Lee H. Katzin

Рождение : 1935-04-12, Detroit, Michigan, USA

Смерть : 2002-10-30


Steve McQueen: The Man & Le Mans
Self (archive footage)
Steve McQueen: The Man & Le Mans interweaves stunning newly discovered footage and voice recordings with original interviews. It is the true story of how a cinema legend would risk almost everything in pursuit of his dream.
Restraining Order
Robert Woodfield is a criminal defense attorney, and he has defended a lot of criminals, many of whom are guilty, but has maintained that everyone deserves a competent defense, which he provides whether they are guilty or not. Currently he is defending Martin Ritter, a killer, whom he gets off. Later he has dinner with a friend, and his friend tells him that he needs to talk to him about something important. He is about to leave when some masked men go to his friend and kill him, when one of the men takes off his mask; it's Martin Ritter. Now being his lawyer, Robert can't say anything about what he saw. But that doesn't stop him from investigating what his dead friend was so worried about. It seems that he has stumbled onto something big, and instead of killing him they frame his wife for murder to get him to back off. But he doesn't and both his wife and him are now in danger. And still has no idea what's going on. Will he find out before they get to him?
The Break
A depressed and destitute Nick Irons, a tennis pro banned from the tour for slugging a player during a TV match, agrees to coach a bookie's "head case" son, Joel, who wants to turn pro. The bookie wants his son to get out of tennis and contracts Nick to discourage him. Nick begins to do that but after an episode with his old flame, Jennifer, and after seeing the kid's determination he decides to teach him all the tricks, both physical and psychological, of the trade. The two battle the kids of a famous coach, unfair refs., injuries, travel all over the southern US, while Nick tries to woo his love back, finally to reach the big championship tennis match where all is resolved in dramatic fashion.
Burnt-out private dick Jacob Aloysius Spanner teams up with his brother to help an old adversary track down his one remaining loved one, his kidnapped granddaughter. But who's the hood and who's being hoodwinked?
Грязная дюжина: Фатальное задание
Майор Райт, ведущий группу коммандос в оккупированной нацистами Дании должна встретится с агентом капитаном Карлом Людвиг. Но он застрелен патрулём. Прежде, чем он умер, произнёс фразу: 2420, значение которой никто не понял. В Англии Майор Райт, генерал Уорден, Лейтенант Кэрол Кэмпбэл и британский полковник ведут обсуждение, что означали слова капитана Людвига. Майор Райт набирает отряд из 12 военных заключенных, приговоренных трибуналом к смертной казни и длительным срокам каторги за тяжкие преступления, которые поедут в специальном поезде N2420, чтобы разгадать смысл операции немцев.
Обезумевший мир
В растерзанном ядерной войной вэйстлэнде 2087-го года, бывшим когда-то Соединенными Штатами Америки, вода по причине своей скудности ценится превыше всего. Изолированное поселение Лост Велс (Lost Wells) пережило холокост за счет того, что его обитатели тщательно оберегают источник чистой воды. Однако тихим земледельческим будням поселенцев приходит конец с появлением в деревне некоего зловещего культа — группы зомбированных юношей, ведомых психопатом Дереком, убивающих и зверствующих по его приказу.
The Dirty Dozen: The Deadly Mission
Learning of a Nazi plot to attack Washington, D.C. with a deadly nerve gas, Major Wright leads twelve convicts on a suicide mission deep into occupied France to destroy the secret factory where the poison is made.
Emergency Room
An ER doctor divides her time between saving lives, playing hospital politics, and juggling a love affair with a fellow doctor.
Journey Through the Black Sun
"Journey Through the Black Sun" (1982) made by ITC New York combined the first season episodes "Collision Course" and "Black Sun" from the TV series "Space: 1999".
The Neighborhood
A neighborhood in Brooklyn reacts to the first black families moving into the community.
Death Ray 2000
A flamboyant secret agent from UNIT, a secret counterespionage group, teams with a lady spy to retrieve a stolen device capable of destroying the world from the clutches of a sinister munitions magnate. Pilot film for the television series "A Man Called Sloane" (1979).
Alien Attack
Earth's Moon is the site of Moonbase Alpha, a scientific research colony nestled in the crater Plato. Staffed by over 300 men and women from Earth, it is the operations center for several space expeditions. It is also a watchdog for vast amounts of atomic waste from Earth stored in silos on the Moon's far side. Magnetic radiation builds up and causes the wastes to explode with such force that the Earth's centripetal pull on the Moon is overcome, and the Moon is broken free of Earth's orbit to drift at incredible speed out of the Solar System off the plane of the ecliptic. The survivors on Moonbase Alpha are unable to return to Earth and must survive in unknown space on their wandering Moon. They encounter a planet whose advanced people project an illusion of a devastating attack on Moonbase. This TV movie was edited from scenes of two episodes ("Breakaway" and "War Games") of "Space: 1999" (1975).
Police Story: Confessions of a Lady Cop
Lee Cantrell, a young San Francisco attorney by day, at night becomes a samurai warrior, and battles a crazed multi-millionaire who is planning to destroy the city with an earthquake machine.
Terror Out of the Sky
TV sequel to "The Savage Bees" featuring more rampaging insects. This time a marching band and a school bus get in the path of the bees.
Zuma Beach
A fading rock singer goes to the beach to get away from it all and winds up getting involved in the lives of the teenage beachgoers.
The Bastard
Phillipe Charboneau is the illegitimate son of an English duke. When he travels from France to England to claim his inheritance, he incurs the wrath of his father's family and is forced to flee to America, where he becomes involved in the events leading to the American Revolution. (Episodes 1 and 2 of the Kent Chronicles miniseries.)
