the fiery horror of the Royal Rumble 1998 casket disaster, his wars with Mankind, the betrayal of Paul Bearer...it's all here and more! Also contains footage and interviews which show you a side of the Undertaker never seen before!
WWE Survivor Series 1998
The Rock
The Deadly Game Tournament for The WWE Championship features Superstars such as Stone Cold Steve Austin, The Big Boss Man, X-Pac, The Undertaker and more. Plus, The New Age Outlaws defend the WWE World Tag Team Championship in a Triple Threat Match and much more!
WWE Judgment Day: In Your House
The Rock
In the main event, Kane battles The Undertaker for the vacant WWE Championship with Stone Cold Steve Austin as guest referee. Ken Shamrock defends the WWE Intercontinental Championship against Mankind. Mark Henry goes to war with The Rock. The Headbangers challenge The New Age Outlaws for the Tag Team Championship. Goldust vs. Val Venis and more!
WWE Breakdown: In Your House
The Rock
Kane, The Undertaker and Stone Cold Steve Austin slug it out in a Triple Threat Match for the WWE Championship in the main event. Bradshaw takes on Big Van Vader in a Falls Count Anywhere Match. The Rock, Ken Shamrock, and Mankind square off in a Steel Cage Triple Threat Match to determine the No. 1 Contender for the WWE Championship. D-Generation X and much more!
WWE SummerSlam 1998
The Rock
Stone Cold Steve Austin defends the WWE Championship against The Undertaker. Edge & Sable face "Marvelous" Marc Mero & Jacqueline in a Mixed Tag Team Match. Val Venis battles D-Lo Brown for the WWE European Championship. X-Pac vs. Jeff Jarrett in a Hair vs. Hair Match. Plus, Triple H defends the WWE Intercontinental Championship against The Rock and more.
WWE Fully Loaded: In Your House
The Rock
Fully Loaded features a huge tag team main event when Stone Cold Steve Austin & The Undertaker take on Mankind & Kane with the WWE World Tag Team Titles on the line. Ken Shamrock competes with Owen Hart in a Dungeon Match. The Rock faces Triple H in a 2-out-of-3 Falls Match for the WWE Intercontinental Championship. Mark Henry takes on Vader. Terry Funk and more!
WWE King of the Ring 1998
Rocky Maivia
Stone Cold Steve Austin puts the WWE Championship on the line against the demonic Kane in a brutal First Blood Match. The Undertaker and Mankind make history inside Hell in a Cell. Semi-Final matches to crown the WWE King of The Ring include Ken Shamrock vs. Jeff Jarrett and The Rock vs. "The Beast" Dan Severn. X-Pac battles Owen Hart and so much more!
WWE Over the Edge: In Your House
The Rock
Stone Cold Steve Austin and Dude Love compete for the WWE Championship in a No Disqualification Falls Count Anywhere Match with Mr. McMahon as special guest referee. The Nation faces D-Generation X in a six-man tag team match. The Rock defends the WWE Intercontinental Championship against Faarooq. Kane faces Vader in a Mask vs. Mask match and more!
WWE Unforgiven: In Your House
The Rock
The temperature is rising as Kane faces The Undertaker in the first ever Inferno Match. Dude Love takes on Stone Cold Steve Austin for the WWE Championship. The New Age Outlaws face LOD 2000 and much more!
WWE Mayhem in Manchester
The Rock
WWF Mayhem in Manchester was a United Kingdom-only professional wrestling pay-per-view event produced by the World Wrestling Federation that took place on 4 April 1998 at the Nynex Arena in Manchester, England. The event was released in an edited form on VHS in North America and in the UK. The Main Event saw The Undertaker face of against his brother Kane. Also the WWF Championship was defended when Stone Cold wrestled Triple H.
WWE WrestleMania XIV
Rocky Maivia
Stone Cold Steve Austin battles Shawn Michaels for the WWE Championship with Mike Tyson as special guest enforcer. The Undertaker battles Kane. The Rock defends the WWE Intercontinental Championship against Ken Shamrock. Cactus Jack and Chainsaw Charlie face The New Age Outlaws for the WWE World Tag Team Championship in a Dumpster Match and more!
WWE No Way Out of Texas: In Your House
The Rock
WWE No Way Out features a wild 8-Man main event featuring Stone Cold Steve Austin, Cactus Jack, Triple H, and more. The Nation of Domination faces Ken Shamrock, Ahmed Johnson & The D.O.A. in a War of Attrition Match. Kane takes on Vader and much more!
WWE Royal Rumble 1998
Rocky Maivia
Thirty Superstars compete in the annual Royal Rumble Match with the winner advancing to WrestleMania XIV for a chance at the WWE Championship. The Rock defends the WWE Intercontinental Championship against Ken Shamrock. Shawn Michaels and The Undertaker battle in a Casket Match with the WWE Championship up for grabs. Plus, The Road Warriors, Goldust, and more!
WWE D-Generation X: In Your House
Rocky Maivia
Shawn Michaels defends the WWF Championship against Ken Shamrock. The Rock challenges Stone Cold Steve Austin for the WWF Intercontinental Championship. Plus, see The Road Warriors challenge The New Age Outlaws for the WWF World Tag Team Championship, the final match in the tournament to determine the first ever WWF Light Heavyweight Champion, and more!
