On June 26, 1813, Austrian Foreign Minister Klemens von Metternich went to meet Napoleon Bonaparte at his headquarters in Dresden, in the Kingdom of Saxony. Although the French emperor still dominated Europe, the disastrous Russian campaign had sapped his military power. Could France continue to count on Austria's support? A nine-hour private meeting would decide the fate of Europe.
The lawyer Franziska Schlüter works for the Aescuria insurance and is responsible for processing applications for disbursement of occupational disability policies. The company policy provides as a guideline to prevent the approval as far as possible. When the widow of a victim, who committed suicide after being rejected, storms the office to loudly accuse these machinations, Franziska begins to doubt the correctness of her work and to rethink. She quits and works as a freelance lawyer to help injured parties legally to get their rights. First she deals with the case of a family in the neighborhood. The father has been in a wheelchair since an accident. However, the Strelaus have not yet seen any money from the insurance company. Initially not taken seriously by colleagues, the shy woman takes on the fight against the health insurance system and has to fight against resistance and above all with her own self-doubt.
75-летний вдовец ведет уединенный образ жизни. Родственники дарят ему компьютер в надежде оживить будни старика. Вскоре он заводит онлайн знакомство, правда, несколько приукрасив данные своего профайла. Элегантной беседой, несвойственной современным людям, он сильно заинтересовывает молодую красивую женщину. Как избежать разоблачения при личной встрече? Любовный треугольник с весьма незаурядным развитием событий.
Андрэ Бамберски стремится выяснить истинные причины гибели своей маленькой дочери Калинки. Расследование, длившееся 27 лет, выходит на след предполагаемого насильника и убийцы, и отец наконец получает возможность способствовать свершению правосудия.