Patricia Routledge

Patricia Routledge

Рождение : 1929-02-17, Tranmere, Merseyside, England, UK


Dame Katherine Patricia Routledge, DBE is a British actress, comedian and singer. She is best known for her role as Hyacinth Bucket in the BBC sitcom Keeping Up Appearances, for which she was nominated for the BAFTA TV Award for Best Light Entertainment Performance in 1992 and 1993.


Patricia Routledge


Comedy Classics: Keeping Up Appearances
Keeping Up Appearances remains one of Britain's best loved series. Running for 5 years throughout the 90s, millions of viewers tuned in to watch the delightfully monstrous Hyacinth Bucket (pronounced Bouquet) as she attempted to climb the social ladder, only to be endlessly let down by her family. In this 90-minute celebration we feature the very best and most hilarious moments from the series, and cast, crew and celebrity fans pay tribute to the show and share backstage secrets. Featuring an exclusive interview with Dame Patricia Routledge, who shares her memories of the show, we learn how she came to be cast, how she developed the character, and what happened when the cameras stop rolling.
Joe Orton Laid Bare
Exploring the wit, work and world of Joe Orton through his own words, and the testimony of those who knew him and worked with him.
Beatrix Potter with Patricia Routledge
Self - Presenter
Patricia Routledge, as patron of the Beatrix Potter Society, presents a documentary on the author's life and work.
Anybody's Nightmare
Sheila Bowler
Based on the true story of Shelia Bowler, accused of murdering her elderly aunt.
Talking Heads 2
A series of monologues.
The Memoirs of Hyacinth Bucket
Daisy and Onslow find the secret diary of Hyacinth and start reading in it. The rest of this TV-special are clips from prevous episodes.
Missing Persons
Hetty Wainthrop
During a visit to childhood friend Edith, retired housewife Hetty Wainthropp discovers that Edith's husband, Frank, has a son by a previous marriage. Hetty decides to turn amateur detective to trace him. When this gives her a taste for detection, Hetty decides to set up a private detective agency.
First and Last
The story of a retired man who decides to fulfil his life-long ambition of walking from one end of Britain to the other.
Talking Heads
Six monologues tell the stories of six different repressed souls: a man dominated by his mother, a vicar's wife, an inveterate letter writer, a hopeful actress, a recently widowed woman, and an elderly shut-in.
When We Are Married
Maria Helliwell
Three married couples discover that, through a legal technicality, they are, in fact, not actually married in the eyes of the law. This was the fifth television film version of this play by J.B. Priestley made by the BBC.
Keep Off The Grass
Bag Lady
A BAFTA award nominated drama about a park keeper who arrives to open up his park. Waiting at the gate is the bane of his life: a bag lady with three dogs. His Rastafarian assistant Errol arrives for work. As the day progresses, the lady and the keeper discover a common interest.
The Pirates of Penzance
This Pirates of Penzance is primarily a historical document, part of the Broadway Theater Archive television series. It presents, with some inevitable, tiny technical shortcomings, a live 1980 performance in Central Park, not the 1983 movie of the same name that also starred Linda Ronstadt and Kevin Kline. Those who remember that film, which had the benefit of retakes and editing, a lavish production budget, and the spaciousness of a Hollywood studio, may find this video less polished. On its own terms, it is nonetheless thoroughly enjoyable.
The Curse of King Tut's Tomb
"Posh" Lady
Egyptologist Robin Ellis and American reporter Eva Marie Saint uncover King Tut's burial site but wealthy profiteer Raymond Burr tries to make sure that the valuable artifacts in its chambers never leave the country.
The Imitation Game
Second World War drama - A young woman decides against working in a munitions factory, and lands a post with the signals corps attempting to crack the Enigma code.
Doris and Doreen
Doreen Bidmead
A series of pink forms has Doris and Doreen fearing for their cushy jobs.
A Visit from Miss Prothero
Miss Prothero
