Li Tsui


Пять мастеров Шаолиня
После сожжения храма Шаолинь пятеро выживших старших послушников сбегают от маньчжуров и, разойдясь в разные стороны, договариваются пройти по стране в поисках патриотов, готовых сражаться с режимом. Однако старые враги шаолиньцев и предавший их Ма Фу Йи начали разыскивать их с удвоенной силой…
Shaolin Kung Fu
Riksha man
Tongyang brings his rickshaws into town and starts using his hired muscle to dominate the clientele.
The Screaming Tiger
Noodle maker
Rare was the film in 1973 that incorporated the star's name in the title. One of the few such films was Screaming Ninja, aka Wang Yu, King of Boxing. The story is set in China in the early 1900x. Essentially playing an extension of himself, action-star Wang-Yu spends much of the time defending himself against evil martial-arts masters. He also tries to make sense of a tragic incident in his past.
Lightning Of Bruce Lee
Two Martial art experts take on Canton, and the most notorious Triad overlord and his posse of vile fighters with devastating effect. A must for all kung fu fans! This is a foot to face action at its best.