Rory Calhoun

Rory Calhoun

Рождение : 1922-08-08, Los Angeles, California, USA

Смерть : 1999-04-28


Rory Calhoun (1922–1999) was an American television and film actor, screenwriter, and producer best known for his roles in Westerns.


Rory Calhoun


Жизнь в стиле кантри
Ernest Tucker
Dusty Chandler is a super star in the country music world, but his shows have the style of a '70s rock concert. One day he takes a walk - out of his overdone concerts to find his real country roots. He's helped and hindered by friends and staff, but pushes on in his search for a real music style as well as a real romance.
Bad Jim
Sam Harper
A cowpoke buys Billy the Kid's horse and, upon riding it, becomes an incorrigible outlaw himself.
Roller Blade Warriors: Taken by Force
Old Turkel
In the future, a warrior nun on roller skates must rescue a seer, who is to be sacrificed by a band of mutants.
Переполох в городе жаб
Looney Tunes
Родди Пайпер играет Сэма Хелла, атлета, мощь которого удачно дополняется его хладнокровием и сообразительностью. Сэм пробирается в Лягушачий город, индустриальный кошмар, кишащий мутантами. Единственный шанс уцелеть — это сразить Тоти, верховного мутанта, сеющего смерть. Бешеная охота начинается…
Half Nelson
Rocky Nelson is a New York cop, who after making a major bust and selling the rights of his story to Hollywood decides to try his luck out as an actor. However, when he gets there, the directors think that he is too short to be an actor. He is then approach by someone who offers him a job at a Hollywood security agency, cause he would fit in there being an ex-cop and while working there he could come in contact with some Hollywood heavy-weights who could give him the break he needs. And at the same he gets to live in Dean Martin's guest-house.
Kit Carson
Бывшая малолетняя проститутка Молли Стюарт узнает, что убит лейтенант Эндрюс, который помог ей покончить с уличной жизнью. Она бросает устроенную жизнь и учёбу в колледже, чтобы вернуться на бульвар Голливуд и отомстить за его смерть.
Kit Carson
Днём все знают Молли как прилежную школьницу. Она сторонится игр и друзей, ведь дома её ждёт больная мать. Но ночью девушка становится так называемым ангелом - проституткой с бульвара Голливуд. Но вскоре Молли сталкивается с мрачной стороной этой ночной жизни: убита её подруга Лана, а сама девушка с помощью лейтенанта полиции Эндрюса пытается противостоять сексуальному маньяку.
Female Mud Wrestling Championships
The first International Female Mud Wrestling Championships presented at the Imperial Palace Hotel, Las Vegas.
Адский мотель
Vincent Smith
Винсент и его сестра Ида являются собственниками придорожного мотеля, а также предприятия по производству колбасных изделий, пользующегося хорошей репутацией. Когда Винсента спрашивают рецепт такого вкусного копченого мяса, он говорит, что его происхождение восходит к его бабушке, которая любила окуривать дымом все, что движется и шевелится. Но внучок довел бабушкину страсть до крайности. Оказывается, ночью Винсент и Ида избивают до полусмерти поселяющихся в мотеле туристов, после чего закапывают их живыми в своем саду таким образом, чтобы на поверхности оказывались только головы. Они окуривают их ароматным дымком, откармливают, а по прошествии некоторого времени трупы становятся первоначальным материалом их знаменитого копченого мяса…
Smokey and the Judge
Matt Polsky
Three bad girls go good in this Southern-fried treat from 1980. When Margo (Gwen Owens), Carol (Cathy Carson) and Maria (Juanita Curiel) get released from prison, they set their sights on R&B stardom, starting with a gig at a roadhouse bar in a rough-and-tumble desert town. As long as they can stay clear of a sleazy sheriff (Gene Price), a dirty-minded judge and a troublemaking parole officer, the buxom trio may just make it after all.
Главное событие
Fighter In Kid's Camp
Хиллари Крамер, успешная производительница парфюмерии, разорена. Её управляющий сбежал в Южную Америку со всеми её деньгами и не оставил даже номера телефона. Долги Хиллари превышают её активы даже после продажи фирмы. На руках у неё остаётся гора неоплаченных векселей и контракт с неким Симпатягой Кидом, боксёром — одна из налоговых уловок сбежавшего менеджера. Кид должен Хиллари деньги, на его имущество, включая автошколу, наложен арест, но даже оно не может покрыть долги бывшей парфюмерши. И тогда Хиллари решается на отчаянный шаг — вернуть Кида на ринг, а сама становится его менеджером.
