Richard Ward


Чудо святой Анны
Buffalo Soldier
История 92-й дивизии американской армии, состоявшей целиком из чернокожих солдат. В 1944 году подразделение этой дивизии, ведомое некомпетентными командирами-расистами, попало в ловушку в районе одной из итальянских деревень в Тоскане.
When Paige Hopkins begins working at a halfway house for degenerate teenage girls, she believes that her syrupy sweet disposition is just what the girls need to find their path to redemption. But these hardened street girls show Paige that she couldn't be more out of place. So Paige quickly adapts to their ways - which includes beatings, torture and even murder - all delivered with a smile. Gradually, it becomes clear that she may be more troubled than any of her charges. Written by Brain Damage Films
Detective Williams
A dentist's wife conspires the murder of her husband. The murder is carried out by a twisted serial killer that stalks and kills exotic women. Unknown to all are the dentist's connections to the Mafia. Now the Police, a Private investigator, and the Mafia hit men are all in on the chase.
Things II
Rich Mason
An author lures a pizza delivery girl into his house and then proceeds to tell her about two of his most recent scary stories.