WWE Survivor Series 1997
Rocky Maivia
The storied rivalry between Shawn Michaels and Bret "The Hitman" Hart comes to a shocking and dramatic conclusion in a main event bout for the WWE Championship. Stone Cold Steve Austin returns from a career-threatening injury to challenge Owen Hart for the WWE Intercontinental Championship. Kane makes his in-ring debut against Mankind. All this and much more!
WWE Badd Blood: In Your House
Rocky Maivia
The Road Warriors battles The Nation of Domination. The Headbangers defend the WWE World Tag Team Championship against The Godwinns. The first ever Hell In a Cell match as Shawn Michaels squares off with The Undertaker. Plus, Bret Hart competes in a Tag Team Flag Match and more!
WWE In Your House 15: A Cold Day in Hell
Rocky Maivia
A Cold Day In Hell features Hunter Hearst-Helmsley vs. Flash Funk, The Rock vs. Mankind and The Nation Of Domination vs. Ahmed Johnson. The Undertaker defends the WWE Championship against Stone Cold Steve Austin. Plus, Vader faces Ken Shamrock in a No Holds Barred match and more!
WWE In Your House 14: Revenge of the Taker
Rocky Maivia
Stone Cold Steve Austin battles Bret "The Hitman" Hart to determine the number one contender for the WWE Championship. The Undertaker defends the WWE Championship against Mankind. The Rock defends the WWE Intercontinental Title against Savio Vega and much more!
WWE WrestleMania 13
Rocky Maivia
The Undertaker takes on "Sycho" Sid Vicious in a No Disqualification Match with the WWE Championship up for grabs. Bret "Hitman" Hart faces Stone Cold Steve Austin in a Submission Match with special guest referee Ken Shamrock. Mankind and Big Van Vader challenge Owen Hart & The British Bulldog for the WWE World Tag Team Championship. Hunter Hearst-Helmsley takes on Goldust and more!
WWE In Your House 13: Final Four
Rocky Maivia
The Rock defends the WWE Intercontinental Championship against Triple H. The Nation of Domination battles Goldust, Flash Funk & Bart Gunn. "Wildman" Marc Mero vs Leif Cassidy. Stone Cold Steve Austin, The Undertaker, Bret "The Hitman" Hart and Big Van Vader battle in a Four Corners Elimination Match for the vacant WWE Championship and so much more!
WWE Royal Rumble 1997
Rocky Maivia
Thirty Superstars compete in the annual Royal Rumble Match with the winner advancing to WrestleMania for a shot at the WWE Championship. "The Heartbreak Kid" Shawn Michaels challenges "Sycho" Sid Vicious for the WWE Championship. Triple H defends the WWE Intercontinental Title against Goldust. The Undertaker faces Big Van Vader!
WWE In Your House 12: It's Time
Rocky Maivia
In Your House 12: It's Time was presented by Milton Bradley's Karate Fighters. It took place on December 15, 1996 at the West Palm Beach Auditorium in West Palm Beach, Florida. The show's name was taken from the catchphrase of Big Van Vader, who was scheduled to appear at the event, but was injured. The Main Event featured Sycho Sid vs Bret Hart for the WWF Championship. The Undertake fought The Executioner in a Armageddon Rules match (Last Man Standing), Marc mero took on Hunter Hearst Helmsley for the Intercontinental Championship, and Owen Hart with The British Bulldog defended the Tag Team Championship against "Fake" Razor Ramon and "Fake" Diesel.
WWE Survivor Series 1996
Rocky Maivia
A traditional Survivor Series Elimination Match puts The Rock, Jake "The Snake" Roberts, Barry Windham & "Wildman" Marc Mero against Triple H, Goldust, Crush & Jerry "The King" Lawler. The Undertaker faces Mankind with Paul Bearer above the ring in a cage. Shawn Michaels defends the WWE Championship against "Sycho" Sid Vicious. Stone Cold Steve Austin battles Bret "The Hitman" Hart and so much more!
Fast X: Part 2
Luke Hobbs
The eleventh installment in The Fast Saga.
Untitled Luke Hobbs Project
Luke Hobbs
A spin-off of the Fast & Furious franchise focusing on former DSS agent Luke Hobbs.
Untitled Luke Hobbs Project
A spin-off of the Fast & Furious franchise focusing on former DSS agent Luke Hobbs.
Big Trouble in Little China
A truck driver and his new friend, Jack Burton, unite on a new adventure.
Big Trouble in Little China
A truck driver and his new friend, Jack Burton, unite on a new adventure.
Doc Savage
Doc Savage, the man of bronze, was raised from childhood by a team of scientists to become the original "super" hero of the 1930s. A man of great mental and physical strength, he went around the world battling larger-than-life villains.
Doc Savage
Doc Savage
Doc Savage, the man of bronze, was raised from childhood by a team of scientists to become the original "super" hero of the 1930s. A man of great mental and physical strength, he went around the world battling larger-than-life villains.
