Kin'ya Suzuki


Red Peony Gambler: Execution of Duty
The final chapter of the Hibotan Bakuto series. Oryu the Red Peony visits an old dying Boss of an ally family and promised her that she would help guide the new Boss. Meanwhile a turf war breaks out. When the family is betrayed from within and the rival family becomes violent, Oryu takes things into her own hands…
Evil Boss vs. Henchmen
Retired Third-Generation Boss
A high-ranking yakuza rises to national notoriety.
Red Peony Gambler: Here to Kill You
The seventh chapter of the stunning Hibotan Bakuto series. Many years have passed since Oryu the Red Peony began her soul-searching journey after her father was killed. In her travels, she meets villagers whose crops and livelihoods are being destroyed by pollution from a local factory. They seem to work out an agreement, but Oryu must help the poor villagers when the greedy factory owner and corrupt politicians betray them…
Bloodiest Flower
A dramatic captivating tale tells of widowed Tei (Junko Fuji), she has become a coalmine operator and is determined to be successful despite mining being a predominately male domain. Overcoming the natural hardships, a more serious threat to Tei and her mine, the menacing presence of rival mining gangs who sense her vulnerability... Nihon jokyo-den:ketto midarw-bana is an outstanding drama, highlighted by wonderful characterizations/performances. Yamashita's excellent direction maintains a rich emotional flow from the opening seconds to the last. Intense and bloody encounters punctuate throughout the engaging multi layered tale!
The Fort of Death
The second Bounty Hunter film, when master killer Shikoro Ichibei takes up the cause of a group of farmers being driven to despair by the vile Lord Ozeki. The villainous lord has driven them to mounting their last stand at a deserted fort against an army of attackers. Wakayama Tomisaburo is superb as an expert in killing and military tactics, who leaves his medical practice at a clinic for the poor in order to counter the vicious tactics of that vile lord.
Red Peony Gambler: Biographies of a Gambling Room
Junko Fuji returns as Oryu the Red Peony, a wandering female yakuza on a soul-searching journey after the death of her father. After collecting her sickly follower from jail, she is taken in by a fishing village. Feeling indebed to their generosity, she stays to work for the village and promises to leave her yakuza ways behind. When a dispute breaks out for the gambling rights to a local festival, the villagers are harrassed by a gang of thugs. When the harrassment turns violent, Oryu must decide wither to keep her promise or protect the villagers.
The Cross of Vengeance
Film with Junko Miyazono.
Red Peony Gambler: Flower Cards Game
The third chapter of the ‘Red Peony Gambler’ saga depicts the happiness and sadness of Red Peony Oryu’s life as she seals her femininity with a red peony tattoo and lives in world of chivalry and honor of the yakuza. This story takes place in the middle of the Meiji era in Nagoya. Oryu is wandering the country, training herself to reinstate her family name. With a written recommendation from Kumatora, she appears at the door of the Nishinomaru family. At the same time, the family is preparing for the gambling competition at the Netsuda Shrine Festival, which they have been hosting for generations. Meanwhile, the crooked Kinbara family is plotting to take over the competition. And now Oryu is forced to get involved in the struggle…
Bakeneko: A Vengeful Spirit
Zuimeiji priest
Nabeshima Naoshige murders his lord, Ryuzoji Takafusa, seeking to gain power and steal his Lord’s wife. To avoid her fate, Lady Takafusa drowns herself along with her cat in a nearby marsh. A decade later, Naoshige’s efforts to steal another woman trigger a curse on him when she also commits suicide at the same marsh — forcing him to suffer the consequences of his past actions.
Big Time Gambling Boss
Tokyo, 1934. The boss of the clan that controls gambling agonizes and some of his followers propose to Nakai to take his place, but he refuses the offer and suggests they choose Matsuda, who is in prison. Other clan members oppose and Ishido is elected. When Matsuda is freed, he doesn't accept this decision.
Showdown of Men 3
After being bailed out of trouble by a member of the Kaijima Clan, Ryuhei dedicates himself to saving the Kajima’s lucrative lumber business.
