Vassilis Koukalani

Vassilis Koukalani


Vassilis Koukalani


The Hunted
After their boat capsizes in the Mediterranean Sea, a group of refugees are rescued by rich Europeans who offer them shelter on an idyllic island. But the miracle soon becomes a nightmare when the saviors turn into ruthless manhunters.
Сотрудник ЦРУ Том Харрис провалил свою миссию, и его личность была раскрыта. Теперь агенту предстоит бежать из Афганистана. Его по пятам преследуют лучшие наёмники мира и элитный спецназ противника. Добраться в Кандагар — единственный шанс на спасение. Здесь героя будут ждать либо вертолеты союзников, либо пуля с его именем...
Незнакомая дочь
Maurice (uncredited)
Спокойный отпуск у моря принимает тревожный оборот, когда женщина замечает молодую мать, отдыхающую на соседней вилле, и на нее обрушиваются воспоминания.
Даниэль 16
Немецкого подростка Даниэля отправляют в исправительную колонию в Грецию. Там, в заброшенной деревне на реке Эврос, что на границе с Турцией, ему предстоит испытать ранее незнакомые чувства и решить непростые проблемы. Его выбор будет неожиданным.
Mr. Bagheri
Набожные супруги-мусульмане Пари и ее муж прилетают в Афины из Ирана, чтобы навестить своего сына-студента Бабака. Но он не встречает родителей в аэропорту, и они вынуждены отправиться в город на его поиски. В центре Афин родители попадают в самую гущу уличных митингов и беспорядков. Пари, в отличие от своего мужа, знает английский язык и берет дело в свои руки. Впервые она чувствует себя главой семьи, решающей проблемы самостоятельно. Эта новая роль вдохновляет Пари: она встречается с незнакомцами, узнает новые детали и постепенно продвигается по следам своего блудного сына.
The Last Night
The fictionalized life story of the most distinguished politician and diplomat, who left an indelible mark on the history of modern Greece, unfolds through a series of re-enactments of the actual events that led to his assassination. Significant aspects of his personal story, valid historical narratives, rare documents, and excerpts from autobiographical texts written by Kapodistrias himself, come into life, in an attempt to bring today’s viewers closer to the unknown sides of his personality and the foundations of the New Greek State.
I Will Cross Tomorrow
Deniz Gürkan
The brief but intense encounter of a Greek police officer and a Syrian refugee changes the way the two see this world.
Who's Afraid of the Dark
Two homeless people, one blind and the other disabled travel the city streets with a supermarket trolley on an endless journey.
Strangers find themselves trapped inside five elevators that break down. Tension rises. There is no communication; just angry men and women bringing the worst out of each other. This is hell in 4m².
Thanasis in the lighthouse and Rosalia in her cage. They live for their freedom.
Dengler Fremde Wasser
Legal officer
In 1955 a couple of prominent Greek Istanbulites adopt an orphan Greek girl, twelve-year-old Polyxeni, who is separated from her younger brother. She embarks on a new life and a future that looks bright, but she will have to defend what’s rightfully hers.
Последняя запись
В апреле 1944 года партизаны Народно-освободительной армии Греции убили немецкого генерала и троих офицеров. В качестве ответной меры немецкое командование постановило 1 мая 1944 года расстрелять двести политических заключенных, противников диктатуры генерала Метаксаса.
Tripoli Cancelled
A pilot is trapped in a crumbling, abandoned airport. Naeem Mohaiemen's first fiction film is based on when his father was stranded without a passport in Athens' Ellinikon International Airport for nine days in 1977.
Red Rose
A politically complacent middle-aged man and a young pro-democracy activist debate about the future of their country while hiding from the police, in this fascinating drama that blends scripted scenes with on-the-ground footage from Iran’s 2009 Green Revolution.
10th Day
Ali, an Afghan Muslim, lives in Athens Greece. He is trying to get access to the western dream, surrounded by memories of his homeland, his trip to Europe and his nightmares. A real odyssey and a true story about Ali, his trip to Iran, Turkey, and eventually Greece, where he faces racism and intolerance.
A contemporary married couple and their eight-year-old son are exposed to our observation. The husband, around 35, works as a tax specialist for an import-export firm. His 30-year-old wife looks after their child and their home. The man's impending promotion at work triggers their dreams of social advancement and financial improvement. As their plain everyday life unfolds the characters are denuded to reveal their different needs and desires which render their functioning and communication increasingly hard. The man's inability to meet the escalating demands of his social circle and those of his wife brings tension into their relationship and leads to the culmination of the drama. The unexpected as well as extreme solution given by the heroine leads both the hero and the viewer to redefine reality on the basis of how things look and how they really are.