It Takes Two
As they go through a divorce, May and Cody find their minds transported into two dolls that their daughter, Rose, made to represent them. Now they must go on a wild and fantastical journey to find a way to get back into their bodies.
The shrimp project
Biggie the g
Dr shrimp conducts an experiment on the homeless but sadly a homeless man turns out to be a fat pig then he trys to eat the lab then he almost explodes. The film Xmen dark phoenix was horrendous. Sadly jeeb plays roblox then farts so he explodes. Sadly titty milk v2 isnt who you think you are and has sloppy time and turns into batman. batman fights dr shrimp but its revealed that dr shrimp was actually a gay black man who had a crush and his dad, the credits roll. In an after credits scene dr shrimp killed his father then ate a magic bean which made him a bit yellow. Script; According to all known laws of aviation, there is no way a bee should be able to fly. It's OK, Lou. We're gonna take him up. Really? Feeling lucky, are you? Sign here, here. Just initial that. - Thank you. - OK. You got a rain advisory today, and as you all know, bees cannot fly in rain. So be careful. As always, watch your brooms,
shrimp club (dirty edition)
the rock
after spongebob dies to patrick in rocky IV shrimp durden invites patrick into a fight club where he jumps him and busts one accidentilly causing him to orgasm gard when the rock comes in to clean up it seems the sex animatronics are not what they seem he has to fight the sex robots off like nick cage in the irrelevent movie willys wonderland and as a final plot twist dripped out walter junior and his egghead dad roll in and take a dump in the rocks moth then the title card appears "shrimp club IV"
To the Journey - Looking Back at Star Trek: Voyager
The documentary explores the legacy of Star Trek: Voyager (1995).
WWE: Monday Night War Vol. 2: Know Your Role
In this 20-episode documentary series, WWE chronicles the Monday Night War with WCW. In Volume 2, see WWE return to prominence by snapping WCW's 84-week winning streak, as well as the rise of Chris Jericho, Sable and of course, The Rock. Plus, hear about backstage politics on both sides, and all the events leading to WWE's victory and the fall of WCW. This volume will cover the final ten episodes in this documentary, along with matches and moments from that era!
Red Notice 3
John Hartley
The second of two planned sequels to Red Notice (2021).
Red Notice 2
John Hartley
The first of two planned sequels to Red Notice (2021).
San Andreas 2
Raymond Gaines
A sequel to the 2015 action film 'San Andreas,' in which a rescue helicopter pilot tries to save his family from a devastating earthquake.
Come and See: Part 2
A Rock in the Background
The sequel to the hit film "Come and See" (1985)
Red One
Owen Hart was a hugely popular WWE (then WWF) wrestling superstar when he tragically fell to his death during a televised ring stunt. Now, discover the inside story of a champion who was destined to become a legend…
Jungle Cruise 2
Frank Wolff
A sequel to the 2021 adventure film Jungle Cruise. Plot unknown.
Untitled Female Pinkerton Agent Film
The film will chronicle Warne’s life as the first woman to become a detective for the famous Pinkerton National Detective Agency. Little is known about her life prior to joining the agency at twenty-three, but the project is described as a “propulsive action adventure” surrounding her time as the world’s first female Sherlock Holmes, paving a bright future for women in law enforcement.
Untitled Space Jam 3
Plot unknown.
Red One
Zack Snyder's Yousif-San
Known mastermind 'Yousif "Hamza" San' gets his revenge on President Tatepuft.
Царь скорпионов
Перезапуск фэнтези-боевика «Царь скорпионов» 2002 года.
Тяжелая ноша
В центре сюжета — Эдгар и Мэллори Булсон, которые решили наконец развестись после нескольких лет совместной жизни. Все меняется, когда загадочный метеорит облучает их инопланетной энергией, в результате чего они получают невероятные суперспособности. Супруги уже готовы наслаждаться новыми возможностями вдали друг от друга, но быстро понимают, что способности работают нормально, только когда они вместе.
Тяжелая ноша
Edgar Bulson
В центре сюжета — Эдгар и Мэллори Булсон, которые решили наконец развестись после нескольких лет совместной жизни. Все меняется, когда загадочный метеорит облучает их инопланетной энергией, в результате чего они получают невероятные суперспособности. Супруги уже готовы наслаждаться новыми возможностями вдали друг от друга, но быстро понимают, что способности работают нормально, только когда они вместе.
Форсаж: Хоббс и Шоу 2
Sequel to the 2019 "Fast and Furious" spin-off.
Форсаж: Хоббс и Шоу 2
Luke Hobbs
Sequel to the 2019 "Fast and Furious" spin-off.
Son of Shaolin
John Henry and the Statesmen
John Henry
The King
A story about the legendary King Kamehameha.
The King
King Kamehameha
A story about the legendary King Kamehameha.
The Janson Directive
Executive Producer
Former Navy SEAL and prisoner of war, Paul Janson, works as a corporate security consultant, but when an assignment to rescue a VIP goes wrong, he's forced to go on the run.
Teddy and the Guardians of the Night
A feature film inspired by Alex Panagopoulos' drawing of a teddy bear defending a young, sleeping child from an approaching monster.