Andrea Costa


Caruso, zero in condotta
Lorenzo Caruso is a piscologist who lives in a provincial town with his daughter Giulia, the only company since the death of his wife. Suddenly Lorenzo's life is upset by the discovery that Giulia is part of a baby gang: she steals in supermarkets, she has already collected several complaints. Everything Lorenzo has always believed in: communication, understanding, freedom with your daughter is in crisis.
Убийство Маттеотти
onorevole Gonzales
Фильм воссоздаёт обстоятельства похищения и убийства лидера итальянской антифашистской оппозиции Джакомо Маттеотти в начале 20-х годов,, публично разоблачавшего фальсифицированные результаты голосования в парламент. Убийство Маттеотти фашистами вызвало взрыв возмущения в стране и привело к созданию антифашистского Авентинского блока и к острому кризису фашистского режима под управлением Муссолини.
The Vengeance of Ursus
The evil King Zagro has designs on the beautiful Princess Sira. He wants to marry her so he can take over her kingdom and add it to his own. When Sira is kidnapped, Ursus leaves his farm to rescue her and to eventually lead a revolt against King Zagro.
The Seducer
Alberto is forced to face his wife and his two lovers at the same time.