Yaşar Güner

Yaşar Güner


Yaşar Güner
Yaşar Güner


Ay Büyürken Uyuyamam
Directed by Ömer Ugur.
Путешествие надежды
Haci Baba
Хайдар жил в одной из типовых деревень на востоке Турции. Однажды до него дошли красивые истории о счастливой жизни в Швейцарии. Мечты о новой жизни сподвигли крестьянина продать свой небольшой скот, старый дом, взять жени Мерием и отправиться в дорогу - за успехом. Хайдар собирался оставить детей на попечение родителей, но отец убедил его взять старшего сына, чтобы тот смог учить в Европе. Так началось долгое путешествие семьи Хайдар за счастьем.
Eskici ve Oğulları
Boynu Bükük Küheylan
With his 2 wives Kuheylan started as a doorkeeper in an apartment after immigrating from small town to city. While Kuheylan was dreaming to be rich, his wives got impressed under city culture and joined their forses agains their husband.
Motherland Hotel
Chestnut seller
The lonely proprietor of a small hotel in a provincial Turkish town develops a passion for a departed guest.
Kerim lives with his family in a rent house for years. One day his landlord tells him to look for another house or raise the rent money.He finds a house by the help of Sühandan whom he works together and in love.
A civil servant in a small town, shunned by his family and his friends due to his lack of ambition, hits the jackpot in the national lottery. Not trusting anybody around him, he gradually starts to lose his mind.
Sister Fahriye
A victim of a forced marriage who has stabbed her husband finishes her sentence. When she is released from the prison she starts working at a factory under harsh conditions. Soon a poet falls for her, and gives her a new hope in love.
Atla Gel Şaban
Birkaç Güzel Gün İçin
Kanlı Nigar