An Arizona state trooper, who is also an Indian, pursues a gang of paramilitary-type robbers into the mountains. The gang has killed the trooper's uncle and taken a woman hostage, and the trooper must use his tracking and hunting skills to find the gang and rescue the hostage.
Man From Atlantis
A water-breathing human, the sole survivor of an underwater civilization called Atlantis, emerges from the ocean and has to learn to deal with the air-breathers on the surface.
The Quest
Eight years ago, Cheyenne Indians attacked the Baudine Family wagon and captured Morgan (Kurt Russell), whom they renamed Two Persons. Now Two Persons, raised in the ways of the Indians, has been reunited with his brother Quentin (Tim Matheson), a doctor and a stranger to frontier ways. Together the brothers set out in search of their sister Patricia, who was also captured and who Two Persons believes is still alive.
Sky Heist
A husband and wife come up with a plan to steal $10 million in gold, using the hijacking of a police helicopter as a diversion.
The Last Survivors
When a passenger ship sinks, a ship's officer must decide which passengers in an overcrowded lifeboat must be sacrificed so the rest can survive an approaching typhoon.
Strange Homecoming
A small-town sheriff is surprised to see his brother show up in town, a man whom he hasn't seen in 20 years--and who has graduated from petty thievery to murder.
Ben Campbell, a 22 year old gas station attendant in a small desert town, is looking to make some extra money. He is surprised when Madec, a wealthy lawyer, asks him to be his guide on a hunting trip in the desert. When Madec accidentally shoots a prospector, he is fearful of what it will do his reputation and decides to eliminate the only witness, Ben, who is forced to go on the run. In addition to being hunted by Madec, Ben must also contend with the harsh desert elements. But if he does make it back to town alive, will anyone believe his story?
Left to die in the desert by his wife and her lover, a businessman fights to survive and get his revenge.
The Stranger
In this unsold TV pilot, an astronaut enters a vortex and crash-lands on a parallel planet where he's not welcome.
Voyage of the Yes
Two teenagers set out on a 2000-mile sailboat journey from California to Hawaii and en route combat the natural challenges and their inner shortcomings.
A professor who has visions of the future informs the police that someone is about to plant a bomb. He then discovers that the police consider him the prime suspect.
The Salzburg Connection
An American lawyer on vacation in Europe is asked by a book publisher to stop by the Austrian town of Salzburg to see a photographer who's taking pictures for a book on picturesque Austrian lakes. Upon his arrival he senses that something is wrong when the photographer seems to have vanished, leaving a near panic-stricken wife and a sinister, secretive brother. Before he knows it, the lawyer finds himself mixed up with spies, assassins, and the hunt for a list made up by the Nazis during World War II of people who collaborated with them.
За «золото» Ле Мана сражаются немец Шталер на Ferrari и действующий чемпион — американец Майкл Делани на Gulf Porsche. 24-часовой марафон требует максимальной концентрации и всегда проходит на пике нервного напряжения. А на этот раз Делани нервничает вдвойне: год назад по его вине на этой же трассе произошла серьезная авария, в которой погиб его друг Белгетти, пилот Ferrari. Перед началом гонки у Майкла был непростой разговор с Лизой, вдовой Белгетти… И теперь чемпион не может отделаться от странного предчувствия…
The Phynx
A rock band is invented by the government as a cover to find hostages in a remote castle in Albania held by communist enemies of the USA.
Along Came a Spider
Dr. Janet Furie comes to believe that her husband and fellow scientist were set up to die in a lab accident. She blames another scientist, not only for the murder but also for taking credit for her husband's groundbreaking work. When she can't prove her husband was murdered, she spins a web of intrigue and deceit that results in the suspected scientist being framed for another murder that never actually happened.
Что случилось с тетушкой Элис?
Овдовевшая Клэр Мэребел с удивлением узнает, что муженёк оставил ее без средств к существованию. А она же совсем не привыкла экономить! Предприимчивая мадам уезжает в пустыню. Поселившись в хорошем доме, вдовушка нанимает домработниц, обязательно одиноких, и обязательно имеющих банковский счет, а затем отправляет их на тот свет. В пустыне плохо растут ее овощи, и им так необходимы удобрения, а вдовушке Клэр так необходимы деньги, поэтому в ее доме — постоянная текучка кадров!
Heaven with a Gun
Jim Killian arrives in a small Arizona town hoping to establish a peaceful life as the local preacher, but he soon finds himself in the middle of a feud between sheep ranchers and cattlemen. Leloopa, a young Native American woman, pleads for Killian's help after her shepherd father is hung by Coke Beck, the vicious son of the head cattle rancher. Killian must weigh his actions carefully lest he perpetuate the cycle of retribution and revenge.
Hondo and the Apaches
Two episodes from the TV series "Hondo" edited together and released as a feature.
Ride Beyond Vengeance
Assistant Director
Jonas Trapp falls in love with the beautiful Jessie, a wealthy girl out of his humble class. Against the wishes of her snobbish aunt, she marries him, later faking a pregnancy to win her aunt's consent. But Jonas tires of living off of his wife's family, and eventually deserts her to become a buffalo hunter. 11 years later, with his self-made fortune, he sets out to return home, only to be set upon by three sadistic marauders, who steal his money and leave him for dead. Rescued by a farmer who nurses him back to health, Jonas becomes consumed by the desire for revenge. As fate would have it, all three men live close to Jonas' former home. Matters quickly get worse when Jonas reunites with his wife, only to discover that she is now engaged to Renne.
Three Blondes In His Life
Assistant Director
Tough insurance investigator Mahoney goes to LA to look into the murder of a fellow investigator. It's found that the murdered man knew three different women — all blondes — and with each he had had a love affair. What is their connection to the crime? And will Mahoney bed all of them as well?