The Rebels
This sequel to "The Bastard" continues the saga of Philip Kent, the illegitimate son of an English nobleman, who has renounced his patrician birthright to become a Colonial soldier fighting for America's independence, befriending a Southern aristocrat and his earthy buddy to help thwart a plot to assassinate George Washington. (Episodes 3 and 4 of the Kent Chronicles miniseries.)
Revenge of Bigfoot
Bob Spence
When an American Indian moves in with a friendly rancher, the local bigot tries to run him out of town, but Bigfoot gets in his way.
Flatbed Annie & Sweetie Pie: Lady Truckers
This engaging made-for-television movie follows the adventures of Ginny "Sweetie Pie" LaRosa (Kim Darby), who needs money after her trucker husband, Jack (Fred Willard), is shot by hijackers. Fortunately, she finds a partner in Flatbed Annie (Annie Potts), a freewheelin' driver. The women form an unlikely but profitable friendship while fending off the repo man who wants the truck and the criminals who are after the cocaine hidden in it.
Mule Feathers
Bonaparte Shelby
A drifter con artist, impersonating a parson, arrives in a small Wild West town with his mule and becomes embroiled in the lives of several townsfolk.
Love and the Midnight Auto Supply
Len Thompson
An auto-theft ring decides to help out migrant workers from Mexico with the proceeds from their racket.
Flight to Holocaust
Ed Davis
A team of troubleshooters is called to a skyscraper where a plane has crashed into the 20th floor and is stuck in the side of the building.
Mission to Glory: A True Story
Capt. Juan Monje
Father Kino , a 17th-century Jesuit missionary, dedicated his life to helping Native Americans in the Southwest by teaching them agricultural skills as well as building missions and spreading Christianity. An explorer, astronomer and map maker, Father Kino surmounted numerous challenges as he journeyed through California, Arizona and Mexico.
Won Ton Ton: The Dog Who Saved Hollywood
Philip Hart
A would-be filmmaker and actress shake up the industry with a trick dog who gets discovered by a studio bus driver in the 1920s.
Night of the Lepus
Cole Hillman
Giant mutant rabbits terrorize the southwest!!
The Girl of the Nile
Jack Cooper
Adventurers endeavor to find a tomb that houses a legendary diamond.
Dayton's Devils
Frank Dayton (Leslie Nielsen) leads a group of crooks in a caper to steal $2,500,000 from an Air Force base. Dayton is the tough-guy military leader who recruits Mike (Rory Calhoun), ex-Nazi Max (Hans Gudegast), sadistic killer Barney Barry (Barry Sadler), and failed French artist Claude (Pat Renella) in the scheme.
Операция «Орлиный крест»
Sgt. Sean McAfee
Главный герой, лидер югославских партизан, выходит на связь с американским офицером Рори Калхоном, якобы, с целью организации обмена заключёнными. Но когда становится очевидным, что среди партизан есть предатель, Конте вынужден раскрыть Калхауну истинную цель его миссии.
Operation Delilah
A couple try to help the residents of a small Caribbean island overthrow a dictator.
Vírgenes de la nueva ola
Our Men in Bagdad
The USA pass an exceptional top secret contract with a country in the Middle East: they are selling arms in exchange for exclusive rights on the countries rich oil resources. The USSR sent a team of their best secret agents to rob the document, so that later they can apprehend the ship which must pass through one of the Russian ports... After special training in a secret island in the Black Sea, Alex, Sadov and Sonia are sent in to get the documents. All goes according to plan, and Sadov gives the handbag to the mastermind, General Fiodorenko. On opening it though, the handbag explodes. Who is the infiltrated agent in the most secret of the Soviets secret ring?
Восстание апачей
Jim Walker
Из почтовой кареты, в которой едет Джим Волкер с другом Биллом, бандиты решают украсть деньги. Джим должен противостоять трём отчаянным головорезам, защитить честь случайной пассажирки и помочь свершить правосудие апачам, у которых тоже есть свои счёты с главарём банды.
