Branislav Mijatović


The Years of the Sweet Sin
The biggest Balkan star Lepa Brena in the documentary speaks about the fame but also reveals and yet unknown details from her biography. From childhood in Brcko, growing up in the working family to the achievement of the most successful career in the former Yugoslavia. How she built the brand, what was the role of her manager Raka Djokic, in the success of Lepa Brena and "Slatki greh" and how it looked like a tour that lasted for 9 years. The film is featured by prominent artists and public workers of a time brought by artists like Lepa Brena today.
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Bane (as Slatki greh)
Во второй части Лепа Брена едет на один из островов Адриатики, в рабочий отпуск, но из-за праздников и планирования очередного тура ложные новости о том, что пресловутый остров Лепа Брена запросил специального гостя для тура. Новость полностью разрушит острые ощущения и у потенциальных гостей тура, и у туристов, и у членов Sweet Sin, и у всего острова.