Jeff Mak Gwok-Keung


Ип Ман 4
Production Design
1964 год. Уже немолодой Ип Ман узнаёт, что у него рак, а сына отчисляют из школы за очередную драку. Тут как раз Брюс Ли присылает учителю приглашение на чемпионат по карате и билет на самолёт в Штаты. Великий мастер отправляется в Сан-Франциско подыскать школу для сына и заодно посмотреть, как там живёт китайская диаспора. Выясняется, что в частные школы не берут без рекомендаций или крупных пожертвований, а местные мастера кунг-фу очень недовольны тем, что Брюс Ли обучает белых и занимается популяризацией этого боевого искусства. В это время один из его учеников, морпех США, пытается доказать начальству важность введения кунг-фу в программу армейской подготовки.
Китайская история призраков
Art Direction
Странствующий ученый Лин забредает на ночь глядя в волшебный лес, где встречает девушку-привидение по имени Сиан. Мимолетная встреча становится началом бурного романа, но у Сиан есть злобная наставница, которая не одобряет романов между людьми и призраками. Даже защитник Лина, отважный меченосец-таоист, с которым юноша познакомился по дороге, хоть и сочувствует влюбленным, также считает, что их любовь обречена..
Art Direction
In Hong Kong, the special force of the police known as 2002 is composed of the twenty-two year-old cop Chiu and his ghost partner and they fight against supernatural phenomena under the guidance of the mystic Paper Chan. When his partner reincarnates, the rookie policeman Fung applies for the position; but Paper Chan explains Chiu that the team is to be formed by a man and a spirit, and Chiu has a death star on his hand that dooms his friends to die. Meanwhile, Chiu falls in love for Nurse Danielle, but he avoids her to protect her life against the fate of the death star. When the fiend Water Ghost possesses Fung seeking revenge against Chiu, he has to battle against the evil spirit trying to protect also his friend.
Interactive Murders
Pop star Anna has been kidnapped. Kidnapper Jash uploads the video clip of Anna being tortured onto the internet, which instantly becomes the talk of Hong Kong. A week later, Jash contacts the police, asking not for a ransom but for retired police inspector Mo to be his police contact. Inspector Mo eventually discovers through a tabloid magazine that a self-proclaimed psychic named Shana had phoned a radio program on the day of the kidnapping to warn of the incident.
Dragon the Master
Lighting Director
Shelly Wong creates a high concept video game that has big market potential, A Triad boss get s wind of it and hires a posse of ninjas to steal it.
The Soong Sisters
Assistant Art Director
The Soong family was a political dynasty in China that reached the highest levels of power. This film follows the lives of the three Soong daughters, who were educated in America and returned to China. Ai-ling married a wealthy and powerful businessman. Ching-ling married Sun Yat-sen, the revolutionary founder of modern China. Mei-ling married Chiang Kai-shek, China's leader during World War II. The sisters captured the world's fascination for their brilliant marriages and their strong influence on their nation.
City Warriors
Lighting Technician
A soldier from Mainland China arrives at Hong Kong to look for his estranged sister and finds out that she has been forced into prostitution by a criminal organization.