Black Spurs
A dissatisfied ranch hand becomes a bounty hunter. He conspires with a crooked town boss to dirty up a neighboring village where a valuable railroad franchise is headed.
Finger on the Trigger
Larry Winton
At the end of the Civil War, a ragtag group of just-discharged Union soldiers clashes with a band of renegade Confederates over a golden treasure hidden in a deserted town in the Oklahoma Territory. Soon these rivals must make common cause in the face of an Indian attack.
Young Fury
Clint McCoy
A group of young thugs rides into the town of Dawson and take it over. When the cowardly sheriff is unable to restore control, the parents of the leader must take action. The leader's father is an infamous ex-gunfighter, and he straps his guns on one more time.
Face in the Rain
An American spy hides in an apartment. But the woman who lives there is herself the mistress of a German Officer.
The Gun Hawk
Blaine Madden
Gunslinger Rory Calhoun dispenses his own brand of justice in this action-packed Western adventure costarring Rod Cameron and Ruta Lee. It's been three years since gunfighter Blaine Madden (Calhoun) visited his hometown. So when he warns the Sully brothers to stop harassing the town drunk, they shoot the old man dead, not realizing he's Madden's father. Killing them both, Madden is badly wounded by the sheriff (Cameron) but escapes to an outlaw haven where the law fears to tread and prepares what may be his last stand. Written by Jo Heims (Play Misty for Me), The Gun Hawk was the final film directed by Edward Ludwig, whose nearly 50-year career spanned over 100 shorts, TV episodes and features, including the John Wayne hits The Fighting Seabees, Wake of the Red Witch and Big Jim McLain.
The Young and the Brave
MSgt. Ed Brent (escaped POW)
A drama of the Korean War. Four American Army POWs escape behind enemy lines and try to make their way back to their units in the South. Along the way they are aided by a young Korean boy and his adopted dog, a US trained German Shepherd named Lobo.
Hollywood Without Make-Up
A collection of behind the scenes and home movies from the golden age of Hollywood.
Реквием по тяжеловесу
Проигрыш Кассиусу Клею приближает конец боксерской карьеры Луиса Риверы. Врачи рекомендуют ему завязать с профессиональным спортом, менеджер пытается использовать Луиса и заставить его провести еще один бой, а социальная работница мисс Миллер призывает боксера найти новую жизнь вне ринга.
Marco Polo
Marco Polo
Italian explorer rescues the daughter of the Mongol leader Kublai Khan, meets a hermit who has invented gunpowder and builds a cannon.
Секрет Монте-Кристо
Captain Adam Corbett
О приключениях капитана Адама Корбетта, который отправляется на поиски сокровищ легендарного графа Монте-Кристо.
Колосс Родосский
Действие картины происходит на острове Родос во II веке до нашей эры. На острове безраздельно царит тиран Ксеркс, окруженный льстивыми предателями-придворными. Немногие честные люди вынуждены скрываться, в противном случае их ожидает тюрьма. В это время на Родос приезжает афинянин Дарио и сразу оказывается вовлеченным в подготовку мятежа против Ксеркса, который планируется осуществить в день торжественного открытия статуи Колосса Родосского. Заговорщики планируют использовать статую в осуществлении своих дерзких планов... И сами боги Олимпа идут им навстречу: в день мятежа разражается буря, и статуя рушится, погребая под своими обломками тиранию Ксеркса.
Thunder in Carolina
Mitch Cooper
A stock-car veteran (Rory Calhoun) teaches a grease monkey to race in the Southern 500 in Darlington, S.C.
The Saga of Hemp Brown
Hemp Brown
Ex-army sergeant Jed Givens and his gang rob an army payroll shipment led by Lt. Hemp Brown. Givens kills a civilian woman and all the soldiers, leaving Brown alive to face a military tribunal in which he is branded a coward, stripped of all insignia and drummed out of the army. Brown sets out to track down Givens in an effort to clear his name.
Apache Territory
Logan Cates
Logan Cates sets out to rescue a white woman captured by Apache Indians and prevent a war. On the way he is joined by a few civilians and a small band of soldiers at a water hole. They are ambushed and laid siege to by Apache. As their food and water supplies dwindle a storm arrives which enables Cates to put an escape plan into action.
