Eduardo Mendonça

Eduardo Mendonça


Eduardo Mendonça
Eduardo Mendonça


Gado Gaudério
Розовое облако
Джованна где-то подцепила Яго, и вот они уже развлекаются в её двухэтажном особняке. С сексом, правда, ничего не выходит — оба слишком пьяны. А поутру пара просыпается от рёва сирен и хрипа громкоговорителей — власти призывают всех запереться и закрыть окна, так как в небе над всей планетой появились розовые облака, и их испарения смертельны.
Os Bravos Nunca Se Calam
Brazil, 1961. In the underground of the Piratini Palace, the governor of Rio Grande do Sul, Leonel Brizola, awaits a bombing by the Brazilian armed forces. The country is on the verge of a civil war, following the resignation of president Jânio Quadros and the movement to keep vice-president João Goulart from taking office. Using the radio transmitter from his improvised bunker, Brizola sets up the Legality movement, to ensure Goulart's right to the presidential chair. Caught in the crossfire, two brothers who are in love with the same woman unite to fight alongside Brizola.
Sweet Mother
Policial 2
Picucha may seem old-fashioned, but she has modern ideas and a great sense of humor. As the matriarch of a big family, she is involved in the daily lives of her children, grandchildren and other relatives. Undeterred by the typical problems of old age, she uses her many years of experience to solve problems in the best way possible.