Li Ching
Rafi sneaks into the Marchioness's hunt, which brings together all the Spanish high society, to sell them his business. He and Fali will discover that hunting is not what it seems, and that the future of Spain is being decided on the farm.
Burger Joint Waitress
Сусана оставляет свою жизнь в Париже, где она работает моделью, и возвращается в Мадрид, чтобы заботиться о своей бабушке Пилар.
A group of people move through a labyrinth of tunnels in the urban underground. They cut through the darkness with the multiple flashlights strapped to their bodies. During their journey, they'll have to face the dangers that lurk in the darkness and, what is worse, themselves.
Braulio after his misadventures in Berlin, moves to Hong Kong along with Rafa and Hakan in search of new opportunities. However, it is not easy to succeed in a land where language, culture and customs are very different from Europe.
Xiao Xian
Xiao Xian is in charge of finishing a dress. Her mother has decided that she is going to take care of it that night, and she obeys, as usual. Sheng Xia, her best friend, shows up at her house to convince her to go partying. Xiao Xian accepts, but she cannot imagine what will end up happening that night.
Алекс — уверенная в себе девушка с твердым характером и чувством индивидуальности. Она часто помогает и поддерживает своего друга Абрахама, ведь тот, наоборот, застенчив, замкнут и чрезмерно мягок, вероятно, из-за своих сложных отношений с родителями. Однако все меняется, когда Дэниэл — отец Абрахама — умирает в загадочной катастрофе, причина которой остается неясна. С этого момента Алекс оказывается втянута в галлюцинаторное путешествие, которое заводит ее в самые глубины ада, где линия между реальностью и кошмаром становится настолько размытой, что Алекс теряет уверенность в самих основах существования.
Driven by the yearn for an old love, Jasmine, an introvert goes back to Barcelona. When she gets lost and alone on the street during the busiest festival, La Mercé, a mysterious Chinese psychic takes her to a private yet weird party...
Gael has organized a Japanese-themed party for Yuki, only she does not know about it. What for Yuki is a party for getting to know people in the fashion sector is actually a game designed by Gael.