Lin Jung-feng


Эльф из дома с привидениями
A family moves into a house. The handyman's son tells the brother and sister there is a family of vampires sealed up in the basement. After freeing and befriending the child vampire, he uses his vampire magic to take the daughter and the handyman's son into a comic book to save a princess from a cannibal witch doctor and tribe. The witch doctor (Wu Ma) changes into the monkey king and Dracula, among others. The kids counter with their own transformations. For instance, when the witch doctor changes into Jesus, the kids chase him with a crucifix. Meanwhile, in the real world, the vampire parents are hopping around trying to find their son.
Тайбэйская история
Раньше Лун играл в национальной юношеской лиге, а теперь держит старомодный магазинчик тканей и не может избавиться от ностальгии по славному прошлому. Его подруга, наоборот, устремлена в будущее. Чжэнь — современная успешная женщина. Она мечтает открыть своё дело и настроена на иммиграцию в США. Они любили друг друга с самого детства, они давно вместе, но, кажется, жизнь начинает их постепенно разводить.
Old Mao's Second Spring
Taiwan's submission for the Academy Award for Best Foreign Language Film in 1984
Production Supervisor
Taiwanese crime film.
Chu Liu Hsiang and Hu Tieh Hua
1980 Taiwanese action packed Wuxia film directed by Lin Ying; written, produced and co-directed by Gu Long. The title characters are based on Gu Long's Chu Liu Xiang novel series set during the Sung dynasty.
The Legend of Chu Liu Hsiang
Taiwanese fantasy / adventure.