Miroslav Petković


A small town infertile girl becomes obsessed with her friend’s newborn son to a degree that she develops a “phantom pregnancy”.
Pepo (16) already 3 summers in a row is hoping, longing and trying to play on the better side of the basketball court, where the net is, and where the older guys play their hard and tough streetball games. After many attempts, obstacles and failures to get into the First league streetball game, not only that he’s been mocked by the older players, stubborn Pepo betrays his friends
Mocking of Christ
UCK Tall one
Alexander Philipopoulos, a famous journalist in a French political magazine, is returning to his birthplace in northern Greece, looking for the truth about his father Lazarus, who lived as political emigrant in the neighboring country of Macedonia.
Мать и брат Веле шесть лет назад погибли в аварии. Он живет вместе с умирающим от рака отцом, работает в депо, где задерживают зарплату. Веле в отчаянии, нет денег отцу на лекарства. Тлен и безысходность. Как-то в депо приходит полиция: поступил сигнал, что в одном из вагонов спрятана контрабанда. Рабочих просят осмотреть состав, полиции сообщают, что ничего не найдено. У Веле забрезжила надежда на чудо
Bearded man
Alone without the protection of his father, a child embarks on a quest for answers and his destiny in a dangerous, post apocalyptic world.