Apache Territory
Logan Cates sets out to rescue a white woman captured by Apache Indians and prevent a war. On the way he is joined by a few civilians and a small band of soldiers at a water hole. They are ambushed and laid siege to by Apache. As their food and water supplies dwindle a storm arrives which enables Cates to put an escape plan into action.
Ride Out for Revenge
When an Indian chief is murdered in a hateful town, a sympathizing ex marshal tries to stop the Indians from attacking for revenge.
Domino Kid
A rancher vows revenge on the five men responsible for his father's death.
Domino Kid
A rancher vows revenge on the five men responsible for his father's death.
The Hired Gun
Gil McCord
A rich Texan hires a gunman (Rory Calhoun) to bring an escaped woman (Anne Francis) back to hang.
The Big Caper
Frank Harper
A con artist moves into a small town to spearhead a payroll robbery.
Utah Blaine
Utah Blaine
Western about Calhoun helping to overcome land-grabbing outlaws.
Flight to Hong Kong
Tony Dumont
On an airliner bound for Hong Kong, Tony (Rory Calhoun), a career crook who deals in stolen diamonds, agonizes over whether he should stick with his girlfriend (Dolores Donlon) or pursue Pamela (Barbara Rush), an intriguing novelist with whom he's instantly infatuated. Viewing Tony's dastardly deeds as great material for her new book, Pamela gladly encourages him to continue his criminal behavior.
Грубый край
Tex Kirby
Орегон, начало ХХ века. Землевладелец Монтгомери держит в своей власти всю деревню. Он выпустил закон, носящий его имя: по этому закону любая женщина будет до смерти принадлежать тому мужчине, кто первый овладеет ею; таким образом, мужчина делает ее своей собственностью. После того как его собственную жену насилуют, Монтгомери линчует подозреваемого, хотя на самом деле этот человек не виновен в этом преступлении. Брат погибшего приезжает в деревню, вознамерившись отомстить и убить Монтгомери. Три друга, из которых один - подлинный преступник, убивают друг друга за право воспользоваться "законом Монтгомери" в случае, если мститель добьется своей цели. Но Монтгомери убивают индейцы, и его вдова достается мстителю.
Red Sundown
Alec Longmire
When his life is saved in a shootout by a fellow gunman whose life he in turn had saved, Alex Longmire promises to give up his way of life. Riding into town he finds the only job available is deputy to sheriff Jade Murphy, an honest man caught between small farmers and a local cattle baron. And he has a pretty daughter. So Longmire decides to stay and see if he can use his expertise with firearms for good.
The Spoilers
Alex McNamara
In 1899 Alaska, miners have to protect themselves from a phony legal team trying to steal their gold claims.
The Treasure of Pancho Villa
Tom Bryan
In 1915, an American adventurer joins the supporters of Mexican revolutionary Pancho Villa.
Ain't Misbehavin'
Kenneth Post
Rowdy young girl crashes high society when wealthy older man falls for her.
The Looters
Jesse Hill
A rescue team is dispatched to look for the survivors of a plane crash in the Colorado Rockies. They find the survivors--and also find $250,000 in cash among the debris.
a deputy U.S. Marshall pursue the gang of Ben Thompson after the murder of another marshall. Along with a bounty hunter and a half-breed woman they follow the trail into Apache territory.
Four Guns to the Border
Outlaws on the lam battle attacking Apaches.
A Bullet Is Waiting
Ed Stone
A plane carrying a sheriff and a man indicted for manslaughter is wrecked on a lonely California beach and the prisoner manages to escape, after a struggle, only to be taken in hand by the female manager of a remote sheep ranch.
Dawn at Socorro
Brett Wade
Brett Wade, gambler, gunslinger, and classical pianist, is wounded in a gunfight with the Ferris clan; the doctor finds signs of tuberculosis. En route to Colorado for his health, Brett stops in Socorro, New Mexico along with Ferris gunfighter Jimmy Rapp. Sheriff Couthen fears another shootout, but what Brett has in mind is saving waif-with-a-past Rannah Hayes from a life as one of Dick Braden's saloon girls.
The Yellow Tomahawk
When the army insists on building a fort on Indian land, in defiance of a treaty, the warnings of a scout go unheeded.
