Dr. Uday Shankar is a kind-hearted Hindu gentleman who has chosen to practise medicine in a village rather than make money by working in a large city. Once, a devastating flood hits a nearby village and he goes there to minister to the affected people. At this time, he happens to rescue a Muslim child, Husain, whose entire family has been wiped out. He raises the boy as his own, alongside his own son, Ajay. As a good Hindu, he decides to raise the boy in the religion of his own parents, and Husain thus grows up to be a practising Muslim living in the backdrop of a Hindu household. Everyone loves the new addition to the household and Husain also is deeply attached to his new family.
Засушливые западные земля Раджастана. По нескольку лет здесь не выпадает ни капли дождя. Высыхают колодцы, замирает жизнь — люди бросают свои жилища и уходят в чужие края, поближе к воде. Но семья старого Хари решает вступить в борьбу с жестокой стихией. Его сын Ганга, а затем и дочь Сонки уходят на строительство канала, который принесет воду в их деревню.