Emily Price tries to balance family life and leading crunch negotiations between a Canadian politician and the president of a country whose natural resources are being exploited.
Яркая и взбалмошная вдова Диана забирает из интерната сына-подростка и полна решимости начать новую жизнь. Со Стивом они бы жили душа в душу, но вспышки гнева импульсивного сына то и дело подрывают шаткое равновесие в семье. На подмогу приходит скромная заикающаяся соседка Кайла, и в доме на время воцаряется идиллия, но как долго это продлится?
Dad (voice)
Alex and the Ghosts is a story of childhood magic and wonderment around a legendary hockey team, uniting past and present, reaching out to the youthful hearts of sport fans of all ages.
Rage and intolerance collide with compassion Academy-Award nominated David Strathairn portrays Danny Dunkleman, a Jewish liberal humanist, and the court-appointed lawyer representing Mike Downey, a Neo-Nazi Skinhead on trial for the racially motivated murder of an East Indian immigrant. Steel Toes takes us into the intense and fiery relationship that develops between these two men as they explore their emotional and intellectual differences. Steel Toes is a provocative exploration of the inescapable and insidious presence of racial and religious intolerance in our society.
Narrator / Piggy (voice)
Books are everywhere in Meena's house - in cupboards, drawers, and even piled up the stairs! Her parents love to read, but Meena never even opens a book! When her cat Max accidentally knocks down a huge stack of books, heroes, heroines, and animals with attitude come to life and pandemonium reigns. Meena finds a unique solution to get the characters back in the books, and nothing, as they say, is the same after that. Based on the story by Manjusha Pawagi. The Girl Who Hated Books is part of the NFB's Talespinners 2 collection.
Dr. Cartwright
In a quaint and quiet island community off the coast of Maine, Susan is a young widow suffering from deep grief for the loss of her husband, Ron. Two escaped convicts suffer from their own kind of deep grief at the loss of their diamonds stolen in a heist they participated in the year before, spear-headed by Susan's now late husband. One of the convicts, poses as an old college friend of Ron's enabling him to get close to a still vulnerable Susan and even closer to the diamonds.
President of the Court
В середине 18-го века, во время сражения Англии и Франции за Канаду между крестьянкой и охотником разворачивается страстный роман.
Le Capitaine de l'Esperanza
Удивительные приключения Робинзона Крузо, моряка из Йорка, прожившего двадцать восемь лет в полном одиночестве на необитаемом острове у берегов Америки близ устьев реки Ориноко, куда он был выброшен кораблекрушением, во время которого весь экипаж корабля, кроме него, погиб.
ADR Supervisor
Шелби Нэйрол никак не оправится после автокатастрофы, в которой погиб ее муж. Костыли, лекарства и воспоминания. Облегчение она находит в хобби мужа — прослушивании полицейской радиоволны.
Clive Johnson
A deputy-district attorney, assigned to investigate the murder of the mayor's cousin, finds himself falling for the victim's wife.
Pastor Van Der Veen
Ichabod Crane, a Yankee wanderer, arrives in Sleepy Hollow and becomes the new schoolmaster. He meets Katrina Van Tassel, and blissfully fantasizes about how can marry her, ultimately, inherit her father's rich estate. Her suitor Brom Bones, the blacksmith, wants to scare him away and dresses up as the legendary Headless Horseman. During the prank, the real ghost appears and drives Ichabod off
Syd Brooks
A kidnapped businessman, finding out that no one is willing to pay the ransom to save his life, befriends his aggressor.
Woody Gifford
A CIA agent infiltrates the research team of a scientist who seeks to capture the essence of a dying leukemia patient.
Additional Cast
The story of how Mary Travers becomes a famed popular singer in Quebec.
Additional Cast
Inventor Joseph-Armand Bombardier and the beginnings of his passion for engineering.
An animated recreation of Van Gogh's "Les iris" is juxtaposed with audio from the auction of the piece for millions of dollars more than the artist could have ever imagined.
Man (voice)
Viola writes novels in a darkened room. Marie, her sister and only companion, takes care of her every need. Together, they are an island unto themselves, quiet and complete in their isolation. And then the abrupt arrival of a stranger throws their tenuous order into chaos. An animated short etched directly onto tinted 70 mm film.
Во второй части трилогии речь идёт о «втором поколении» сканнеров. Для установления власти в городе коррумпированный полицейский Форрестер использует телепатические способности сканнеров. Его помощник, доктор Морзе, в ходе научных экспериментов разрабатывает наркотический препарат, вызывающий привыкание. Но он имеет побочное действие — сканнеры теряют свои экстраординарные способности… Форестер находит Дэвида Келлума, сканнера, не сознающего свою силу, который соглашается работать с ним. Сможет ли он вычислить истинные мотивы Форестера и препятствовать установлению «нового порядка»?
René (voice)
Актер по имени Дэниэл задумал поставить пьесу на тему "Страсти Господни" на территории Монреальского собора. Сам он собирается сыграть роль Иисуса и пригласить своих друзей актеров на остальные роли. Постепенно сюжет начинает завладевать мыслями и чувствами всех. Появляется параллель между жизнью актеров и их ролями в пьесе.
Buffy: Group Montparno
Ник Харт — американский художник, старающийся добиться успеха и живущий среди иностранцев в Париже 1920-х годов. Он проводит большую часть своего времени, выпивая и общаясь с посетителями местного кафе и галерейщицей Либби, чтобы продать свои картины. Он участвует в сделке с богатой покровительницей искусств Натали де Виль. Это приводит к нескольким столкновениям с американским магнатом Бертрамом Стоуном, который женат на бывшей супруге Харта Рэйчел.
Harvey Keitel plays Penfield Gruber, a once great scientist, reduced to managing a sleazy hotel. Gruber monitors the daily comings and goings of his tenants, mainly for his own interest, until underworld figures ask him to spy on a suspected double-crosser. While watching the man, Gruber overhears a murder plot.
Perfect Timing is the story of Harry Crane, an infamous photographer whose sublime and evocative images single-handedly reshaped and rebuilt the boudoir and fitness industries. But, having made his mark, allowed the artist within to be released. Creatively and artistically, Harry has moved on; his work now consisting of portraits and interpreting rock wall fractals. Of course that meant leaving the professional schlock of commercial advertising behind him. Sounds good. Except there's that pesky issue of money. And Harry and his buds are quickly burning through large quantities of it. Bottom line - he's nearly broke and faces eviction.
A woman deals with her mother, an arts professor, plunging into chaos due to Alzheimer's.
Three robbers hide a stolen jewel inside a stuffed animal at one of the midway games in an amusement park. When Jack—a teen with a part-time summer job in the park—his best friend David and two girls hang out at the park, they get mixed up in the robbers' scheme to take back their jewel.