Barbara Schwarz


Смертоносное пробуждение
Costume Design
Когда молодая учёная Лив просыпается в чужой квартире рядом со своим тяжелораненым другом, биоинформатиком Лексом, она узнает от своего соседа, что произошёл взрыв с использованием биологического оружия и ему удалось спасти их обоих от смерти. В результате взрыва в воздух попал опасный вирус, который уже унёс огромное количество жизней. Но пара учёных понимает, что за этим кроется что-то другое. Чем дольше длится вынужденное заточение, тем чаще Лив и Лекс сомневаются в том, что с ними произошло на самом деле: были ли они каким-то чудом спасены или попали в ловушку…
Happy Hour
The middle-aged family man Hans-Christian (HC) left by his wife goes to Ireland for a short break with his old friends Wolfgang and Nic. He should win at Guinness bonfires and fishing trips distance to the chaos at home. HC has to learn to say no and need other women, his friends believe, to get rid of his loser habitus. In the already tense situation, old competition fights, outbursts of anger and self-pity quickly come up. And Nic and Wolfgang seem to have needed the time-out almost as much as HC.
Das Zimmer im Spiegel
Costume Design
A woman in the situation of isolation
Chain Reaction
Costume Design
A prison bus with over a dozen criminals on board has an accident and rams another car, in which Dr. Douglas Madsen was on his way home. Most of the prisoners die. Four of them survive, one of them severely injured. After having killed all the guards, they head for the woods. They take Dr. Douglas Madsen hostage. Suddenly a huge house appears in the middle of the woods. The leader of the group, Arthur, emphasizes that he will kill Douglas and every single member of the "family" if his wounded brother would die. Meanwhile some members of the family show strange behavior, and very soon mayhem breaks loose.