Visual Effects
Непокорная и дерзкая девушка-вундеркинд Гюльсерен проходит через одиночество, любовь и утрату, переживая сложный период политических потрясений и социальных перемен.
Visual Effects
Esma, Berk and Hasan are three people who try to escape the troubles of life with the help of a video game called Discovery. These three young people is sucked into the game in a mystical way. They find themselves in the battle of Gallipoli.
Digital Compositor
Zeliha is back: Crazy and candid as ever, and she still gets herself into all sorts of trouble. Seeking love in the first film, Zeliha is now after a career in the sequel, as she dreams of becoming a cook and starts working in a luxury restaurant. Will Zeliha's dreams finally come true, or will the real world break her heart and leave her in disappointment? With heartwarming characters and an entertaining story by Gupse Özay, writer of the films Deliha and Görümce, Deliha 2 will once again leave audiences in laughter. The film also marks Özay's directorial debut.
Visual Effects Art Director
Сулейман из турецкой бригады «Северная звезда», которая принимала участие в Корейской войне в составе американской дивизии войск ООН, спасает замерзающую корейскую девочку, называет ее Айлой и берет к себе в расположение.