Mariano Ruiz Capillas


Lola la Piconera
Director of Photography
During the Napoleonic era, when Napoleon's army tried to complete the conquest of Spain and headed towards Cádiz, they met a cantaora from Cádiz (Rocío Jurado) in the streets. However, her outward joy is deceptive since the man she is in love with is the French captain Gustavo Lefevre (Germán Cobos), who has come to conquer Spain. This film made for television stars the singer Rocío Jurado ("En Andalucía nació el amor") and directed by Fernando García de la Vega ("Cinco minutos nada menos").
Veneri in collegio
Second Unit Director of Photography
Two competing teams of paparazzi try to enter a college to get a picture of an Arab Prince's fiancée.
Le tardone
Director of Photography
A collection of five episodes dealing with aging women.
Колосс Родосский
Second Unit Director of Photography
Действие картины происходит на острове Родос во II веке до нашей эры. На острове безраздельно царит тиран Ксеркс, окруженный льстивыми предателями-придворными. Немногие честные люди вынуждены скрываться, в противном случае их ожидает тюрьма. В это время на Родос приезжает афинянин Дарио и сразу оказывается вовлеченным в подготовку мятежа против Ксеркса, который планируется осуществить в день торжественного открытия статуи Колосса Родосского. Заговорщики планируют использовать статую в осуществлении своих дерзких планов... И сами боги Олимпа идут им навстречу: в день мятежа разражается буря, и статуя рушится, погребая под своими обломками тиранию Ксеркса.
The Boy Who Stole a Million
Camera Operator
A boy gets involved in a bank robbery
¿Dónde vas, triste de ti?
Camera Operator
After the death of Queen Mercedes, Alfonso XII's first wife, the problem of the succession is raised. The monarchy needs a heir and the King choses María Cristina from Habsburd to be the futur spanish queen. But Mercedes memories will be against the marriage and the long-awaited son will born when Alfonso is already dead.
Secretaria peligrosa
A secretary plans to rob her boss with the help of her gangster boyfriend and his gang, but a special agent attempts to stop them in their tracks.
La reina mora
During the April Fair in Seville neighborhood of Santa Cruz, Antonio, in love with Coral, will meet Esteban, her boyfriend. The end result is that Antonio is hurt and Esteban goes to prison. To avoid gossip, Coral asks his brother of moving. Cotufo agrees and the two move to a mansion in which, according to legend, lived a Christian and the daughter of a Moorish king, who died of grief of love.
Spanish Round
Camera Operator
Over a hundred members of the chorus girls and dance groups from the Spanish "Sección Femenina" embark to America to show the richness of their national folklore. The girls have left parked their daily tasks to enjoy this great adventure aboard "Mount Albertia". During the trip, the relationship between the girls and the crew is very lively and in all scenarios where they perform, success always accompanies them.
Любая женщина
Camera Operator
После смерти сына Ньевес Бланко разводится с мужем. Она хочет добиться успеха самостоятельно, но у нее есть большая проблема, женщина необычайно привлекательна и все мужчины видят в ней инструмент наслаждения. Проходит время, но она так и не смогла найти работу. В отчаянии, она решает выйти «на улицу» и продать себя. Она встречает Луиса, таинственного человека, который собирается втянуть Нтевес в большую передрягу, превратив её жизнь в лихорадочную полосу препятствий.
El capitán de Loyola
Camera Operator
Director of Photography
In 1922, Infantry Captain Fernando Salas, arriving from Madrid, joins, without much enthusiasm, a battalion ruled by Commander Almendro, a tough veteran of the African war who soon notices a clear lack of military vocation in the new recruit.
Empezó en boda
In-laws and relatives begin to settle in the house of two newlyweds. Even though their intention is to contribute to marital peace, they actually complicate their lives.
Director of Photography
Correo de Indias
Second Assistant Camera
A Dutch sailing ship finds the wreckage of a Spanish mail ship, which has collided with an iceberg. Inside, the bodies of a man and a woman are found embraced.
La doncella de la duquesa
Director of Photography