Oz Guttman


Абу Омар
В условиях строжайшего комендантского часа убитый горем отец направляется к израильской границе с телом мёртвого сына Омара в брезентовом мешке. Мири, будущая мать-одиночка, несмотря на жуткую жару, решает помочь ему во что бы то ни стало. На время этого путешествия два одиноких человека становятся близкими людьми.
Ron Arad – Not Without White Gloves
This film documents a year in a life of an artist who takes an object that symbolized speed, movement, and momentum before it was abandoned – and crushes it in order to make it a living art work. By capturing significant moments in the process, as the concept evolves to become a major international exhibition, this film explores the life and art of Ron Arad
Land of the Little People
Four young kids who live in a village of military officers families, form a small gang. An old abandoned army base, located in the surrounding fields, turns into their camp. A war begins and most men are drafted. When the kids return to their camp they discover two soldiers who deserted their units, using their camp as a hideout...