Daniel Léger


Muinski, a dealer, lives at night in an old, mysterious project. He's accompanied by Tô, an Asian man who is dying. Tired and lacking clients, Muinski wants to shut down his business and to set up a bookstore. But he starts receiving strange packets containing black powder, an unknown drug... He tries it. One night, he invites a few friends over for a party, at the end of which his life takes a sudden turn. Under the influence of the drug, Muinski commits an irreparable crime. But things aren't as clear-cut as they seem.
Cinématon XXXVIII
Reel 38 of Gérard Courant’s on-going Cinematon series.
И как Икар
Guillaume Géménos
Прокурор Вольнэ берется за дело об убийстве президента Жари. Расследование заключило, что произошло самоубийство. Однако Вольнэ считает, что случившееся — часть секретного плана…
Frankenstein: A Love Story
Fascinated by the idea of ​​being able to create life through science, a count produces a monster from corpses. Does the creature have a soul?