J.D. Cannon
Рождение : 1922-04-24, Salmon, Idaho, USA
Смерть : 2005-05-20
Doomed attempt to get to California in 1846. More than just a riveting tale of death, endurance and survival. The Donner Party's nightmarish journey penetrated to the very heart of the American Dream at a crucial phase of the nation's "manifest destiny. Touching some of the most powerful social, economic and political currents of the time, this extraordinary narrative remains one of the most compelling and enduring episodes to come out of the West.
Filled with anachronisms and rip offs from "The 'A' Team" and "The Dirty Dozen" - It's 1942 in Manila and an American saloon owner organizes a misfit group to fight in WWII.
A look back at the history of major league baseball in Houston, starting with its humble beginnings at Colt .45 stadium, to the massive grandeur of the Astrodome and the birth of the Astros. Enjoy many of the great moments in Houston's baseball history including Ken Johnson's no-hitter, which he lost, Don Wilson's spectacular performances on the mound, and Nolan Ryan's triumph in overtaking Walter Johnson's strikeout record, just to name a few. Relive the story of the Astros as told by the stars who experienced it: like Rusty Staub, Joe Morgan and Mike Scott. From an expansion team in 1962 to today's National League Western Division Champions, "A Silver Odyssey" captures a quarter-century of history, humor and excitement.
A forgotten CIA agent escapes after 12 years and returns to his corrupt New Jersey hometown.
Chief Willard T. Coburn
A physically small police psychologist and a physically large insurance detective team up on an arson case.
New York D.A.
Архитектор Пол Керси переезжает из Нью-Йорка в Лос-Анджелес. И вместе с ним, кажется, переезжают все мыслимые и немыслимые напасти. Совсем недавно погибла жена Керси. А теперь банда подонков насилует и убивает его служанку, а дочь кончает жизнь самоубийством. Пришло время Полу снова взяться за оружие и выйти на ночную охоту…
Made for TV movie and third Witch Mountain installment of the continuing exploits of the alien kids Tony and Tia. After news of the boy's amazing abilities surfaces Tony and Tia are sent to go find him knowing that the boy must be from their world. They are joined by an old friend Jason O'Day and a black cat named Winky. Together they race to find the boy before their old nemesis Aristotle Bolt does.
Lt. Kringler
Small-time crook Rooney cons his crippled brother, a street-wise news vendor, into snatching a wealthy, emotionally-disturbed runaway to extort money from her parents, but the brother throws the get-rich-quick scheme awry by falling in love with her.
Story of a professional gambler, connoisseur, gourmet and sportsman who sets out to help a Las Vegas hotel-casino owner from losing his controlling interest to a business syndicate but finds his reputation is on the line when he runs into a mystery lady who seems to operate on both sides of the law.
Captain Joe Burke
Приключенческая драма, построенная на том, что могло бы быть, если бы было принято решение поднять затонувший в начале столетия «Титаник».
Frank Langrock
Michael Stone is a rising company executive who decides to chuck his career and marriage to fulfill a fantasy to be a member of the U.S. Olympic bobsled team and partake in the 1980 Winter Olympics at Lake Placid.
Dr. Goodwin
A young wife discovers that she has Hodgkin's Disease. It can be treated, but complicating the situation is the fact that she is pregnant, and the treatment can endanger the life of her unborn baby, as well as herself.
Gen. Walter Bedell Smith
Eisenhower the military man is the focus of this mini-series, his relationships with the other wartime leaders, and, very discreetly, his personal relationship with his driver, Kay Summersby.
Sheriff Harky
Returning from prison after serving ten years on trumped-up charges, a freelance writer tries to uncover the truth behind a homicide involving the son of a U.S. senator in this pilot for a prospective series.
After the death of his parents, millionaire playboy Jack Cole is framed on charges of embezzlement. In prison, Cole learns various tricks of the criminal trade - lockpicking, safecracking, electronic surveillance, etc. Upon his release, Cole uses his wealth and his newly learned talents to help others, leaving his calling card, a "sword of justice", at the scene.
A drama which examines the enduring nature of love between a white man and a black woman in 1918 South Carolina.
Американский шпион Джеральд Кросс для выполнения грязной работы прибегает к помощи молодого и напористого француза Жана Лорье, считая его своим учеником и другом. Наступает момент, когда Кросс решает выйти из «Управления» и завязать. Боссы не желают отпустить его, и он вынужден бежать из страны. Но он не предусмотрел одного: чтобы найти и убрать его, руководители «Управления» сами обращаются к Жану, ведь он лучше всех знает своего учителя, и лишь он один в состоянии разыскать его. В случае успеха Жан займет место Кросса. Но события принимают неожиданный оборот…
Lt. Kelly Redfield
In this pilot film to the TV series, Cannon investigates the murder of a war buddy to clear the man's wife of suspicion in his death.
Hurd Price
Находясь в Бэннеке, заправила из соседнего городка Сэббэта Винсент Бронсон и пьяные ковбои с его ранчо нечаянно убивают местного старика. Все знают, что это случайность. Все, кроме маршала Бэннека, Джереда Мэддокса. Непреклонный, жесткий законник, Мэддокс твердо намерен предать убийц правосудию. Выследив их, Мэддокс клянется, что не отступит, пока не арестует или не убьет преступников. И когда Бронсон пытается уладить дело мирно, несговорчивый Мэддокс не готов поступиться своими принципами, и Бронсон вынужден отправить своих молодчиков разобраться с ним. Но Джеред Мэддокс не отступит от своего... он доставит этих отчаянных убийц обратно в Бэннек. Живыми или мертвыми.
