Todor G. Todorov


Hicran runs away from home when she is forced into an engagement with Rıza by her father. Rıza, who thinks that Hicran doesn't want to be with him, doesn't care at first. But when it begins to bother him, he decides to confront the situation and embarks on a long search for her in Istanbul.
VFX Artist
Hicran runs away from home when she is forced into an engagement with Rıza by her father. Rıza, who thinks that Hicran doesn't want to be with him, doesn't care at first. But when it begins to bother him, he decides to confront the situation and embarks on a long search for her in Istanbul.
Post Production Supervisor
Hicran runs away from home when she is forced into an engagement with Rıza by her father. Rıza, who thinks that Hicran doesn't want to be with him, doesn't care at first. But when it begins to bother him, he decides to confront the situation and embarks on a long search for her in Istanbul.
Нине тринадцать и больше всего на свете она мечтает уехать в Испанию. Но пока ей приходится обкрадывать прохожих, а украденное приносить злому и властному Василию. Однажды одна из жертв Нины предлагает ей помощь…
Ирина работает официанткой на полставки в маленьком городке в Болгарии. В один и тот же день ее увольняют с работы, а с мужем происходит несчастный случай. Чтобы спастись от нищеты, Ирина решает стать суррогатной матерью. Ссоры, бедность, новая жизнь, которая растет у нее внутри: все это приносит новую волну несчастий. Но выпавшие на ее долю страдания научат Ирину прощению и любви.
Production Manager
"Snow" is a film for the choice, betrayal and forgiveness between brothers and sons, narrated on the background of the harsh reality in an abandoned place.
Post-Production Manager
Love always wins The class struggle between loving the poor, or asking yourself an excuse to be selfish for trying to live a luxury life,
After a terrorist with an implanted nuclear detonator gets shot, a team of scientists must defuse the bomb by miniaturizing themselves and going into his bloodstream. His organism's antibodies start to mass against them.
The Camp
Todor - dete
In this earnest movie from Bulgaria, the minds of the young people attending a Young Pioneer (communist youth) camp in the 1950s are shown to be easily molded into a conformist vein. Later, at a "voluntary labor" camp in the 1960s, the final touches are put on their education as proper young communists.