Kate Lister

Kate Lister

Рождение : 1994-07-12, Melbourne, Australia


Born in Melbourne, Kate Greer is an actress, singer and dancer, as well as a well-known DJ in her native Australia. Previous performances have included events with Mariah Carey, Ruby Rose and David Guetta. She has also starred in the popular soap "Neighbours". She has studied at the Actors Centre (UK), Patrick Studios (Australia) and the Film & Television International in L.A., where she lives alternately with Melbourne.


Kate Lister


Рики Стэники
World River Exec #2
Двое друзей в детстве придумали приятеля по имени Рики Стэники, чтобы сваливать на него все проблемы. Со временем Рики помогает друзьям обманывать жен. Супруги едва не ловят своих благоверных на лжи, но те вовремя успевают нанять актера на роль Рики.
Melbourne. 1999. Christmas time! In this darkly comic thriller, a career-crazed journalist dredges up the sordid secrets of an infamous socialite after her mysterious disappearance.
Открытое море: Монстр глубины
Ники и ее подруги отправляются на экзотический остров в Тихом океане, чтобы покататься на байдарках и заняться дайвингом. Но девушек начинает преследовать огромный морской монстр, и теперь им придется встретиться со своими страхами лицом к лицу...
Увези меня навсегда
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The Final Scream
Kia Anderson
Aspiring actress, Kia Anderson, is about to learn that the final callback for a horror Feature Film is something more than she could ever of imagined - Something sinister is awaiting for Kia.
Проклятие пугала
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Three burglars will soon realise they are not alone in a manor house when they discover a doll mysteriously appearing.
Клуб самоубийц
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7 Storeys Down
After Beau hears about his brothers’ drug trafficking charge he attempts to find salvation in the only person who is willing to give it. Beau finds Charlie, the love of his life, at her gig working to save her ill father by singing her way out of their problems. He demands her attention when she cannot give it. Moment by moment things escalate until all hell breaks loose and in a sheer flash of adrenaline Beau accidentally hits Charlie. For her this is the last straw. Instead of saving their relationship Beau decides to drink and drive consequently hitting a little girl and leaving her little body on the cold asphalt. A little girl who he happens to know. Beaus’ actions shatter Charlies world leaving her behind, but not alone.
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