Река не течет вспять
Harry Weston
Мэтт Коядер, отсидев за убийство, находит своего шестилетнего сына Марка в лагере переселенцев, где его приютила певица кабаре Кей. Мэтт забирает сына в свой новый дом и решает начать новую жизнь среди бескрайних просторов Северной Америки. В это время Гарри, дружок Кей, выигрывает в карты золотоносный участок и предлагает девушке бросить все и умчаться с ним на плоту по реке, чтобы как можно быстрее застолбить золотую жилу, которую он получил обманом. Бурная река вынуждает парочку сделать остановку рядом с хижиной Мэтта. Гарри, узнав от фермера, что река небезопасна своими порогами и водопадами, решает украсть лошадь и ружье у Мэтта. Кей принимает решение остаться с фермером и ждать когда вернётся Гарри. Не прошло и дня, как на оставшихся в доме нападаютиндейцы и сжигают их дом. Мэтт с сыном и Кей успевают уплыть на плоту. Им предстоит не лёгкий путь вниз по реке, через пороги и непроходимые леса, кишащие дикими животными, а на их след уже вышли кровожадные индейцы...
Как выйти замуж за миллионера
Нью-Йорк слезам не верит. Традиционная ситуация: три модели ищут мужей-миллионеров. Для осуществления своих планов девушки снимают шикарную квартиру в элитном районе и начинают осуществлять задуманное. Проходят три месяца — из квартиры продана последняя мебель, а на горизонте — ни одной подходящей партии. К финалу картины страсти накаляются, у двух подруг возникает дилемма: деньги или любовь? Лишь у третьей, на первый взгляд, все складывается хорошо. Но это лишь — на первый взгляд.
Powder River
Chino Bullock
Ex-marshal Chino Bull has hung up his guns until his prospecting partner is shot dead. Chino then takes over as the law in town, forming a friendship with gun-man Mitch Hardin and making enemies of the Logan brothers. When Hardin' girl from the east arrives, he makes her pretty unwelcome - as does his new flame, saloon owner Frenchie.
The Silver Whip
Sheriff Tom Davisson
Frustrated with the lack of opportunities in his hometown, young Jess Harker plans to leave, but sympathetic stagecoach armed guard Race Crim persuades his boss to give Jess the stage driver job.
Way of a Gaucho
Martin Penalosa
In 1875 Argentina, after killing a man, a gaucho is sentenced to harsh army duty but he deserts the army and becomes a bandit leader.
С песней в моем сердце
John Burn
Джейн Фроман (Susan Hayward), молодая певица, получает работу на радио с помощью пианиста Дона Росса (David Wayne), за которого позже выходит замуж. Благодаря чудесному голосу и актерскому таланту она достигает огромного успеха и популярности. Но авиакатастрофа, случившаяся в начале Второй мировой войны, ломает все планы. Не в состоянии ходить без костылей, Джейн, тем не менее продолжает концерты на фронтах и в госпиталях перед солдатами союзных войcк.
Meet Me After the Show
David Hemingway
A Broadway star devises a scheme to win back her husband when she suspects he's being unfaithful.
I'd Climb the Highest Mountain
Jack Stark
A minister from the Deep South is assigned a new parish and moves with his wife to a town in Georgia's Blue Ridge Mountains, where he tends to the spiritual and emotional needs of his small flock.
Rogue River
Ownie Rogers
The story of Ownie Rodgers, the nephew of crooked Oregon police chief Joe Dandridge. A $70,000 windfall, bequeathed to Dandridge by a man he'd once framed on a bank robbery charge, unleashes innumerable family skeletons. Ownie is obliged to solve the long-ago bank job himself, and in so doing he discovers that his "faithful" girl friend Judy was in on the scheme.
County Fair
Peter Brennan
"Ma" Ryan, who runs a burger stand at the county fair, asks daughter Loretta to put a bet on a horse that Loretta's boyfriend Tommy is riding. Unfortunately, Loretta mistakenly places the bet on the wrong horse. When she discovers her error she tries to get the cashier to exchange the ticket for the horse she wanted, but the cashier refuses. Peter Brennan, standing in back of her in line, buys the ticket for the horse Loretta wants and then exchanges it with her. It turns out that Peter is from a wealthy family that owns racehorses, and Peter is a horse trainer himself. He soon begins to fall for Loretta, and Tommy doesn't like it one bit. Complications ensue.
