Niklas Kammertöns


Der letzte Flug - Ein deutsches Geheimnis
Sound Designer
Герр Бахман и его класс
Sound Designer
«Герр Бахман и его класс» - это камерный документальный фильм, отражающий связь между учителем начальной школы и его учениками. Нетрадиционные методы Герра Бахмана противоречат сложным социальным и культурным реалиям провинциального немецкого промышленного города, в котором они живут.
Aware: Glimpses of Consciousness
Sound Designer
Aware follows six brilliant researchers around the world who set out to discover the true meaning of consciousness, the world's greatest unsolved mystery. Through radically different approaches, the cast of researchers take the audience into a fascinating world of high-tech brain research, eastern meditation, psychedelics, the consciousness of plants experiments and eventually beyond the explicable.
Sound Designer
Gerson Liebl, grandson of a German colonial official from Togo, has been fighting for 30 years for the preservation of German citizenship and a right of residence in Germany. As a last resort, he resorts to a hunger strike. The images of his unflinching perseverance in front of Berlin's Red City Hall are accompanied on the soundtrack by statements, testimonies, paragraphs, legal texts, political viewpoints and excuses – then and now.
Sound Recordist
На свадьбе друзей Мириам и Джибрил лишь обмениваются взглядами, не решаясь познакомиться друг с другом. Пройдёт какое-то время - и они всё-таки встретятся. Правда, обстоятельства встречи будут не столь приятными, как в первый раз: Мириам принесёт Джибрилу передачу в тюрьму, где он отбывает трёхлетний срок.
Sound Designer
Мать с дочерью живут в лесу вдалеке от деревни. Некоторые местные их боятся и считают ведьмами. Однажды мать заболевает странной болезнью.
Tom Atkins Blues
Sound Editor
The Spaetkauf (Late Night Shop) has been at the heart of Berlin Prenzlauer Berg and an integral part of people's daily lives for over 13 years. A place to meet and hang out, local bar, grapevine, a place to buy anything you might need out of hours. A place to forget your worries. Where there is always time for the customer. Every night and all day Sunday. With reggae, dub & hip hop playing out of the speakers onto the street. Tommy, the Englishman, has worked in the Spaetkauf for years, selling the wares and dealing with arguing couples, lost tourists, drunken locals, late night discussions, participating in heated basketball games, visiting late night clubs and suffering hangovers. A kaleidoscope of people offering glimpses into their lives, hopes and thoughts, weaving a tapestry of local life.
Original Music Composer
Real estate agent Christian travels the countryside scouting for investment prospects. In a forgotten, seemingly abandoned village far off the main roads, he finds more than he is looking for. Getting entangled in an encounter with a taciturn teenage farmhand, he confronts his sexual frustrations and, in the process, gets drawn into the undergrowth of a bloodthirsty rustic community.
Unwritten Letters
Sound Mixer
I want to see “my film” in this film, says Abd to Max. Abd is a 24 years old Syrian, who took part in the early days of the 2011 revolution and now lives in Padova, Italy. Together with his friend Max he is working on a film called Unwritten Letters. As they are exploring how to turn Abd´s reality in Italy into a film, Abd is revisiting his past and diving into possible futures. Unwritten Letters documents the story of a young Syrian man arriving to Europe and his process to make sense of who he is through film and friendship.