Isidoro Tolcachir


El tío
50-year-old Dalmiro has a peaceful and routine life. But the unexpected death of his brother forces him to take care of his sister-in-law and his nephews. Her sister-in-law asks Dalmiro to take his niece to Disney, since his brother had planned to go with her before he died. His sister-in-law posed it as a transaction, since Dalmiro had a significant money debt with his brother. Responsibility and mandate will be for Dalmiro a portal to new opportunities.
Te esperaré
Еврейская девочка Анита живет с мамой в Буэнос-Айресе. После бомбежки мама пропадает, и Анита отправляется ее искать. Эта лента – не о девочке с синдромом Дауна, а об окружающих людях, без поддержки которых она одна бы просто не выжила