Return of the Frontiersman
A sheriff's son is falsely accused of murder, and a friend determines to clear his name and find the real killer.
Билет в Томагавк
1876 год. Доусон хочет задержать поезд, следующий в Томагавк, штат Колорадо, чтобы не позволить ему обогнать его дилижанс. Среди пассажиров поезда Джонни, отвечающий за то, чтобы поездка прошла успешно и была завершена вовремя. Также в поезде едут актрисы, девушки-певицы из группы мадам Аделаиды…
Chick Palmer
Novelist Will James, a specialist in horse stories, wrote the yarn upon which 20th Century-Fox's Sand was based. Mark Stevens plays horse breeder Jeff Keane, who loses his prize stallion in a train accident. While the stallion roams wild and free, Keane enlists the aid of rancher Joan Hartley (Coleen Gray) in searching for the animal. Once the horse is located, it is clear that it has developed a mean streak, the result of various cruelties inflicted upon it by humans. Jeff and Joan combine their efforts to regain the horse's friendship. Veteran Native American actors Iron Eyes Cody and Jay Silverheels make significant supporting appearances. Sand was attractively filmed in Technicolor on location in Colorado.
Massacre River
Phil Acton
Two Cavalry Officers clash over the Colonel's Daughter at a remote outpost with Indian troubles.
Miraculous Journey
Larry Burke
The passengers and crew of an airplane are stranded in an unfamiliar jungle. Unknown to most of the survivors is a criminal among them who caused the crash.
That Hagen Girl
Ken Freneau
Mary Hagen lives in a small town in Ohio and goes to Jordon Junior College. For years, there has been whispers, rumors and gossip about who are her real parents. When Tom Bates returns to town, he takes over the house and practice that Judge Merrivale left him when he died. As Tom has been away a number of years, this leads to more gossip and Mary believes that he is her father. The popular and rich Ken loves Mary, but his family and friends constantly remind him that she is 'not one of us'. Julia, a teacher at school encourages Mary but Mary cannot get a break in anything she does, or is accused of doing. Tom knows the answer to her true identity, and he is silent.
Adventure Island
Travelers find themselves marooned on an island with a maniacal self-made ruler.
Красный дом
Пит и Эллен с младенчества воспитывали Мэг как родную дочь. Теперь, уже подросток, Мэг убеждает своего друга Ната приехать помочь по хозяйству на ферме, так как Пит на деревянной ноге не может работать как раньше. Нат хочет ходить к дому короткой дорогой через лес, но Пит, сильно волнуясь, предупреждает его о криках в ночи и ужасах, связанных с красным домом. Любопытные Мэг и Нат игнорируют предупреждение и начинают исследование. Мэг влюбляется в Ната, но у его девушки Тибби свои планы на него. Между тем, герои все ближе к реальной опасности и темной тайне красного дома.
The Great John L.
James J. 'Gentleman Jim' Corbett
Portrait of legendary fighter John L. Sullivan, aka "The Boston Strong Boy", and his meteoric rise to become the first gloved World Heavyweight Champion. But the famed boxer is no match for the two women with holds on him, love struck actress Kathy Harkness and the real love of his life, beautiful but unyielding Anne Livingstone.
Куда мы отсюда пойдём?
Soldier Leaving Canteen (uncredited)
Bill wants to join the Army, but he's 4F so he asks a wizard to help him, but the wizard has slight problems with his history knowlege, so he sends Bill everywhere in history, but not to WWII.
The Bullfighters
El Brillante - Disgusted Matador (uncredited)
Bumbling detective Stan Laurel disguises himself as a famous matador in order to hide from the vengeful Richard K. Muldoon, who spent time in prison on Stan's bogus testimony.
Something for the Boys
Soldier (uncredited)
The oddly-assorted Hart cousins: revue singer Blossom, con man Harry, and machinist Chiquita (who gets radio through her teeth!), inherit southern plantation Magnolia Manor, which alas proves to be a "termite trap" and tax liability. Fortunately, Sgt. Rocky Fulton from a nearby army camp appears with a plan to convert the place to a hotel for army wives; but to pay bills until then, they decide to put on a show. Of course, romantic and military complications intervene...