Eighteen Years in Prison
A former soldier is caught working the black market and sent to prison while his partner escapes and goes on to become a gangster, but their paths cross again as they both fall in love with the same woman.
Judo vs. Karate
A story of friendship between a lone wolf judo expert and a youth.
Code Between Brothers 2
The services of a wandering gambler, Seiji, are called upon to protect the turf of his loyal friend Risaburo.
Миямото Мусаси — 5: Дуэль на острове Ганрю
Заключительная, пятая часть пенталогии Утиды Тому о легендарном мастере меча Миямото Мусаси. Этот персонаж хорошо известен по трилогии Инагаки с Тосиро Мифунэ в главной роли. Здесь роль Мусаси с успехом исполняет не менее талантливый и разносторонний актер - Накамура Кинноскэ. Дороги двух прославленных мастеров сходятся, Мусаси и Кодзиро предстоит вступить в поединок друг с другом...
Lord Tokugawa Ieyasu
In turbulent 16th-century Japan, the leaders of a minor fief have their child taken from them as a political hostage. His mother and his clan endure years of tribulations until he can return.
The Great Duel
In this gritty tale of gamblers battling in the samurai era, Okawa Hashizo gives perhaps his greatest performance as a gambler returning to his home town. Swearing allegiance to his fiancée’s father, a decent boss, he had taken to the road after a gang fight until things cooled down. While honing his sword skills in his travels, everything in the town had changed and he descended into a virtual hell of violence. Opponents were being slaughtered by a former samurai ‘Bodyguard’ played by Tanba Tetsuro at the height of his amazing career. While these two master swordsmen are fated to meet, before that can even happen they must survive one of the longest, bloodiest swordfights in movie history!
Group Burglars Break the Magistrate's Office
Eight villains, former pirates, gather to attack the magistrate's office. They develop a plan and begin their actions in secret, making full use of their special abilities. In the end, their plan goes beyond what was intended and turns into a good deed for many people. A masterpiece of historical drama, full of breathtaking thrills and action.
Миямото Мусаси — 4: Дуэль у храма Итидзёдзи
Четвёртая часть пенталогии Утиды Тому о легендарном мастере меча Миямото Мусаси. Этот персонаж хорошо известен по трилогии Инагаки с Тосиро Мифунэ в главной роли. Здесь роль Мусаси с успехом исполняет не менее талантливый и разносторонний актер - Накамура Кинноскэ. После поражения, которое Мусаси нанес Ёсиока Сэйдзюро, семья последнего бросает вызов ставшему уже известным мастеру...
Blind Wolf
Миямото Мусаси — 3: Овладение техникой двух мечей
Третья часть пенталогии Утиды Тому о легендарном мастере меча Миямото Мусаси. Этот персонаж хорошо известен по трилогии Инагаки с Тосиро Мифунэ в главной роли. Здесь роль Мусаси с успехом исполняет не менее талантливый и разносторонний актер - Накамура Кинноскэ. Странствия Мусаси продолжаются. На этот раз ему предстоят встречи с предствавителями двух известных школ владения мечом - Ягю и Ёсиока.
20 Duels of Young Shingo - Conclusion
While on his journey through the countryside of Japan, Shingo encounters many people whose lives have been affected by his actions. Though the many duels he fought were intended to bring justice to those who sought to do evil, he is faced with the knowledge that his victories have also caused suffering amont the family members of his victims-leading him to question his life's philosophy. This superb film is the final chapter in this part of Shingo's story. A fitting tribute to his quest to be the supreme swordsman.
Five Ronins
The story of five easygoing Yakuza who come together to save the live of a young innocent girl, Oichi, from an evil vassal.
The Red Shadow
Dan'emon Akaishi
Fifteen years after Ishida Mitsunari lost in the battle of Sekigahara, Tokugawa Ieyasu foresees his unavoidable battle with Toyotomi Hideyori and goes into Fushimi Castle. At the night, Hattori Hanzo, the leader of 36 Iga members who were performing as guards of the castle, perceives the existence of a ninja and captures the mysterious sneaker.
