Production Design
Бывшие супруги вновь встречаются после долгой разлуки, но их отношения всё так же волнующи и непредсказуемы, ведь в их семье зреет новый конфликт. Юная Карин стремится вырваться из-под опеки своего строгого отца. И только Марианна, не забывшая свою молодость, способна понять вольный романтический нрав своей любимой внучки.
Production Design
Per Olov Enquist's play about Selma Lagerlöf and Victor Sjöström after the shooting of The Phantom Carriage, one of Bergman's favorite films of all time, seemed tailor-made for the director. Director Victor Sjöström has been shooting Selma Lagerlöf's novel The Phantom Carriage. He has invited the author to Stockholm to show her a number of scenes from the film in the presence of the talented cinematographer Julius Jaenzon and the young actress Tora Teje. The meeting between Lagerlöf, an older woman and world-famous author, and a young and talented actress becomes the focal point of the drama.
Art Direction
Пожилой режиссер пишет сценарий, главная героиня которого — театральная актриса Марианна. Она замужем за дирижером Маркусом и у них есть девятилетняя дочь. Муж постоянно в разъездах, поэтому женщина часто остается одна.
Однажды, во время очередного турне мужа, друг семьи — режиссер Дэвид — напрашивается в гости и остается на ночь. Неожиданно для самих героев между ними вспыхивает страсть, в пылу которой Марианна теряет голову настолько, что готова рискнуть своим браком. Роман Дэвида и Марианны закономерным образом приводит героиню к болезненному разрыву с мужем.
Production Design
1920-е. Изобретатель Карл Окерблум попадает в лечебницу. Там ему приходит идея создания первого звукового фильма, которую он жаждет воплотить в жизнь…
Production Design
Magni is a farmer who is planning to marry Teresia who comes from a rich family. When his maid Lovisa finds out she gets furious, she has been working for him without pay for 12 years because of vague allusions to marriage, now she wants her pay! She calculates that her back pay is the same as the fortune Teresia would be bringing to the marriage.
Production Design
It is the first day of the summer vacation. Jojje, Jerker and Fabian wants to borrow a sailing boat to take a boat trip so they steal it. They plan to examine all of Lake Maelaren, but a storm breaks out and the boat sinks. They go ashore, steal food and a new boat. While everybody else believes them to be dead, they have a wonderful time. They meet a crazy Count and find a dead body.
Production Design
The elderly Arnolphe has decided to marry a young woman, Agnes, whom he has fallen in love with. She is too young and innocent to realize what plans he has for her. But Agnes and Arnolphe's young friend, the dandy Horace, have fallen in love with each other. Their love is a threat to Arnolphe's attempt at getting married. Can the cunning Arnolphe stop them?
Costume Design
The elderly Arnolphe has decided to marry a young woman, Agnes, whom he has fallen in love with. She is too young and innocent to realize what plans he has for her. But Agnes and Arnolphe's young friend, the dandy Horace, have fallen in love with each other. Their love is a threat to Arnolphe's attempt at getting married. Can the cunning Arnolphe stop them?