Yoakim Filmeridis


Tehlikeli Adımlar
Bir Çiçek Üç Böcek
Yangın Var
Meçhul Kahramanlar
Director of Photography
Meçhul Kahramanlar
Kadının Fendi
Mahallenin Namusu
Sim Sala Bim
Director of Photography
Sim Sala Bim is about a funny chain of events experienced by İsmail Dümbüllü upon his arrival in Istanbul. He has a job at a theater company, but the manager fires him for slacking off at work. He sets out for Istanbul with plans to meet with his girlfriend Aysel and arrives in the city following a rather eventful journey. Accompanied by his friend Rasih, Dümbüllü goes in and out of jobs while tracking down his girlfriend in the big city. Just as everything seems to go against him, a genie in his dream gives him a magic wand which will prove to be highly useful.
The Luxurious Life
Director of Photography
Riza and Fistik pickpocket to make both ends meet. When they enter a deluxe villa they find themselves in the middle of a costume party. Subsequently, the fur flied.