Production Manager
Cinecitta is today known as the center of the Italian film industry. But there is a dark past. The film city was solemnly inaugurated in 1937 by Mussolini. Here, propaganda films would be produced to strengthen the dictator's position.
Line Producer
Cinecitta is today known as the center of the Italian film industry. But there is a dark past. The film city was solemnly inaugurated in 1937 by Mussolini. Here, propaganda films would be produced to strengthen the dictator's position.
Production Manager
Fortuna (6 years old) lives with her mother in an anonymous suburb. She spends her time with two playmates, Nicola and Anna, dreaming of being Nancy, an alien princess chased by giants who want to kidnap her and her friends. After a tragic accident happened to Nicola, an obscure secret surfaces in a struggle between reality and imagination, unveiling a horrible truth. A dark fairy tale, based on a true story.
Production Director
Line Producer
An ancient dying land is brought back to life by the primal force of a young mute girl, who witnesses the fatal clash between two fathers.
Associate Producer
Женщина и ее десятилетний сын каждый по-своему переживают смерть мужа и отца, погибшего в результате несчастного случая на заводе. А вокруг – суета, соболезнования родственников, друзей, коллег и десяток важных дел, которые являются неотъемлемой частью траурных церемоний.
A young worker installs a screen door in an unfamiliar house. He thinks there is no one else but him and the owner, an older and very attractive woman. He is wrong.
Production Director
Post Production Coordinator
Associate Producer
Остия, предместья Рима, 1995 год. Здесь живут Чезаре и Витторио, два друга детства, оба выходцы из небогатых семей, которые живут, ударяясь в крайности, проводят свои дни и ночи между ночными клубами, наркотиками, алкоголем. Каждый из них ищет успеха, но, как показывают дальнейшие события, для каждого из них этот самый успех заключается в совсем разных вещах.