This is a film about the moral and philosophical sides of the life and the art, about the complex relations between the artist and the rough rules of the time in which he lives.
The action takes place in a Bulgarian country family during the 30's of the 20th century. Forced by the fear that after the death of her son, her daughter-in-law could marry somebody else and could take part in sharing the heritage, the main character Mariola decides to kill her daughter-in-law.
Boev, an enthusiastic form master, is trying hard to establish rapport with his final-year students. His frankness, buoyancy and good nature soon make him a universal favorite. The only one who does not approve of him is headmaster who loves his job, but is not aware of how dated his own views are and cannot understand the young teacher. Apart from this, Boev comes in into particularly sharp conflict with his colleague and childhood chum Kiril who is consumed by jealousy and the ambition to get promoted quickly.
Девушка Анна Чикирова, по прозвищу "Волчица", приговорена за аморальное поведение к 10 месяцам пребывания в воспитательной трудовой колонии. Она считает, что ее осудили несправедливо, и ведет себя вызывающе. Но под благотворным влиянием директора колонии Кондова Анна осознает бессмысленность своего поведения в прошлом и начинает понимать, что только общественно-полезный труд поможет ей найти место в жизни.