Maria Fredriksson


Svonni vs the Swedish Tax Agency
A Sámi woman is fighting against the Swedish Tax Agency about a tax deduction for the purchase of a dog, as it is not a pet, but used for reindeer-herding. A short documentary about cultural clashes and the struggle to practice Sámi culture in today's Sweden.
Wasteland is a reflection on a reality far from the big cities – the everyday life of a few young people from Värmland, a province in Sweden. What does rural life mean to them? What is their passion? This is a glimpse into the life of a group of young adults and their lifestyle choices. A film that can also be seen as a political, non-ideological contribution to the debate on city versus countryside.
A Goddamn Paradise
Two old men, one old house, and a feud about an outdoor toilet...
Afternoon Tea
Four elderly women meet for tea and a chat about preparing for death.
A quartet of refined elderly ladies gets together for coffee. Neatly dressed in houndstooth and pearls, they sip from elegant china and nibble on sweet cakes while discussing Viagra, cock rings, orgasms and quickies. Nothing's off the table as they reminisce about the past and revel in the sexual revolution that's come up around them, empowering their pleasure well into their twilight years.