Phantom Praveen


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Drunken Man Friend
Хосемон – простой парень из индийского штата Керала. Его жизнь буквально переворачивается после встречи с девушкой Кэти. Она приехала в Индию из США в поисках новых впечатлений, а Хосемон предложил ей показать самые интересные и живописные места своего родного штата. В какой-то момент между героями фильма проскакивает искра, и их начинает притягивать друг к другу. Хосемон и Кэти делятся друг с другом историями из жизни и оказывается, что, несмотря на культурные различия, у них много общего.
Udaharanam Sujatha
Sujatha, mother of a teenaged girl, nurses a dream to educate her daughter by doing multiple jobs at houses and factories. However, her daughter Athira doesn't take education seriously, believing that being the off spring of a domestic help, she too will end up the same. A dismayed Sujatha is on the lookout for ways to rouse Athira's competitive spirit.
Udaharanam Sujatha
Sujatha, mother of a teenaged girl, nurses a dream to educate her daughter by doing multiple jobs at houses and factories. However, her daughter Athira doesn't take education seriously, believing that being the off spring of a domestic help, she too will end up the same. A dismayed Sujatha is on the lookout for ways to rouse Athira's competitive spirit.
Udaharanam Sujatha
Sujatha, mother of a teenaged girl, nurses a dream to educate her daughter by doing multiple jobs at houses and factories. However, her daughter Athira doesn't take education seriously, believing that being the off spring of a domestic help, she too will end up the same. A dismayed Sujatha is on the lookout for ways to rouse Athira's competitive spirit.