Jim Kaufman


First Assistant Director
Фильм повествует о женщине-психиатре, которая однажды оказывается пациенткой больницы для невменяемых преступников, где она прежде работала. Вдобавок ко всему, ее обвиняют в совершении жестокого убийства, о котором она ничего не помнит. Пытаясь разобраться в происходящем, она сталкивается с необъяснимыми мистическими происшествиями…
Ночные волны
Шелби Нэйрол никак не оправится после автокатастрофы, в которой погиб ее муж. Костыли, лекарства и воспоминания. Облегчение она находит в хобби мужа — прослушивании полицейской радиоволны.
Time at the Top
14-year old Susan Shawson travels back in time in her building's elevator. As altered by a retired physicist living in her building, it transports her from Philadelphia of 1998 back to the same place in 1881. There she meets Victoria Walker, a girl her own age in need of assistance with her own family problems. Gradually discovering the power of her time machine, Susan, Victoria, and her young brother Robert travel back and forth in time and succeed in changing both the past and the future.
Nightmare Man
After recovering from a near-fatal wound, a cop develops the ability to see crime scenes through psychic flashes.
Ночь демонов 3
Приблизилось время очередного Хэллоуина. Группа подростков после потасовки со стрельбой стали искать место, где бы затаиться, и выбрали «Адский дом», знакомый нам по предыдущим частям. Там их встретила демониха-Анджела, и помимо неё самой подросткам пришлось разбираться в личных взаимоотношениях, что явно способствовало увеличению демонической рождаемости…
A friendless youngster (Michael Caloz) asks a cat goddess to help his feline friend.
A Star for Two
Love between a man and a woman that endures the ravages of time.
Back Stab
A man is seduced by a stranger and awakens to a corpse.
Переключая каналы
First Assistant Director
Репортер программы новостей Кристи решает оставить свою работу, чтобы выйти замуж за богатого и влиятельного Блэйне, но ее босс и экс-муж не собирается уступать так легко и пытается сорвать ее планы.
Shades of Love: Sincerely, Violet
Shades of Love: Lilac Dream
Tamara (Susan Almgren), a young advertising executive, retreats to an island to nurse a broken heart. During the first night there is a violent storm. In the morning, Tamara finds a young man (Dack Rambo) lying wounded and unconscious on the beach. She takes him back to her cottage and when he wakes it is evident he has amnesia. As the days go by, she falls in love with him. They are happy in their love until Matt's inevitable departure leaves Tamara heartsick once again. He must find out who the woman is who claims to be his wife. Nevertheless, Tamara returns to work strong in the conviction that love, however brief, is worth the pain it costs. As it turns out Matt's wife Joanna was about to leave him. He left on the boat to think things over and went straight into the storm. Once back at home Joanna in her usual indecisive way wants him back. Matt knows what he must do and leaves Joanna for good. Matt's unexpected return to Tamara shows her that such happiness can last.
Shades of Love: Make Mine Chartreuse
Rosemary, an energetic and prosperous executive, orders her driver to buy 2 bottles of chartreuse To impress a difficult client. afterr setting up a meeting withnthe client, she goes to a bookstore where, She meets Steve Grady, whose books she also loves, and falls for their author's charm and wit. But both are workaholics and their professional and emotional lives are difficult to reconcile. During one of the rare weekends they spend together, the lovers discover how deeply they care for one another. Still, Rosemary continues to resist. When she finally gives in, they drink to it with chartreuse. Stars Joseph Bottoms and Catherine Colvey. Directed by Jim Kaufman.
Дети тишины
First Assistant Director
Джон, опытный и тонкий психолог, блестяще владеет языком детей тишины: удивительным языком жестов, пауз и взглядов. К каждому из своих учеников он терпеливо и тактично ищет свой единственный и неповторимый подход. Одной из учениц Джона становится прекрасная девушка по имени Сара, потерявшая слух в детстве, ожесточенная и упрямая.
Night Magic
Night Magic, a musical fantasy, is set on earth but it is also about the heavens. At the centre of it all is Michael, a music hall artist, who finds Judy, an angel that epitomizes the woman of his dreams at the System Theatre where he is about to open his new show. For Michael it is just another show along the road but once inside something happens. The night is full of possibilities- full of love and romance, jealousy and infidelity, music and dance, even good and evil. Most of all it is full of magic.
The Kinky Coaches and the Pom Pom Pussycats
First Assistant Director
Two long-time rival high school football coaches lead their respective teams into battle for the city football championship. However, before the opening kickoff, various students from each school try to do whatever it takes to throw the opposing team off of their game.
First Assistant Director
Они живут среди нас — сканеры, умеющие читать мозг других и умеющие убивать своим мозгом. Один из сканеров, Кэмерон Вейл, по просьбе доктора Пола Рута, специалиста по психическим отклонениям, пытается разыскать сканера Дэррила Ривока, который стоит во главе тайной организации, преследующей цель установить господство сканеров во всем мире.
The Late Blossom
30-year-old Quebec City native Gisèle lives a quiet life as a secretary without happiness with her parents and siblings. One day, tired of being teased by her office mates, she decides to consult a marriage agency to find her soul mate.