Arthur Dodsworth has recently retired. He lives alone except for his budgie and memories of his late wife Winnie. One afternoon his nap is interrupted by the doorbell; his former secretary, Peggy Prothero, has come to visit. A brash, charmless woman who seems to take no pleasure in anything but putting people down, Miss Prothero wants to fill her old boss in on all the changes that have taken place at work since he left. Dodsworth isn't very curious, and as the visit wears on it puts a little strain on his politeness and patience. Miss Prothero doesn't enjoy it much either, but lingers on as there's a bombshell she wants to drop. The docketing system Dodsworth introduced thirty years earlier, which revolutionised the firm, has been scrapped by her adored new boss Mr Skinner. The crowning achievement of Dodsworth's career has just become obsolete, and she wants to tell him all about it.
Girl Stroke Boy
Pamela Hovendon
Middle-class parents are confounded when their son brings home his new partner: an elegant, confusingly androgynous West Indian.
Egghead's Robot
'Egghead' Wentworth adapts his father's robot paratrooper to perform his chores, but forgets to programme it to keep him out of trouble.
Если сегодня вторник, то это должна быть Бельгия
Mrs. Featherstone
Любитель женщин Чарли Картрайт собирается устроить для группы американцев восемнадцатидневную поездку по девяти странам Европы. Дело в том, что у него есть подруга в каждом из городов, и он хочет их всех увидеть. Но, как выясняется, у каждого из туристов тоже есть свои, не очевидные для других, цели поездки…
Блаженство миссис Блоссом
Miss Reece
Гарриет Блоссом (Ширли Маклейн) замужем за Робертом Блоссомом (Ричард Аттенборо), бизнесменом, который скорее проведет ночь на своей фабрике бюстгальтеров, чем дома с ней. Однажды швейная машинка Харриет ломается, поэтому Роберт посылает ремонтника Эмброуза (Джеймс Бут) починить ее. Это похоть с первого взгляда для Гарриет, которая убеждает Эмброуза спрятаться на чердаке для свидания. Когда ее новый кавалер не проявляет никакого желания уходить, пара начинает многолетний роман прямо под носом у Роберта.
Don't Raise the Bridge, Lower the River
Lucille Beatty
George Lester is a man who is chasing rainbows, looking for the pot of gold at the end. When his wife, Pamela grows tired of being dragged all over the world, she leaves him. While she is away, George converts her family home into a discotheque, when she returns, she threatens to send George to jail for fraud, cause she didn't give her approval. George needing some fast bucks, decides to turn to an old cohort of his, William Homer but Willy's a little short. George then decides to steal the plans to a new drill, Pamela's suitor, Dudley Heath is working on. But when George gets the mumps, he can't make it to the meeting place and refuses to give Willy the plans unless he gives him the cash first. And the buyers won't give unless they see the merchandise first.
30 Is a Dangerous Age, Cynthia!
Mrs. Woolley
A 29-year old aspiring composer—still single and without any romantic prospects—vows to both marry and write a hit musical before he turns 30. Director Joseph McGrath's 1968 British comedy stars Dudley Moore, Suzy Kendall, Eddie Foy Jr. and Patricia Routledge.
Androcles and the Lion
Magaera, Androcles' Wife
The story of Androcles, the simple-hearted Christian tailor whose friendship with a lion saves himself and his friends from martyrdom in the Roman Colosseum.
Pretty Polly
Miss Gudgeon
Miss Polly decides to spend a few months with her wealthy spinster aunt as a traveling companion. While in India her aunt's demise leaves her alone to pursue her freedom and explore an arm's length romance with a local boy.
Учителю, с любовью
Clinty Clintridge
Выпускник университета, не найдя работы по специальности, соглашается на должность учителя в школе для трудных подростков. Работая в школе и параллельно рассылая своё резюме, он в итоге получает приглашение на должность инженера в какой-то фирме. Но не уходит сразу, а решает довести класс до конца учебного года. За это время дети меняются и проникаются любовью к своему учителю. На выпускном вечере учитель принимает решение остаться в школе навсегда и рвёт приглашение на работу инженером…