Миямото Мусаси — 2: Дуэль у горы Хання
Вторая часть пенталогии Утиды Тому о легендарном мастере меча Миямото Мусаси. Этот персонаж хорошо известен по трилогии Инагаки с Тосиро Мифунэ в главной роли. Здесь роль Мусаси с успехом исполняет не менее талантливый и разносторонний актер - Накамура Кинноскэ. Действие второго фильма разворачивается после трех лет, потраченных главным героем на совершенствование своего мастерства в затворничестве. Теперь начинаются долгие странствия Мусаси, принявшего это имя, по Японии....
A Revengeful Raid
In this tale of bravery and honor among the roving gamblers of old Japan, the heroic Jirocho, Boss of the Tokaido is called upon to help a young yakuza named Eijiro after he runs afoul of the new samurai officials who have taken over his hometown. Expertly portrayed by Kitaoji Kinya (son of the all-time great star Ichikawa Utaemon), this young man stands up for the townspeople and puts his life on the line. Jirocho, played by superstar Nakamura Kinnosuke, a boss known for his honor and valor soon finds himself involved in the feud which will only end in a brutal showdown.
Good Rascals
A group of men living a low life in Edo help each other to make the best out of their lives.
Restoration Fire
Megastar Kataoka Chiezo is Vice-commander Hijikata Toshizo of the Shinsengumi in this realistic tale of Japan’s inner battles that led to the downfall of the Tokugawa shogunate. Excellent performances and extremely good swordplay highlight this glimpse into the heart and soul of Japanese history. Although known as “Razor Blade” Hijikata, the vice-commander is a man of deep conviction with a little-known sense of humanity. Starting after the famed Ikedaya Incident, in which they saved Kyoto from Choshu’s plot to burn the city to ashes, they work hard to change the public’s view of them as merciless killers to their true mission of protecting the shogun. This is an extraordinary tale of blood and guts! From the pen of award winning author Shotaro Ikenami (Bandit Vs. Samurai, Hunter in the Dark, Misumi's The Last Samurai)
Fine Man
A young son of a master of the Kuwana clan gets disowned for his rebellious behavior. After he goes from the mountains to the ocean defeating the evil, he becomes a fine man.
Мусаси Миямото
Border Inspector
Начало саги о знаменитом мастере меча, самурае Миямото Мусаси. В те времена он ещё не получил своего имени, тогда его звали Такэдзо. После страшной битвы при Сэкигахаре, его вместе с другом детства Матахати, сильно израненных, выносят с поля прошедшей битвы женщины, которые, мягко говоря, пытаются заработать себе на пропитание обирая павших в сражении. Прошло какое то время. Благодаря женской заботе, раны вылечены, силы восстановлены. Такэдзо уговаривает друга пробираться в родную деревню. Но Матахати боится, так как на дорогах стоят патрули отлавливающие как собак воинов бегущих после битвы при Сэкигахаре. В это время в домик женщин, с целью грабежа, нагрянула банда разбойников. Такэдзо смело ввязывается в схватку с ними…
Castle of Flames
In 17th century Japan, Young Lord Masato returns after years abroad to find everything changed: his peace-loving father has died in what he soon finds to be mysterious circumstances, and his mother's married to his uncle, whose ruthless ambition is causing turmoil in the kingdom. Not knowing who to trust, Masato feigns madness, vowing to get to the truth, even though his act causes distress to the girl he loves, who's waited for him all these years. The ghost of his father turns up now and then to show him the way. Meanwhile a peasant revolt is brewing... It all ends tragically.
Road Warriors
A dashing edition with fights , love, and laughter, in which the sorrows and joys of the guiltless world are colored by the guiltless travel crow, Ayame 's Gantaro, with the turbulent and exciting Wakizashi Hitoshi .
Перевал Дайбосацу 3
Завершающий трилогию фильм, в котором состоится последняя встреча Рёноскэ и Хёмы. В фильме есть примечательная сцена боя главного героя с убийцами, подосланными князем Камио Сюдзэном, снятая отъезжающей камерой без монтажа.