Martine Gautier

Martine Gautier

Рождение : , France


Martine Gautier
Martine Gautier


Get Well Soon
After an accident, Pierre, a sixty years old grumpy man, ends up stuck on an hospital bed with a cast. While Pierre dreams of silence and solitude with his strong character, the whole world seems to invite himself to his hospital bed. Powerless, he has to support the daily visits of doctors,nurse and hospital staff then his closes including his brother Herve. Visits after visits, funny or touching, Pierre starts to reconsider some people and reexamine his environment. And after all, his stay becomes a second chance ...
Marie's Story
Sister Véronique
Marie Heurtin is born both blind and deaf. Sister Marguerette wins her trust and teaches her how to express herself.
L'homme sans nom
Charlotte Corday
Simone Evrard
Set in July 1793 during the outbreak of the French Revolution and the unleashing of the Reign of Terror, a young girl from Caen named Charlotte Corday plots to assassinate Jacobin newspaper editor Jean-Paul Marat.
Yes, But...
Amie Denise Laville
At age 17, Eglantine is troubled by a number of things. Her argumentative parents comprise an absentee and philandering father and an overprotective, occasionally alcoholic mother. Her boyfriend Sébastien is a couple of years older; he's ready, but she isn't. Frequent furtive visits to her therapist help her to see that these issues are not 'problems', but 'difficulties', which she has the strength to overcome.
U.S. Go Home
In the sixties, in a suburb near Paris, Martine wants to lose her virginity.
Милу в мае
Действие происходит в сонной сельской усадьбе на юге Франции в мае 1968 года, когда столица была парализована студенческими волнениями. Смерть престарелой матери пчеловода Милу ознаменовала распад привычного уклада жизни в усадьбе. Собравшиеся на похороны родственники непрестанно выясняют отношения и спорят о наследстве. Воссоединение семейства затягивается из-за того, что даже могильщики подключились к всеобщей забастовке.