Manuela Kustermann


Madre di Stefania
An irrepressible passion blossoms between 27 year-old aspiring writer Stefania, and Stefano, a 15 year-old high school student. Their unusual relationship obviously baffles friends and relatives of both components of the unusual couple. Can their feelings withstand their own fears and the pressure of society ? ...
Убийство Маттеотти
Ada Gobetti
Фильм воссоздаёт обстоятельства похищения и убийства лидера итальянской антифашистской оппозиции Джакомо Маттеотти в начале 20-х годов,, публично разоблачавшего фальсифицированные результаты голосования в парламент. Убийство Маттеотти фашистами вызвало взрыв возмущения в стране и привело к созданию антифашистского Авентинского блока и к острому кризису фашистского режима под управлением Муссолини.
Il grande freddo
A film about painting and its denial concerning Giordano struggling with the Sleeping Beauty, this is the challenge. Will art, free of museums and academies be able to give back to the child raped and abandoned on the snow, the desire to go on living? Giordano, Prince Charming bearing butterfly catchers and rotating optical games, plods along sinking into the snow and…. but revolutionary creativity is not the one that makes the bird in the cage sink: is it the reason why the imprisoned bird breaks the cage.
In all of his work, Bussotti makes frequent reference to the body, to sexuality. This to remind musicians — especially classically trained ones — that they are not body-less angels, that they are not just their musical thoughts, that they are still, in the last analysis, flesh and bones. Thus the erotic is not for shocking, but to stress that making music involves the body in a very direct way.