Mal Yeager
An alcoholic drifter decides to run for sheriff in a small town. However, in order to get elected, he must find out who killed a visiting preacher.
Set in summer, 1933, in the depths of the Depression, Arthur Miller's most personal and intimate play focuses on the workers in a warehouse, a grim place in which men and women work for small wages and are grateful for the work. Appearing at the beginning of this production to set the scene, Miller observes that the Civil War and the Depression were the only times in American history in which the whole country was in the same boat-"You could not do a single thing that you wanted to do because no one had any money." The warehouse, he notes, became a grotesque sort of haven for the employees since they, at least, had jobs. Miller's own experience in a warehouse shows in his exceptionally realistic portrayal of the workers, men who often lose themselves in alcohol to escape reality, and women who must put up with sexual abuse and mistreatment to save their jobs.
Сыщики "Могильщик" Джонс и "Забитый в гроб" Джонсон расследуют аферу Преподобного Дика О'Малли, организовавшего для чернокожих жителей Гарлема кампанию под лозунгом "Обратно в Африку", которая оказывается настоящим надувательством ради наживы. Но когда в кипе с хлопком обнаруживаются отмытые О'Малли 87 тысяч долларов, "Могильщик" и "Забитый в гроб" обнаруживают, что они не единственные, кто интересуется резким взлетом роста цен на хлопок! Отслеживая путь кипы по всему Гарлему, сыщики оказываются под прицелом мафии, полиции и чернокожих радикалов, стремящихся заполучить деньги и убрать с дороги любого, кто встанет у них на пути.
Gen. Palmer
In 1943, Colonel Greg Brandon, stationed at an United States Army Air Forces 8th Air Force, 103rd Bomb Group base in England, repeatedly attempts to persuade superiors that massive daylight bombing will hasten the end of World War II. In spite of the mission's extreme difficulty, his plan is finally put into effect against a German aircraft factory. During preparation for the raid, Brandon alienates his men by insisting that normal bombing operations continue. His disdain for cautious Lieutenant Archer and brash RAF Wing Commander Trafton Howard further antagonizes his associates, including his girl friend, WAC Lieutenant Gabrielle Ames. When his bomber crashes the morning of the mission, Brandon boards a bomber manned by Archer and Howard. During the effective air raid, he is impressed by Archer's courage and Howard's judgment.
Jim Killian arrives in a small Arizona town hoping to establish a peaceful life as the local preacher, but he soon finds himself in the middle of a feud between sheep ranchers and cattlemen. Leloopa, a young Native American woman, pleads for Killian's help after her shepherd father is hung by Coke Beck, the vicious son of the head cattle rancher. Killian must weigh his actions carefully lest he perpetuate the cycle of retribution and revenge.
Thomas Jarris
Lawsuits fly when a widow believes a gifted surgeon allowed her husband to die so his heart could be transplanted into the doctor's ailing mentor and friend. Operation Heartbeat was the pilot movie for the TV series Medical Center.
Капитан Крис Хэнсон и группа охотников за сокровищами рыщут в поисках затонувшего корабля, полного жемчуга, в теплых водах близ Индонезии. Они прочесали все дно морское, и нашли несколько прекрасных жемчужин. Между делом капитану Хэнсону поручают переправить 30 преступников в тюрьму на острове. Но это - не последняя проблема. Наши авантюристы находят ожерелье Арианны, которое было спрятано на дне моря близ извергающегося вулкана Кракатау. Страшные извержения, неожиданно начавшиеся в самый ответственный момент, ставят в тупик даже бывалых «искателей приключений»...
Society Red
Однажды ночью Люк, выпив, решил развлечься и свинтил газовым ключом дюжину монетоприемников на автостоянке, за что и получил два года ремонтно-строительных работ на дорогах в южных штатах. Еще во время войны он много раз испытывал свою судьбу на прочность, и тюрьма стала очередной проверкой, которую Люк, похоже, и искал… За свой упрямый и упорный характер Люк получил от сокамерников уважительное прозвище Люк Хладнокровный, а с ним и ненависть надзирателей лагеря за стремление к свободе и непокорный прав. Три побега, три ареста и три жестоких наказания не сломили его волю к жизни, он стал героем для остальных заключенных, героем-одиночкой, поставившим себя против системы…
Follows the adventures of a rambunctious German Shepard being trained to become a seeing-eye dog and how she changes the lives of three masters – Danny, the boy who raises her, Matt, Kelly's trainer, and Evan Clayton, the blind owner who thinks she may never be good enough for him. Homesick for Danny, Kelly keeps running away and there's doubt that she'll ever be a guide dog. Will Kelly be able to fulfill her destiny?
Police Sgt. Walt Leznicki
Stephen Rojack is a decorated war vet who has now found success as an outspoken television personality. During a vicious argument with his wife, Deborah, Stephen snaps and pushes her from his high-rise apartment to her death. He manages to convince the authorities that she killed herself, then reignites an old affair with singer Cherry McMahon -- which doesn't sit well with her jealous mobster boyfriend, Nicky.
Col. Dorn
An American secret agent, on the trail of a vanished scientist, must recover the scientist's revolutionary secret formula before the enemy catches up with his quarry first.
Commissioner Peter B. Clifford
Ex-Marshal McCloud now is senator of New Mexico, fighting for a new environment law. His enemy is Maitland, unscrupulous owner of Chemtel, the world's most important chemical manufacturer. Shortly after McCloud gives an inspiring speech, he barely escapes an bomb in his car and a shooting in a restaurant. When he learns that his niece, medical researcher for Chemtel, was killed, he begins to suspect that the attempts on his life were not made by Arabian terrorists, but by Maitland. He pays him a visit in Britain and starts to research on his own.