Petar Ćirica

Petar Ćirica


Petar Ćirica


Somewhen, Somewhere
Adela has travelled from Macao to Croatia to visit the Museum of Broken Relationships where she left her boyfriend’s iPhone. A few random meetings later and Adela heads for Belgrade to meet someone named Alex who she met on Instagram. While waiting for his arrival, Adela continues to meet a diverse range of people and with each encounter she explores an unfamiliar land, its people, history and culture, all of which are so different from the country in which she was born. This is a quiet adventure where, in discovering new people, a person discovers herself.
King Petar the First
The story of the Serbian army, led by the King Peter, through the World War I.
Закат цивилизации
Office Worker 2
История мужчины, которому после серии кошмарных снов о потере собственной семьи вскоре приходится в реальной жизни бороться за её выживание во время инопланетного вторжения.
Прозванный Мотыльком из-за татуировки на груди взломщик сейфов Анри совершает несколько попыток побега из тюрьмы, где отбывает пожизненное заключение. Вскоре его отправят на остров Дьявола, окруженный океаном, откуда еще никому не удавалось сбежать.
Barking at the Stars
Budimir Vujić Cim
Comedy about teachers and students at a high school in a small provincial town. Mihailo tries to win the heart of a girl his brother is also chasing.
The Tear and Her Sisters
A teenager girl who studies medicine meets young but wounded war volunteer at the city hospital during her practice. They fall in love with each other, but he recovers and brings decision of getting back to the war.